2011.3 is out now!


It is showing for download now on mygarmin.com.

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Never received an email on any update..ever

I downloaded the update to my 765t and no problems so far with direction. As far as emails I signed up
several years ago but have not ever received an email notification of an update.

Garmin is only hurting their image.

t923347 wrote:
koot wrote:

Emails should be handled by a different server than the ones used for map updates. Plus, it doesn't take long to send out global emails...whether the number is 1,000 or 1,000,000. Also, if Garmin's servers are being taxed by people downloading the latest map update they need to invest in newer and faster servers. There's really no excuse for not sending out emails to their customers, and no excuse for the slow downloads many people are experiencing on high-speed services.

I understand how e-mail notifications work as I was in the computer support business for many years. My point is that Garmin simply may not notify thousands of people about a map update at the time of its release because it would just put more strain on their servers with all the notified people logging on to get the update.

How long does it take to send out a global email to ~10,000 recipients? Not long! And of course Garmin could always send out the global email one day before the map update is available...explaining in the email that the map update will be available for downloading the next day.

I really do not see why Garmin has such a problem with alerting their customers that are on a notification email list. Nor do I understand why Garmin can't "update" their servers so their customers don't have multiple hour downloads with high-speed services. Garmin is only hurting their image. In the big picture - bigger, better, faster servers is mere pocket change. Shame on Garmin on a number of issues... mad

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

My address finally exists!

My address finally exists! It did not exist in 2011.20. Oddly enough my house has been here 6 years, and the other side of the street(the odd numbers on the street) are open country. An address existed across the street where there are no houses lol So for me 2011.30 have updates in my area.


ToucanSam wrote:
koot wrote:

Emails should be handled by a different server than the ones used for map updates. Plus, it doesn't take long to send out global emails...whether the number is 1,000 or 1,000,000. Also, if Garmin's servers are being taxed by people downloading the latest map update they need to invest in newer and faster servers. There's really no excuse for not sending out emails to their customers, and no excuse for the slow downloads many people are experiencing on high-speed services.

Indeed. Load balancing servers are available all around the Internet for reasonable cost (Alkamei is one that comes to mind).

Bingo! Thank you.

Garmin has absolutely no excuse for not sending out an alert email to their customers on a mailing list. Likewise, Garmin has absolutely no excuse for slow speeds many of their customers are experiencing when downloading the map update.

It kind of sounds like Garmin needs some updates themselves on a number of issues!!!

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

Damn, it took 6 years!!!

J_E_F_F wrote:

My address finally exists! It did not exist in 2011.20. Oddly enough my house has been here 6 years, and the other side of the street(the odd numbers on the street) are open country. An address existed across the street where there are no houses lol So for me 2011.30 have updates in my area.

Damn, it took 6 years!!! I would have lost a bet - because I would have guessed it would have taken 3-4 years. 6 years! Wow...great customer service! rolleyes

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

I wonder

koot wrote:
J_E_F_F wrote:

My address finally exists! It did not exist in 2011.20. Oddly enough my house has been here 6 years, and the other side of the street(the odd numbers on the street) are open country. An address existed across the street where there are no houses lol So for me 2011.30 have updates in my area.

Damn, it took 6 years!!! I would have lost a bet - because I would have guessed it would have taken 3-4 years. 6 years! Wow...great customer service! rolleyes

I've bin living here for 20+ years and my address still doesn't exist. Do I get lucky this time around?
Wasn't gonna update, this time around. Might change my mind after I read this. neutral

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

Check the map [first] to see if you [really] exist.

Speed2 wrote:
koot wrote:
J_E_F_F wrote:

My address finally exists! It did not exist in 2011.20. Oddly enough my house has been here 6 years, and the other side of the street(the odd numbers on the street) are open country. An address existed across the street where there are no houses lol So for me 2011.30 have updates in my area.

Damn, it took 6 years!!! I would have lost a bet - because I would have guessed it would have taken 3-4 years. 6 years! Wow...great customer service! rolleyes

I've bin living here for 20+ years and my address still doesn't exist. Do I get lucky this time around?
Wasn't gonna update, this time around. Might change my mind after I read this. neutral

You may want to check the map [first] to see if you [really] exist.

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

Did you get this fixed?

mjmurphy25 wrote:

I just installed the update on my 755T. Now the unit shuts off after 5 seconds. Any ideas?


I had a similar problem after a map update.... The unit would shut off after I entered a destination. I had a voice file that was corrupted, had to delete it and download it again. You might want to try another voice.


Update Map

Finished update, now I need to drive some familiar routes and see if there is any changes keeping the windmill alive.

Just finished my update.

Just finished my update.

my Apologies

JanJ wrote:


Did you not see my post where I tried 8 different speedtests with Speakeasy, and the tests ranged from 21Mb/sec to 16Mb/sec, running concurrently with the Garmin Download, on the same computer?

Their servers were woefully overloaded.... I got brief bursts of >1Mb/sec data, but usually in the 10-20kb range....

No I hadn't seen your earlier post (this thread is now 5 pages).
I guess Garmin has its moments too and you were "lucky" enough to hit one. Very frustrating when it happens but given the number of units out there it is understandable.

Better luck next update.

John Nuvi 750 765T Winnipeg, MB

2 hours - no problems

Just short of a 2 hour process. No issues with the download or install. I only pay for "up to" 6 Mb/s and usually get around 5.5 or so. Just shy of 2 hours isn't bad.

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

Just update my lifetime

Just update my lifetime garmin map update 755T

if any one interested in map file size

gmapprom IMG File 2011.20 = 1,211,552KB

gmapprom IMG File 2011.30 = 1,237,024KB

.NET 4 needed ?????

Sheesh - now I need to reboot this Company PC, and I guess this means we'll never see a Linux version after all ? I think I'm gonna cry...

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)

im just curious i have the

im just curious

i have the Nuvi 755T.. and when i look at my map info it has 2 items.. oneis the city navigator.. and the other is the 3D maps..

does the update update both of these?

DriveSmart 50, DriveSmart 60, nuvi 2595, nuvi 3760,

It's Like Buying A Pig In A Poke

koot wrote:
dalger3 wrote:

I will have to update my gps later this weekend and see if there are any changes in my area.

As Gary A suggested - You can view the 2011.30 map here:

The problem is - looking at the above (linked) map you really can't tell if corrections/changes are made.

I would still like to be able to determine what is in the map update before buying it...otherwise it's like buying a pig-in-a-poke.

I went to the above mentioned link and it says map source error map dimensions not specified.


nansoutey wrote:

im just curious

i have the Nuvi 755T.. and when i look at my map info it has 2 items.. oneis the city navigator.. and the other is the 3D maps..

does the update update both of these?


Nuvi 2460LMT

Thanks for the update notice

Thanks for the update notice a I was out of town and out of the loop for just too long.

will the poi lost

will the poi lost

Why does this not surprise me!

mdh31951 wrote:
koot wrote:
dalger3 wrote:

I will have to update my gps later this weekend and see if there are any changes in my area.

As Gary A suggested - You can view the 2011.30 map here:

The problem is - looking at the above (linked) map you really can't tell if corrections/changes are made.

I would still like to be able to determine what is in the map update before buying it...otherwise it's like buying a pig-in-a-poke.

I went to the above mentioned link and it says map source error map dimensions not specified.

I guess Garmin [now] has a problem with their web map. Why does this not surprise me!

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

Try here

mdh31951 wrote:
koot wrote:
dalger3 wrote:

I will have to update my gps later this weekend and see if there are any changes in my area.

As Gary A suggested - You can view the 2011.30 map here:

The problem is - looking at the above (linked) map you really can't tell if corrections/changes are made.

I would still like to be able to determine what is in the map update before buying it...otherwise it's like buying a pig-in-a-poke.

I went to the above mentioned link and it says map source error map dimensions not specified.

Try here now:

URL Truncated

It looks like my original URL got truncated when it was quoted. CraigW has the original URL posted correctly. wink

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

how many people do you think downloaded the 2011.30 map update?

So...how many people do you think have downloaded the 2011.30 Garmin map update?

A: <1,000
B: 1,001 - 5,000
C: 5,001 - 10,000
D: 10,001 - 20,000
E: 20,000+

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

Hard to say

koot wrote:

So...how many people do you think have downloaded the 2011.30 Garmin map update?

A: <1,000
B: 1,001 - 5,000
C: 5,001 - 10,000
D: 10,001 - 20,000
E: 20,000+

It's hard to know. Since Garmin doesn't send out notices regarding the map updates its fair to assume that quite a large number of people who purchased their unit with lifetime maps included aren't aware that a new map is available for download.

Users of POI Factory and other GPS-related sites likely represent a fairly small percentage of GPS owners.

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

1690 - all is well

All is well with my 1690 - I saw the update posted here and also say that the nuLink service put out an update message to my unit. The emails may not work (I am a victim too) but at least the update notices show up through the subscription service.

JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic


There is a good deal going on at Costco for 1490LMT.

Woo Hoo

Thanks for the tip, going to download as soon as the boss goes to lunch!


For some reason, it would not update the Junction View file. Had to do it manually. Weird.

Michael (Nuvi 2639LMT)

How's it done?

Cyberian75 wrote:

For some reason, it would not update the Junction View file. Had to do it manually. Weird.

How does one manually update Junction View? I don't need to since my 855 updated it with the map and my 750 has no JV, but wonder for the future.


I had to manually find it in the temporary folder while I was downloading the map – three times with lifetime update.

My unit is acting weird these days. The one at Costco is looking good for Christmas. smile

Michael (Nuvi 2639LMT)


I find I rarely get an email about updates. If I do they're several months behind the release date.

Never have gotten a

Never have gotten a mail.Called Garmin several times about it.They say the problem on their end.They put me in the system but to date never received email.But to be honest the site gives me the fastest notice.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

2011.3 is out now!

whats the difference between 2011.2 and 2011.3 ?


I would like to know [too] before spending my money.

alofficial wrote:

whats the difference between 2011.2 and 2011.3 ?

With regards to the updated map information (streets, roads, highways, Interstate) I would like to know [too] "before" spending my money.

Personally, I do not like spending money on something when I don't know what I'm purchasing beforehand. (Kind of reminds me of Speaker-of-the-House Nancy Pelosi explaining that everyone would learn what is actually in the ObamaCare bill [only] "after" it was passed!)

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

Sounds like Garmin needs to get their act together! Grade: F

skydivemo wrote:

I find I rarely get an email about updates. If I do they're several months behind the release date.

charlesd45 wrote:

Never have gotten a mail.Called Garmin several times about it.They say the problem on their end.They put me in the system but to date never received email.But to be honest the site gives me the fastest notice.

Sounds to me like Garmin needs to get their act together! Email alerts to customers is important. Doing it is mere child's play. Grade: F (Flunk)

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

What's New?

koot wrote:
alofficial wrote:

whats the difference between 2011.2 and 2011.3 ?

With regards to the updated map information (streets, roads, highways, Interstate) I would like to know [too] "before" spending my money.

Personally, I do not like spending money on something when I don't know what I'm purchasing beforehand. (Kind of reminds me of Speaker-of-the-House Nancy Pelosi explaining that everyone would learn what is actually in the ObamaCare bill [only] "after" it was passed!)

As was posted earlier in this topic:

Gary A wrote:
koot wrote:
wellcum wrote:

wondering how many new stuff in there

Wouldn't it be nice to know what was new/changed in the map update before purchasing it?

The idea of a list of changes has been discussed here many times over the years. Garmin doesn't publish such a list. Simply put, it would be huge and difficult to compile into that kind of a format.

The best you can do is to look at the latest map, zoom in and scroll around for yourself looking for changes. You can view the 2011.30 map here:

arrow http://www8.garmin.com/cgi-bin/mapgen/webmap.cgi?p=149618689&u=1&v=0&cp=4DCC585AE34589A8&z=1&x=240&y=180&w=480&h=360&d=0&rz=0&k=1&sc=1

I'll try that link again:


Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold


alofficial wrote:

whats the difference between 2011.2 and 2011.3 ?

About 3 months of updates

Which is far from being up-to-date!

J_E_F_F wrote:
alofficial wrote:

whats the difference between 2011.2 and 2011.3 ?

About 3 months of updates

Which is far from being up-to-date!

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

good thing

Good thing we all belong to this wonderful site we know about updates even before Garmin does LOL

Me too

Me too!


Will begin downloading shortly - thanks for posting!

Garmin Nuvi 760, Drivesmart 55; Retired Nuvi 765T ><> Dave <>< "He is no fool, who gives up what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

I've used the 660 for a few

I've used the 660 for a few days.... since the update.

Have had one freeze-up (See other post)

Noticed that Recalculate audio prompt is now before the revised route map draw, instead of the reverse on prior map versions... This can cause a situation where the Garmin seems to be stuck in a "Recalculate Loop".

There have been a couple times where Recalculate audio and new route draw didn't keep up with car (car went past new route before it drew the revised route on the screen, and the car is already past that location, so it 'recalculates' again and again--That's the drawback with the new procedure), and therefore you hear multiple "Recalulate" (or Whaever you have programmed in that phrase).... in a row.... until the Garmin route catches up with your car!

Whereas this could happen in the older maps, it seems to happen easier and more often with 2011.3 maps...

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

I have moderated this

I have moderated this thread, please keep it friendly.

Miss POI


Still it has multiple errors in my city. I guess it can't be perfect. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. It is truly a time to give thanks.

Dwayne, Nuvi 1690

I haven't received an update email from Garmin either

It's unfortunate as some may miss out on the update.


Me too

I never got any e-mail either. Tip of the hat to the OP for making us aware of this release. Didn't take that long to download, but it took a month of Sundays to install.

I guess I can live with not getting an email

After all, we've got POI Factory, and this thread, to keep abreast of things.

Abreast - what a nice word to use during a Turkey week smile


Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)


New Maps for the busiest travel day of the year smile


nrbovee wrote:

I never got any e-mail either. Tip of the hat to the OP for making us aware of this release. Didn't take that long to download, but it took a month of Sundays to install.

Depending on the model Nuvi you have, it may be an older (slower) USB 1.1 interface. That's what my 660 has. The download over my fast internet connection was much quicker than the amount of time it took to upload the new map file from the PC to the 660.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

Is the usual time every

Is the usual time every quarter? I just bought 2011.1 a few months back. Do I have to pay for every single update? I didn't take the lifetime maps. I thought there was some sort of grace period between upgrades if a new one comes out right after a purchase or something. I can't quite remember.

Garmin: GPSIII / StreetPilot / StreetPilot Color Map / StreetPilot III / StreetPilot 2610 / GPSMAP 60CSx / Nuvi 770 / Nuvi 765T / Nuvi 3490LMT / Drivesmart 55 / GPSMAP 66st * Pioneer: AVIC-80 / N3 / X950BH / W8600NEX
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