2011.3 is out now!


It is showing for download now on mygarmin.com.

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Kind of makes you wonder

stevennguyen wrote:

I never received any email from Garmin regarding the map update. Never ever. I signed up with few different email and never received one.

Neither have I...nor [apparently] many others! Now we know Garmin's map update alert isn't hitting on much. Kind of makes you wonder if the map update is anywhere even remotely close to being up-to-date!!!

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

Give it another 2-3 years! Maybe longer!!!

donbadabon wrote:

Still missing a street near me, was hoping they would add it.
Looks like they are still 2 years behind in my area.

Give it another 2-3 years! Maybe longer!!! In the meantime - don't waste your money on map updates...unless one of your hobbies is updating your GPS!

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...


let us know how it is


I'm guessing Download is at

I'm guessing Download is at 30%....
Time remaining varies greatly...

I've seen as little as 4 hours..... and as much as the equivalent of 2 weeks....

I did a bandwidth test on this same computer, and download peaks at 21 Mb/sec..... so I believe I know where the slowdown is occurring....

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!


Mattb wrote:

It is showing for download now on mygarmin.com.

I downloaded the newest map but now I am getting a lag in recalculating.

We went shopping for a

We went shopping for a couple hours...
Looks to be about 80% complete with download portion....

Still says I have 7 more hours left to download...
No, it updated... 8 more hours....

They servers must be woefully overloaded....

No, just updated... 9-- NO 10 hours remaining...

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

I'm averaging

I'm averaging 56kbps.....
Est Time remaining 555 hours....

I can run a Speakeasy Speedtest to Chicago 21Mb/sec
San Francisco gives me 16Mb/sec download...

Garmin's servers suck!

If there software spent as much time downloading as it took re-calculating the Estimated time remaining, and placing ads in front of you....

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

I'm seeing a pattern.... It

I'm seeing a pattern.... It slows down till about 600 hours till completion then it sends some data.... getting Time Remaining down under 5 hours, then it ramps back up again....

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!


Guess I was living in the past for a while...
My 265WT still had the 2009 maps until I downloaded/installed 2010.3 yesterday. It took forever to install.

Just today I learned about the latest 2011 update...


If you put your mouse over

If you put your mouse over the download area, you'll display the % Done, and Data Rate....

I'm 86% done at 5.7 Kb/s

Then it changed to 3.6 Kb/sec !!!!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!


Overloaded servers are a pain, only took about a half hour for me on day one.

For those who do not need the update ASAP it might make sense to wait a few days before updating...

I just called Garmin....

I just called Garmin.... They say there is no reports of problems.... I wish I could attach a picture here.... I'm staring at a file 86% downloaded with a 11.8Kb/s rate

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

i let mine

JanJ wrote:

I just called Garmin.... They say there is no reports of problems.... I wish I could attach a picture here.... I'm staring at a file 86% downloaded with a 11.8Kb/s rate

I let mine run overnight. I've a slow connection - DSL speeds and running overnight worked just fine. I started it, went to bed and woke up to a completed message.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

A spurt of activity, and I

A spurt of activity, and I see it's 99% Done!!!

Then ----- "Program has encountered an error, and must shut down"

OH Crap!

Waited 5 min, and tried to restart program.... "Program is already running"
So restarted computer....
Ran program again....put in download key again....
and it must have loaded what was downloaded there before (Must have, you could see the download green bar move on the screen!)

It built the file.....

Now it's downloading it....

I can't wait to see what will happen next!!!!

I started at 8:30AM this morning.... It finished at 3:30PM this afternoon... It booted and drew a map..
Will try it later this afternoon.... WHEW -- That was Painful!!!

Further Edit... Seems operational... The Recalculating change seems that voice is ahead of route re-draw, and it was reversed before...

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

I am a bit confused by this.

t923347 wrote:
mdh31951 wrote:

just wondering though is your previous maps deleted so the new version can be loaded.i

Depends on where you are loading the new maps. If it's to your Nuvi then the answer is YES the update deletes the old maps and replaces them with the new ones.

If you've also loaded the new maps to your computer to use with Mapsource then the answer is NO. The new maps are installed on your PC and both the new and old versions will appear in the map listing in Mapsource (of BaseCamp).

I have Mapsource, too.

So, to save space on my 2GB memory on my 1490, I understand I can send some of the map upgrade to my sd card. Do I do this while selecting areas to upgrade?

Or, do I do this after the upgrade, using Mapsource?

I don't quite get this. I don't see how Mapsource can MOVE files to the sd card. I do see how it would COPY files to the sd card. But that would not save any space on the 2 GB main memory.

Can someone "expand" on this a bit, so I get it? This is not for this upgrade, by the way: I still have 110 MB space left on "L", the Garmin nuvi drive, after ugrading to 2011.3. But eventually I may get short of space and would like some options. I already moved vehicles and most unused voices.

Ted in Ohio, c340, 1490T with lifetime maps

Maps on SD Card

This is from Garmin Search Support.

To install additional map regions to a blank microSD/SD card after the map update:

Windows XP and Vista

Insert the SD card into your nuvi
Connect the nuvi to your PC
Click Start
Go to All Programs
Go to Garmin
Click MapInstall
Click Next
Click Find Device
Click on the Drop Down Arrow
Select the Removable Disk
Click Next
Highlight the maps you do not yet have on the nuvi
Click Next
Click Finish
Follow the onscreen instructions.
The maps will now be sent to the microSD/SD card.


Insert the SD card into your nuvi
Connect the nuvi to your Mac
Open Finder
Click Applications
Double-click Garmin MapInstall
Click Continue
Click Find Device
Click on the Drop Down Arrow
Select the blank microSD/SD card
Click Continue
Highlight the maps you do not yet have on the nuvi
Click Send Maps
Follow the onscreen instructions.
The maps will now be sent to the microSD/SD card.

Last modified on: 03/26/2010

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Maybe that is clear

OK, does that mean I should only install the next update to my pc/mapquest, NOT the nuvi, and then send maps to either the nuvi or the sd card using the procedures above?

Or, another alternative, when the next update is available, install v 2011.3 for Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands to an sd card, and then install 2011.4, for US, on the nuvi itself, thus updating the maps I am most likely to use, saving space on the nuvi, and putting the least or never used maps (for me) on the sd card. Is that it?

Ted in Ohio, c340, 1490T with lifetime maps

Long Download

Another long download and install. At least this time it was worth it, I can see changes in my area. surprised

Nuvi2797LMT (2) Nuvi260,Ford Sync3 Navigation. Captain Cook was a Yorkshire man too.

SD card

tkessel wrote:

OK, does that mean I should only install the next update to my pc/mapquest, NOT the nuvi, and then send maps to either the nuvi or the sd card using the procedures above?

Or, another alternative, when the next update is available, install v 2011.3 for Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands to an sd card, and then install 2011.4, for US, on the nuvi itself, thus updating the maps I am most likely to use, saving space on the nuvi, and putting the least or never used maps (for me) on the sd card. Is that it?

On the first page of this post Craig W pointed out when you start the download if you use the option tab you have several selections.One being full or reduction in map selection.Also as you stated you can download to the computer and using Map install do the same thing.You list a 1490 and a C340 on your profile.C340 will most likely need to put some parts of the map on a SD card.The 1490 should go a few more updates if you delete some files off your unit as outline by Garmin Support search.

This is a little long but this is from Garmin Support Search.Will put on FAQ for future use.

To free up more space on your nuvi 200, 205, 300, 465, 500, 5000, 600,700, 705, 800, 805 series, StreetPilot C500 series, and zumo 220, 450, 550, 660, 665 series you must remove unnecessary files, please follow the steps below:

1.Connect the nuvi, StreetPilot, or zumo the computer with a USB cable.
2.Find your My Computer icon and double click on it or you may find it in you Start menu and click on it.*
3.Double click on the Garmin drive listed under devices with removable storage
4.Double click on the Garmin folder
5.Double click on the Voice folder
6.Delete any unused voice language (be sure to keep your preferred language).
7.Return to the Garmin folder
8.Repeat steps 5-7 with Text and Help folders
After the files are deleted please empty the recycle bin or trash. Once completed please run the map update again.

*Mac users can skip this step

To free up more space on your nuvi 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1690, 1695, and 3700 you must remove unnecessary files, please follow the steps below:

1.Connect the nuvi, StreetPilot, or zumo the computer with a USB cable.
2.Find your My Computer icon and double click on it or you may find it in you Start menu and click on it.*
3.Right click on the nuvi or Garmin drive listed under devices with removable storage.
4.Click on Explore.
Show hidden files. Please follow the link for steps on how to show hidden files: http's://buy.garmin.com/support/productSupport/kanaCase.faces?case=28f8d160-10e3-11df-d31c-000000000000
5.Double click on the Garmin folder
6.Double click on the Voice folder
7.Delete any unused voice language (be sure to keep your preferred language).
8.Return to the Garmin folder
9.Repeat steps 5-7 with Text and Help folders
10.After the files are deleted please empty the recycle bin or trash. Once completed please run the map update again.

*Mac users can skip this step

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Good advice

dmcfz30.flylow wrote:

For those who do not need the update ASAP it might make sense to wait a few days before updating...

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

Did Not Receive Email from Garmin

I didn't receive a notification email from Garmin either, and I have a lifetime subscription for new maps.

My two cents on the new maps

I’ve been using the new maps without a hic-up for the pass few days on my 755t and still have 1.69GB free. Woohoo!

nüvi 3590LMT "always backup your files"

charlesd45, I have Nuvi

charlesd45, I have Nuvi 1490LMT. Disk space is an issue. I downloaed maps and installed them on my PC. Now I can install maps by using mapinstall program.
Now my question is, Can I install maps twice my unit.
for example, one install for canada maps in Nuvi. and then second install on SD card for US.
If this method works, then I can spare lots of space on Garmin hard disk.

Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597

2011.3 is out now!


Get a new ISP

JanJ wrote:


Oh Goody!!! Only 13 hours more to download!!!

Sounds like you are getting minimal service from your ISP. I'm on our local cable co. line and the download here was 40 mins.

Pretty hard to blame Garmin if you are working off a 720 kb line. or some such.

John Nuvi 750 765T Winnipeg, MB

Should work.

rookie8155 wrote:

charlesd45, I have Nuvi 1490LMT. Disk space is an issue. I downloaed maps and installed them on my PC. Now I can install maps by using mapinstall program.
Now my question is, Can I install maps twice my unit.
for example, one install for canada maps in Nuvi. and then second install on SD card for US.
If this method works, then I can spare lots of space on Garmin hard disk.

Can't think of any reason that it wouldn't work.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


Hooking up my GPS and checking it out.


Darn, won't load with FF4 beta7

I guess the Add-ons aren't working right just yet. Let's revert to the company PC, and use IE for once.

Let's see, what kind of icon does that one have ?

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)

charlesd45, thanks for your

charlesd45, thanks for your feedback. I will try it out.

Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597


Thank you!

Nuvi 660. Nuvi 40 Check out. www.houserentalsorlando.com Irish Saying. A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.

Did you not see my post


Did you not see my post where I tried 8 different speedtests with Speakeasy, and the tests ranged from 21Mb/sec to 16Mb/sec, running concurrently with the Garmin Download, on the same computer?

Their servers were woefully overloaded.... I got brief bursts of >1Mb/sec data, but usually in the 10-20kb range....

JanJ wrote:


Oh Goody!!! Only 13 hours more to download!!!

jqua responded:
Sounds like you are getting minimal service from your ISP. I'm on our local cable co. line and the download here was 40 mins.

Pretty hard to blame Garmin if you are working off a 720 kb line. or some such.

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Rockville Pike / Montrose Parkway

JD4x4 wrote:

In the Suburban MD/DC area it appears the map is about a year or so behind. My pet peeve has been a pretty congested area just northwest of DC (Rockville, MD) where they realigned the intersection roughly a year or more ago. Wasn't updated on 2011.20 but they finally corrected it on 2011.30.

Anyone traveling/shopping & trying to get around in the area and even us locals looking for locations in the alignment area, will finally be able to now! Shame it took so long though. For those familiar with Rockville, it's the intersection of MD355/Randolph Rd/Montrose Rd (now Montrose Pkwy).

Check again - this intersection is still not fully updated on the new version:

1. The ramp from Montrose Pkwy to northbound Rockville Pike is missing
2. The U-shaped ramp from Montrose Pkwy/Montrose Rd to southbound Rockville Pike is missing
3. The old connection from Montrose Rd to Rockville Pike still appears (it is now a parking lot, although the lot has not officially opened yet)
4. The name of "old" Old Georgetown Rd at that intersection is now called Hoya Dr. This change was made to avoid confusion with the much larger Old Georgetown Rd (MD-187) a few blocks south.

The full intersection was completed more recently than (June 2010, I think), although the grade-separation between Rockville Pike and Montrose Parkway was completed a few months earlier.


Got it

New maps are now on my 350 and working so far.


I think I'll get a headstart in posting

Instead of now wondering when the NA 2011.40 maps will be released, why not speculate when 2012.10 will come out? ;o

Garmin Drive 61, nuvi 2597MT, too many really.

no email from Garmin

I signed up for Garmin alerts and have had no emails relating to the new map update. If it wasn't for the POI Factory, I wouldn't have known.

Thanks for the heads-up

Thanks for the heads-up

You'd think Garmin could handle things.

bsp131 wrote:

I signed up for Garmin alerts and have had no emails relating to the new map update. If it wasn't for the POI Factory, I wouldn't have known.

You'd think a multimillion dollar corporation could handle a mailing list, albeit a very large one.

Garmin Drive 61, nuvi 2597MT, too many really.

I'm waiting

ToucanSam wrote:

Instead of now wondering when the NA 2011.40 maps will be released, why not speculate when 2012.10 will come out? ;o

I'll wait for your headsup on that.

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush

Dual updates

Sigh............ My nüvi 760 was recently lost/stolen and I had paid for lifetime updates. Garmin wouldn't transfer the subscription to the replacement unit so I had to get a NEW lifetime update subscription for the replacement unit. They told me not to remove the registration for the previous unit so it couldn't be registered by whomever has the thing now.

Soooooooo.............. I now show a free update for BOTH units - the one I have and the one some other person has (unless they threw it in the trash when they found it was locked with the Garmin PIN). It's somewhat irksome to see the update available that Garmin wouldn't transfer to the replacement nüvi.

I think I'll wait until I get home from work and do the update there rather than at work so I can update Mapsource on my home computer. I guess I "could" maybe do it at work as well and update Mapsource on this laptop as well. Hmmmmmmmmm....... I think I'll still do it at home first in case there's an issue with that plan.

Like others here, I'm signed up for notification by Garmin when there are firmware and map updates. Also like others here, I NEVER get the notifications.

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

Finally completed the new map download

for my nuvi 760. Took hours with very inconsistent download speeds. Seems apparent to me that even as of last night the Garmin servers were experiencing very heavy load.

Nuvi 3597 LMT

You'd think

Handling an email list is very simple. And I can assure you the Garmin email list is nothing compared to many businesses. Kind of makes you wonder why Garmin can't even handle a smallish customer email list doesn't it? What else can't they do correctly? rolleyes Oh yeah, they can't give customers accurate map updates that are reasonably up-to-date...which is the key to their business model.

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

I wonder

thrak wrote:

Like others here, I'm signed up for notification by Garmin when there are firmware and map updates. Also like others here, I NEVER get the notifications.

I wonder if all of you folks that are posting that they didn't get a notification from Garmin are considering that with the current demand on their servers they probably made a decision not to send out notification e-mails until the "early" demand dies down. I know in the past I have got notification weeks after the update was released.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Garmin has NO good excuse

t923347 wrote:
thrak wrote:

Like others here, I'm signed up for notification by Garmin when there are firmware and map updates. Also like others here, I NEVER get the notifications.

I wonder if all of you folks that are posting that they didn't get a notification from Garmin are considering that with the current demand on their servers they probably made a decision not to send out notification e-mails until the "early" demand dies down. I know in the past I have got notification weeks after the update was released.

Emails should be handled by a different server than the ones used for map updates. Plus, it doesn't take long to send out global emails...whether the number is 1,000 or 1,000,000. Also, if Garmin's servers are being taxed by people downloading the latest map update they need to invest in newer and faster servers. There's really no excuse for not sending out emails to their customers, and no excuse for the slow downloads many people are experiencing on high-speed services.

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...


Downloaded, no problem.

I understand

koot wrote:

Emails should be handled by a different server than the ones used for map updates. Plus, it doesn't take long to send out global emails...whether the number is 1,000 or 1,000,000. Also, if Garmin's servers are being taxed by people downloading the latest map update they need to invest in newer and faster servers. There's really no excuse for not sending out emails to their customers, and no excuse for the slow downloads many people are experiencing on high-speed services.

I understand how e-mail notifications work as I was in the computer support business for many years. My point is that Garmin simply may not notify thousands of people about a map update at the time of its release because it would just put more strain on their servers with all the notified people logging on to get the update.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.


It finally has mapped the roads that have existed for quite some time.

It was annoying to drive on new roads while the GPS went beeping mad and left a track where there were no roads in the old mapping.

I'm relieved. Hope the database is updated too.

When you are dead, you don’t know that you are dead. It is only difficult for the others. It is the same when you are stupid.

map updated

I bought lifetime updates and downloaded today. Took less then a hour. So far so good.

Last Night

No idea how long it took because I went to bed after I started it. From the times it initially said it should have been just under 6 hours. It was done when I got up. Couldn't have been easier.

Reference comments about no notification from Garmin. I have "signed up" for notifications with every unit I have had for the last 10-15 years and I have yet to receive an email about an update for anything.

Garmin Etrex Vista, Streetpilot 2610, GPSMap 60Csx, Nüvi 750, Colorado 400t, Nüvi 3790t


No issues i can see on my 350,went smooth about 3hrs total time!

Garmin nuvi 350 Lifetime Map Updates NT 2018.10

I agrree that Garmin has little excuse

koot wrote:

Emails should be handled by a different server than the ones used for map updates. Plus, it doesn't take long to send out global emails...whether the number is 1,000 or 1,000,000. Also, if Garmin's servers are being taxed by people downloading the latest map update they need to invest in newer and faster servers. There's really no excuse for not sending out emails to their customers, and no excuse for the slow downloads many people are experiencing on high-speed services.

Indeed. Load balancing servers are available all around the Internet for reasonable cost (Alkamei is one that comes to mind).

Garmin Drive 61, nuvi 2597MT, too many really.
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