Welcome / open talk

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Chit Chat Thread For The Week Of July 22, 2024964 days 18 hours ago
by GlobeTurtle
5 hours 8 min ago
by Plornch
Keeping The Windmill Alive – July 2024783 weeks 4 days ago
by GlobeTurtle
1 day 9 hours ago
by beagle.fan
Before Posting Questions08 years 25 weeks ago
by poi factory
Keeping the Windmill Alive - Where was your last trip with your GPS?352616 years 50 weeks ago
by CherylMASS
12 years 47 weeks ago
by canadianation
How many active 3 yrs or more166412 years 39 weeks ago
by charlesd45
2 weeks 3 days ago
by JD4x4
Windows 1012769 years 9 weeks ago
by LMChu
4 years 42 weeks ago
by ruggb
Are Red Light Cameras All That Bad?58215 years 18 weeks ago
by DrewDT
7 years 47 weeks ago
by bsp131
How did you find the POI factory?48516 years 5 weeks ago
by pcatch135
8 years 23 weeks ago
by diesel
Airplane use43417 years 16 weeks ago
by asianfire
12 years 36 weeks ago
by ganador11
Disastrous GPS Jamming36613 years 25 weeks ago
by Box Car
9 years 18 weeks ago
by rkf
Garmin Lock?36516 years 26 weeks ago
by rapriebe
13 years 34 weeks ago
by kurkevan
Do You Use You GPS Routinely In The Car Or Only When Needed?36011 years 42 weeks ago
by Jim1348
5 years 22 weeks ago
by mr55
Is anyone subscribed to EZ-Pass in a different state than the one they live in?35513 years 2 weeks ago
by pquesinb
16 weeks 5 days ago
by johnnatash4
Post your GPS names34717 years 27 weeks ago
by christinme7890
8 years 5 weeks ago
by RedRevrnd
Fastest Max Speed33417 years 15 weeks ago
by mjshaw11
10 years 30 weeks ago
by jonwrong
what do you do for a living?33215 years 27 weeks ago
by nvrlate22
7 years 18 weeks ago
by JanJ
Which do I trust? (speedometer or GPS)30716 years 41 weeks ago
by JSFJr
12 years 1 week ago
by scott_dog
Batch POI download utility available27814 years 29 weeks ago
by schumans
6 years 25 weeks ago
by Gastx
Gas prices25816 years 2 weeks ago
by nicpfeif12
9 years 38 weeks ago
by -et-
Next big POI project25717 years 13 weeks ago
by P38nut
11 years 7 weeks ago
by triliby
Extra POI Editor (EPE) Problems/Issues/Comments2508 years 34 weeks ago
by bobkz
1 year 2 weeks ago
by mgarledge
Poll - How many still use paper maps?24116 years 19 weeks ago
by asianfire
15 years 18 hours ago
by a_user
COVID-19 Vaccine2403 years 21 weeks ago
by panama
3 years 10 weeks ago
by GlobeTurtle
Roundabout opinion23612 years 37 weeks ago
by roywadams
8 years 24 weeks ago
by fkent484
TSA Sexual Assault23013 years 36 weeks ago
by chewbacca
13 years 31 weeks ago
by HawaiianFlyer
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