Garmin Map Update 2017.10 is out


My Garmin Express has a map update for 2017.10. What is Garmin doing?

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Bold man!

CraigW wrote:

mblanc01, could you please edit your post to revise the Subject to Garmin Map Update 2017.10 is out?

That will help folks know that this is NOT the "When will 2017.10 be available?" thread that usually goes for ten pages before the map actually is made available.

Wow, what a surprise to see a new map without a multipage "when" thread.

I'll try an update or two this morning and report back if any issues arise. I'll use Garmin Express.

Using Garmin Express --- bold - really hope the program is on the upswing!

Garmin Drive Smart 61 NA LMT-S

Garmin Express is proven ...

Garmin Gal wrote:
CraigW wrote:

mblanc01, could you please edit your post to revise the Subject to Garmin Map Update 2017.10 is out?

That will help folks know that this is NOT the "When will 2017.10 be available?" thread that usually goes for ten pages before the map actually is made available.

Wow, what a surprise to see a new map without a multipage "when" thread.

I'll try an update or two this morning and report back if any issues arise. I'll use Garmin Express.

Using Garmin Express --- bold - really hope the program is on the upswing!

I don't understand why so many people think GE is a problem.

Most comments here prove GE works well. Problems with poorly maintained PC's or the crippled/tortured setup of some windows/IOS installations is not GE's problem.

Of course favorable comments do not last for pages ad nauseam ....... only to discovery a silly error ....... usually caused by a user.

I, like most others, have used GE successfully for the better part of 2 years.

I feel sorry for new users who are misled by too many unwarranted comments.

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)

I have used GE...

...since it came out and I have never had a problem with it. I use it to install maps on both of my devices and on three of my kids devices. I have never had any of them freeze up or refuse to download the maps. In my opinion, it's a great program.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Me too ...

... very happy with GE.

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

Maybe I will try it again

I tried GE the first week it was out. I had problems with it but can't remember what. Since MapUpdater posted an error that wasn't an error maybe I should give GE another chance. Maybe.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)


mgarledge wrote:

I tried GE the first week it was out. I had problems with it but can't remember what. Since MapUpdater posted an error that wasn't an error maybe I should give GE another chance. Maybe.

Like you, I tried GE when it first came out and my results were bad enough that I avoided it at all costs since WebUpdater and GarminMapUpdater continued to work well for me. But starting maybe a year ago, I gave the newest GE another chance. It is now a seasoned functional program. Give it a try with the next map update. If you want, be sure to disable the always running in background, autoconnect to GPS devices, auto monitor for GE updates, etc. in GE's Settings.

I do keep the older updater programs on my PC but haven't used them since I started using GE.


pb46 wrote:

I don't understand why so many people think GE is a problem.

Here is one reason - Garmin has a history of issuing software that really doesn't work all that well (Lifetime Map Update Program as an example) so why stop using a tried and true program like MapUpdater to use something new like Garmin Express which has a ton of reported problems.

Lets face it, Ge has had it's share of problems since it's first release and although I admit most, if not all, of the issues have been resolved, once you've had problems you are very reluctant to go back an try it again when something proven still exists.

I know that's exactly why I really never tried GE after I originally had issues with it until this last update. What I found was that GE now works pretty darn well although I have to admit I used it only because MapUpdater initially didn't work when 2017.10 was first released. The result is that I will probably use GE for all future updates it took problems with my tried and true update method for me not to think that "GE is a problem".

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

OK, after your two post

Ok after your two above post the maybe is changing to I will try again.

EDIT: I did it. But it wants to install stuff. Do I let it do it's thing or chose what I want? What is best for my Nuvi?

This is what it wants to install

Traffic Text, All Languages
Localization Data, XML file 03 (region file only)
Firmware Update for GTMxx Traffic Receiver Type 3

I don't have a traffic cord so I have never used traffic. Do I need to update these anyway?

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

Time for a trip to the library

so I can download the latest map update.

><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598

Up to you

mgarledge wrote:

Ok after your two above post the maybe is changing to I will try again.

EDIT: I did it. But it wants to install stuff. Do I let it do it's thing or chose what I want? What is best for my Nuvi?

This is what it wants to install

Traffic Text, All Languages
Localization Data, XML file 03 (region file only)
Firmware Update for GTMxx Traffic Receiver Type 3

I don't have a traffic cord so I have never used traffic. Do I need to update these anyway?

You can individually install stuff so if you don't need/want the traffic receiver update don't choose it. Having said that it won't do any harm if you do, at least it will stop the nagging!

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

That's right

That's right, just click on VIEW DETAILS and it will allow you to install software updates individually. None of what is being offered will do any harm, just keeping your Nuvi up to date. smile

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Thank you both

I will let it do it's thing.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)


getting this update right away, just saw it and installing.

___________________ Garmin 2455, 855, Oregon 550t


Thanks for the alert.

I'll D/L it in the next day or so.

Going to do the update this weekend

thanks for the notification


Just updated nuvi 760, took under two hours.

Steve - 2 Nuvi 3597

Off by almost a year?

I wish Garmin's updates had some semblance to the actual release dates. It's almost like Mad Magazine, when they used to publish the June issue in February. At least in Mad's case, it was intentional humor...

Garmin update

thanks for the info


EV Driver wrote:

I wish Garmin's updates had some semblance to the actual release dates. It's almost like Mad Magazine, when they used to publish the June issue in February. At least in Mad's case, it was intentional humor...

Well, Garmin isn't the only company in 2017 already. Chrysler, Honda, and Ford already have 2017 models available or about to be available at your local dealer (Pacifica, Ridgeline, Raptor).

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

ok...its that time of the

ok...its that time of the year again

Wow, 2017.10, who would've

Wow, 2017.10, who would've thought. Time to get all my GPSes upgraded.

Map update

Just downloaded using map updater. No issues at all


I will try map updater as I

I will try map updater as I have no interest in GE. I used it once, years ago, and afterwards immediately uninstalled it and have never looked back. Thanks for the notification that a new map is available.

Wow! A year ahead.

Wow! A year ahead.

Garmin DriveLuxe 51 LTM-S

time flies

time flies

nuvi 2597LMT

GE has come a long way in a couple years.

sunsetrunner wrote:

I will try map updater as I have no interest in GE. I used it once, years ago, and afterwards immediately uninstalled it and have never looked back. Thanks for the notification that a new map is available.

Nuvi 2460LMT.


I've now used Express for years and it works fine for most. Where it can struggle is if users have messed about with map file names and locations, but MapUpdater was the same.

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20


I was wondering when the new map would be out. Downloading now using GE.

Just did the update....

on two units. Started by updating Garmin Express to version GE updates were quick and installed with no problems.

The first unit updated was a 2455LMT. Was a little nervous because the Estimated Time Remaining bounced all over the place and the download bar did not show any progress after 10 minutes. Then after about 20 minutes the D/L bar moved right along and the install went to "Building maps -- Estimated Time Remaining 50 minutes".

Did all three updates --

Full Coverage of North America 2017.10 Map
Traffic Text, All Languages, GLX, V1
Proximity Alert Text, All Languages, GLX

so complete update actually took about 45 minutes from start to finish. The second unit (2555LMT) only took 25 minutes since the major downloads were already done. Of course had to also do the normal installing downloaded content and restart process on each device after the updates... no problems!

Did the updates using an older laptop running an Intel B960 2.2 GHz processor with 4 GB of system memory.

No chance to test much after updates but no problems noted so far. Both units also took all of our POI updates right after the map updates with no issues. Included the main steps and times for those that have little experience with the update process.

We will get a chance to test the units on a trip next week smile

Is is possible to pause the download

Can I pause the map download with GE? I'd like to download 3 or 4 GB then pause it and resume when my monthly data allowance resets so I don't go over my data limit.

><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598

Should be less

My feeling is that the entire download is less than 3G.


jgermann wrote:

My feeling is that the entire download is less than 3G.

That depends on your nuvi model. On my 3597 it is closer to 6 GB.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

My feeling was flat wrong

alandb wrote:
jgermann wrote:

My feeling is that the entire download is less than 3G.

That depends on your nuvi model. On my 3597 it is closer to 6 GB.

My 765 had a total of 3,849,998,336 or 3.58 GB before last update so I made an assumption about how much had been downloaded.

However, I got my daughter's 2595 which had a total of 5,592,969,216 bytes or 5.20GB before an update. When I started the update, I was told that the download would be 5.25 GB.

stopping part way


I know on the odd occasion when I've had to pull the plug and from other comments that if you do stop part way through the download Express does appear to start from where it left off. But note that once it starts the transfer to your device you should let it continue or you may have problems.

Personally I wouldn't bother. If you really need to split the download over two billing periods start it just before one ends so the download is split over two.

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

8GB for my two devices

I guess I'll just go the the library and use their data.

><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598

Re: Garmin Map Update 2017.10 is out

Thanks for putting out the word! Will start updating tonight. Had been using GE, then reverted to MapUpdater after encountering some GE issues. One thing I liked about GE though, was that it automatically backed up my user data. Maybe I'll give GE another try this time.

Garmin Nuvi 760, Drivesmart 55; Retired Nuvi 765T ><> Dave <>< "He is no fool, who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot


How do you update your maps on a Garmin NUVI 2979LM with Windows 7 operating system. It keeps rejecting it? I am getting on the road tomorrow and need a update of maps.


Other post

I've replied to your other post. Note it's generally not a good idea to ask questions twice as it can fragment the replies you get, hopefully folks will ignore this one and respond in the thread you opened smile

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20


kttrophy wrote:

How do you update your maps on a Garmin NUVI 2979LM with Windows 7 operating system. It keeps rejecting it? I am getting on the road tomorrow and need a update of maps.


If does not help, then

Give us more information about the word "rejected"

Fit On 3490?

DorkusNimrod wrote:
alandb wrote:

I recall that we have discussed this before Rick. What I don't remember is what is gained by using the larger file ... better resolution? more coverage?

The larger DEM that Rick speaks of was included only the 3790 if I recall correctly...not sure about any other units. The larger DEM file gives better depth & resolution (the detail looks much more pronounced) on the 3790. The coverage is the same. I did try it on my 3490 (the successor to the 3790) which comes with the smaller DEM but I don't recall seeing much (if any) difference on that particular unit other than taking up ~2x the storage space. It could be that other units besides the 3790 (& other unknown (to me) units that may have included the larger DEM) are not coded to take advantage of the larger file.

I appear to be late to the game with this update as my 3490 still has 2016.20. Will this update fit on the 3490 w/o microSD cards?

Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX


Preroll wrote:

I appear to be late to the game with this update as my 3490 still has 2016.20. Will this update fit on the 3490 w/o microSD cards?

The Memory FAQ states the 3400 series has 7GB of storage so you should have no problem internally installing the map to your nuvi.


CraigW wrote:
Preroll wrote:

I appear to be late to the game with this update as my 3490 still has 2016.20. Will this update fit on the 3490 w/o microSD cards?

The Memory FAQ states the 3400 series has 7GB of storage so you should have no problem internally installing the map to your nuvi.

Thanks for the info! Out of curiosity, do we know how large this update is?

Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX

File sizes.

Preroll wrote:

Thanks for the info! Out of curiosity, do we know how large this update is?

See my post earlier in this thread for file sizes:

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon


alandb wrote:
Preroll wrote:

Thanks for the info! Out of curiosity, do we know how large this update is?

See my post earlier in this thread for file sizes:

Not sure how I missed that.


Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX

CN Europe 2017.10 is out

CN Europe 2017.10 is out. This according to a member over on the GPSReview forum. I have not heard if this version is for both the unicode (NTU) and standard (NT) versions or just unicode.

I decided to post this here rather than start a new thread.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

CN Europe NT

I have two Garmin devices with CN EU NT maps and lifetime map updates.
The latest CN EU NT map is 2016.20 in both devices.
Garmin MapUpdater is not offering any new CN EU NT map updates.
Is the 2016.20 the latest CN EU NT map update available?

Garmin 660, 775, 3790, 3597 and ecoRoute HD.



Just in time for my trip.

Just in time for my trip. Thanks for the info!


What is Garmin doing?

Staying in business? (Just in time for the upcoming graduation, vacation gift cycle) arrow

Not yet

alandb wrote:

CN Europe 2017.10 is out. This according to a member over on the GPSReview forum. I have not heard if this version is for both the unicode (NTU) and standard (NT) versions or just unicode.

I decided to post this here rather than start a new thread.

No sign of the EU NT version yet.

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20
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