Indy Truck Stops (supplemental)
Fri, 12/27/2013 - 1:54pm
13 years
Vito has asked that a discussion thread be opened for his supplemental to the Indy Truck Stops file.
This file contains a bare bones supplement to the main file found here
The file lists location, state, and whether or not is is a small, medium, or large location. There isn't much by the way of food, services, or even the name of the truck stop. What this file does have to offer however is the EXACT location of the truck stop (verified using Google Earth).
POI Files
There exists a few duplicates within the (Supplemental) file
when compared to the main file mentioned above. The duplicate locations in Supplemental contain a "(dup)" in the file name.
The reason for this is that the Supplemental file contains exact locations, and the main indy file locations are so far off (location-wise) as to make finding the truck stop very difficult.
Amazing GPS: I once was lost but now am found.
Errors in the 11/10/14 version
Line 387 reads:
39.51868,37.33847,US 69 Capaldo KS Conoco small
and should be
-94.52172,37.84216,US 69 Capaldo KS Conoco small
according to Google Maps
If I'm looking at the right
If I'm looking at the right station.
The 39.51868,37.33847 seems to be in the country of Turkey.
If I'm looking at the right station.
The 39.51868,37.33847 seems to be in the country of Turkey.
What? They don't have truck stops in Turkey? Thanks, fixed.
Amazing GPS: I once was lost but now am found.
yes, they do
If I'm looking at the right station.
The 39.51868,37.33847 seems to be in the country of Turkey.
What? They don't have truck stops in Turkey? Thanks, fixed.
But you can't drive there from here.
Illiterate? Write for free help.