2011.3 is out now!


It is showing for download now on mygarmin.com.

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I also noticed MapSource was updated from version 6.16.2 to 6.16.3.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold


Be sure you and everyone you know lets Navteq know of these issues on the report map error page? Is it updated there?

Nuvi 3790LMT, Nuvi 760 Lifetime map, Lifetime NavTraffic, Garmin E-Trex Legend Just because "Everyone" drives badly does not mean you have to.

Your right

Orangeman1971 wrote:

The other thought I had is maybe Navteq or Garmin intentionally broke out major city names in these provinces in English and French as separate entries, and the names happen to be the same in both languages. I can only guess.

From Garmin:

Question: Why do some Canadian cities appear twice when searching for addresses?

When entering a Canadian address into a unit that has 2011.10 map software or later installed, the city may be listed twice when selecting a city to search for an address. This is due to the map software listing the city in both English and French within the map data. Any city that is spelled the same in French and English will appear twice in a city search.

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk


smile Alive & Well !

nuvi' 2450

Thanks canuk

I guessed well in this case grin . Thanks!

Servers too busy right now

Tried starting my download this morning at 7:00 am pacific. The estimated time for download actually got up to 42 hours! i will try again maybe this evening.

Nuvi 3597 LMT

NA Map is HUGE

I was beating my head on the wall last night and this morning trying to figure out why my 265WT kept stopping the map install with only 3 minutes to go. Frustrating as heck! I was trying to load all of North America, Canada, Mexico, etc. I decided to scale back to the southern half of the US and Mexico. Voila!

Sure would be nice if Garmin would simply tell a person that there is not enough memory for the entire map that one is trying to install!

I think I've read where some of you put some maps on the internal drive and other maps on the SD memory card.

I do have a free Mexico map on my SD card but how would I download the rest of the US and Canada and put that on the SD card while leaving the southern half and Mexico on the internal drive?

I guess I could go delete the many unneeded voice files as some have suggested. How much space does that actually free up?

I loaded the complete map

I loaded the complete map update on my 265wt. I did delete text,help,voice and vehicles I didn't need some time ago.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


Orangeman1971 wrote:

I just downloaded 2011.30 NA full map to my Nuvi 775T. I then keyed in some cities across North America as destinations to see the routes from where I live (Texas). I've driven to Canada a few times, so for the heck of it I punched in Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, Saint John, Moncton and a few others. Oddly some of the major cities in eastern Canada in Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick end up showing up twice on the city destination search. The two entries are exact duplicates, as I checked on the maps to verify that was the case. This duplication didn't happen when the destination was a city in Canada outside of these provinces, nor did it happen on any U.S. cities that I tried. This weird "feature" (bug?) may have been there on earlier map versions, but I hadn't noticed until now. The other thought I had is maybe Navteq or Garmin intentionally broke out major city names in these provinces in English and French as separate entries, and the names happen to be the same in both languages. I can only guess.


I have a 775t and MyGarmin STILL doesn't show the 2011.30 update. I have tried D/L the 2011.20 again hoping the 2011.30 would load, but no luck.

How did you locate the 2011.30? Did it just show up for you ?


I just installed the update

I just installed the update on my 755T. Now the unit shuts off after 5 seconds. Any ideas?

wondering how many new stuff

wondering how many new stuff in there

Wouldn't it be nice to know what was new before purchasing it?

wellcum wrote:

wondering how many new stuff in there

Wouldn't it be nice to know what was new/changed in the map update before purchasing it?

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

The Complete Map?

Charlesd45, did you load Canada, USA, Mexico and the Carribean islands? In other words, the *complete* set of maps? That's what I was trying to do. Looks like if I delete the files that you did, I pick up about 110 or 120 MB.

Hard reset

mjmurphy25 wrote:

I just installed the update on my 755T. Now the unit shuts off after 5 seconds. Any ideas?

Try doing a hard reset, that has fixed problems in the past following a map update.

Nuvi 2460LMT

List of Changes

koot wrote:
wellcum wrote:

wondering how many new stuff in there

Wouldn't it be nice to know what was new/changed in the map update before purchasing it?

The idea of a list of changes has been discussed here many times over the years. Garmin doesn't publish such a list. Simply put, it would be huge and difficult to compile into that kind of a format.

The best you can do is to look at the latest map, zoom in and scroll around for yourself looking for changes. You can view the 2011.30 map here:

arrow http://www8.garmin.com/cgi-bin/mapgen/webmap.cgi?p=149618689...

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

Did a hard reset. Didn't

Did a hard reset. Didn't help. Still shuts off.

SD Card

raycock wrote:

Downloading the lower 48&PR. Tried downloading US & Canada but not enough room on device. Have deleted tracks and personal POI's on the gps but still does not have enough room. Any ideas?

Maybe adding a 2 or 4gb SD Card into your units slot and installing the maps there? That way you wont have to delete anything off of your unit.

New Garmin Map Update

TnPapa wrote:

Downloaded it to my 1450 and it is working great.

Mine to boy did it take a long time,just wondering though is your previous maps deleted so the new version can be loaded.i


Thanks for the info


mdh31951 wrote:

just wondering though is your previous maps deleted so the new version can be loaded.i

Depends on where you are loading the new maps. If it's to your Nuvi then the answer is YES the update deletes the old maps and replaces them with the new ones.

If you've also loaded the new maps to your computer to use with Mapsource then the answer is NO. The new maps are installed on your PC and both the new and old versions will appear in the map listing in Mapsource (of BaseCamp).

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

This has

Gary A wrote:

I also noticed MapSource was updated from version 6.16.2 to 6.16.3.

This has been available for download since Oct 25th, see http://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=209

Changes made from version 6.16.2 to 6.16.3:

* Fixed some map display issues (22s & 71s labels instead of highway names).
* Fixed Pedestrian routing.
* Fixed some other routing issues.
* Fixed Find Nearest Waypoints issue.
* Fixed vertical profile custom scale settings (right-clicking on the scale of the vertical profile).
* Fixed selection issue (waypoints were not de-selected when selecting a track before).
* Fixed an issue where MapSource did not remember the grid setting correctly.
* Fixed an issue with the updating process.
* Fixed sort by number of via points in the route tab.
* Fixed an issue with spot soundings.
* Fixed a Polish localization issue.
* Made MapSource more robust when encountering invalid map products.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Yes complete maps

Sixeye wrote:

Charlesd45, did you load Canada, USA, Mexico and the Carribean islands? In other words, the *complete* set of maps? That's what I was trying to do. Looks like if I delete the files that you did, I pick up about 110 or 120 MB.

Yes I downloaded the complete set of maps.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


I should finally be loading 2011.3 tomorrow...now if they would finally put out iOS 4.2 for my iPad.

Garmin Etrex Vista, Streetpilot 2610, GPSMap 60Csx, Nüvi 750, Colorado 400t, Nüvi 3790t


got mine


t923347 wrote:
mdh31951 wrote:

just wondering though is your previous maps deleted so the new version can be loaded.i

Depends on where you are loading the new maps. If it's to your Nuvi then the answer is YES the update deletes the old maps and replaces them with the new ones.

If you've also loaded the new maps to your computer to use with Mapsource then the answer is NO. The new maps are installed on your PC and both the new and old versions will appear in the map listing in Mapsource (of BaseCamp).

Thank you I just loaded to my nuvi,that answers my question.I downloaded mine from amazon.com $68.95 it went straight to the nuvi,no waiting for a cd.

looking forward to updating

I will have to update my gps later this weekend and see if there are any changes in my area.

Great, looking forward to

Great, looking forward to updating.

it's like buying a pig-in-a-poke

dalger3 wrote:

I will have to update my gps later this weekend and see if there are any changes in my area.

As Gary A suggested - You can view the 2011.30 map here:

The problem is - looking at the above (linked) map you really can't tell if corrections/changes are made.

I would still like to be able to determine what is in the map update before buying it...otherwise it's like buying a pig-in-a-poke.

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

Wacky routing

spullis wrote:

Has anyone noticed any issues with this version yet?

I am getting weird routing with 2011.30. I am putting 2011.20 back on my 765T. It was routing me around in town rather than the straight and good road straight out of town.

RE: Wacky routing

Check your preferences. They are probably tied to the mapset and you changed mapsets.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Load map portions through Mapsouce

Sixeye wrote:


I think I've read where some of you put some maps on the internal drive and other maps on the SD memory card.

I do have a free Mexico map on my SD card but how would I download the rest of the US and Canada and put that on the SD card while leaving the southern half and Mexico on the internal drive?

I guess I could go delete the many unneeded voice files as some have suggested. How much space does that actually free up?

You can select any portion or portions of the map from Mapsource and transfer to your SD card. For speed, I load my SD card onto my computer, but you can do it through the GPSr.
In my case, with a Streetpilot C530, I can only load a section of the US to my GPSr, so I select all of Canada, the missing sections of the US, Hawaii, and Mexico on Mapsource and then transfer to the SD card. When the GPSr starts up, all maps are loaded.

Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource

I'd Like A Millon Bucks

koot wrote:
dalger3 wrote:

I will have to update my gps later this weekend and see if there are any changes in my area.

As Gary A suggested - You can view the 2011.30 map here:

The problem is - looking at the above (linked) map you really can't tell if corrections/changes are made.

I would still like to be able to determine what is in the map update before buying it...otherwise it's like buying a pig-in-a-poke.

I think we are both out of luck.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold


Just updated the latest maps from Garmin. The new GarminMapUpdater is cool and takes care of everything in one click. I used to download the data file and then upload to my device using the older MapInstall software.

I put the new map on the SD

I put the new map on the SD card, and leave the basemap and the internals alone.
Works fine for me.

Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM


OK time to update thanks for the info.

Same here. I appreciate the

Same here. I appreciate the heads up.. On my way to update my 880 now

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

What's new in 2011.30?

What's new in 2011.30? beside mapupdate.

time to hook up my garmin to

time to hook up my garmin to the computer again.

Garmin Needs Geography Lessons

Shirke wrote:

What's new in 2011.30? beside mapupdate.

Can someone tell me why in the heck French Guiana, located in South America, appears on a North America update?

Check the preview map.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams

Notice from Garmin: NO WAY

I never received any email from Garmin regarding the map update. Never ever. I signed up with few different email and never received one.


Strephon_Alkhalikoi wrote:
Shirke wrote:

What's new in 2011.30? beside mapupdate.

Can someone tell me why in the heck French Guiana, located in South America, appears on a North America update?

Check the preview map.

In case you drive there through the new tunnel.



Still missing a street near me, was hoping they would add it.
Looks like they are still 2 years behind in my area.

About a year behind?

In the Suburban MD/DC area it appears the map is about a year or so behind. My pet peeve has been a pretty congested area just northwest of DC (Rockville, MD) where they realigned the intersection roughly a year or more ago. Wasn't updated on 2011.20 but they finally corrected it on 2011.30.

Anyone traveling/shopping & trying to get around in the area and even us locals looking for locations in the alignment area, will finally be able to now! Shame it took so long though. For those familiar with Rockville, it's the intersection of MD355/Randolph Rd/Montrose Rd (now Montrose Pkwy).

It's about the Line- If a line can be drawn between the powers granted and the rights retained, it would seem to be the same thing, whether the latter be secured by declaring that they shall not be abridged, or that the former shall not be extended.

Value for Purchase

koot wrote:

I would still like to be able to determine what is in the map update before buying it...otherwise it's like buying a pig-in-a-poke.

As I said in a previous post, people purchase items based on their perceived value of that item.

I expect a line listing of all the areas and roads that have been added or updated would likely take up hundreds of pages. I'm not willing to leaf through that type of listing to assess the value of an upgrade.

And what would you look for as "improvements"? Is it really important that a road in my town, that I drive on almost daily, has been aded? I already know it is there and I know where it goes.

Right now I don't know if the upgrades made in Columbus Ohio are of any personal value to me (although I'm thinking of heading there next summer). But people who drive around Columbus might find themn helpful.

So I make a judgement call on the value of a map upgrade. I purchased a lifetime subscription 18 months ago, and feel I have gotten value for my money. I don't have to worry about whether or not the next upgrade will be "worth it".

I can now explain why I was

I can now explain why I was looking for the update a couple weeks ago.....

We just returned from vacation.... Garmin worked good... Gets a bit confused in twisting mountains, but it helped us immensely....

The map came out while we where in the mountains of NC, and we had cable but only 3Mb speed, so I didn't feel trying to update during vacation, even overnight would be safe, because we were using the GPS during the day....

We're home now, and the 660 is being updated now on a different computer....

and it's saying it's doing the entire NA maps....

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!


Thanks for the information. I am hoping for some updated POI's!

branson mo

DanielT wrote:

And what would you look for as "improvements"? Is it really important that a road in my town, that I drive on almost daily, has been aded? I already know it is there and I know where it goes.

In a tourist town like Branson, map updates should include roads that were completed in 2009. Now there is a motel on one of those roads and two theaters on another unlisted road.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

2 different things

spokybob wrote:

In a tourist town like Branson, map updates should include roads that were completed in 2009. Now there is a motel on one of those roads and two theaters on another unlisted road.


Roads and POI are two separate things and are not connected other than they appear on your unit. In my area there are several business listed as being in a residential apartment complex. Now, the businesses are not there, but the apartment is the mailing address and that's what the factory installed POI use, the registered address not necessarily the physical address of the storefront.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

What a Fiasco! downloaded

What a Fiasco!
downloaded the downloader.... Started it, and it prompts me for a Activation Key...
So I leave that window open, and go back to MyGarmin Manage Maps/Download history... and guess what???
There is NO indication that I have tried to download 2011.3 no dates, no Activation Codes... NOTHING!
So I log off and log back into MyGarmin, and go to Manage Maps..... No indication that a new map is available!!
Talk about being between a rock and a hard place!!

So I called Garmin, waited 15 minutes, and explained that I can nether download, nor get activation Key...
And he confirms this!!! Software Bug!!!
He told me what key to enter, and that (Finally) started the download..... Which swings wildly from 220 minutes to nearly a week as to download time...

I'm guessing (From looking at the download graph) that I've downloaded 20% so far, and it presently tells me I have 18 hours to go......

OH By the way..... Garmin Tech support says that if you're screen saver kicks in, it will corrupt the download.... They are telling everyone to disable (or move Screensaver as close to off as possible, and also DISABLE ALL POWER SETTINGS, as they say this will corrupt the download as well....

Something tells me they need to improve their code, so that they don't ask for an activation code before it is posted, (Though garmin site removes the new map link from your account!)


Oh Goody!!! Only 13 hours more to download!!!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Two Hours to Download

I downloaded 2011.3 Friday evening and it took about 2 hours. It probably would take less in a few weeks when less people are using their servers to download the update.

260, 295W, 1490T,2455LMT
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