Program to Customize TTS Voices
Wed, 08/06/2008 - 11:09pm
16 years
If you've ever wanted to modify your TTS voice file, here's an easy program
I tested it on my 750 and it works perfectly. I finally got rid of the annoying "recalculating"!!
See also
Frequently Asked Questions
Thanks Turboccc
You rock!
i need some help
I downloaded the tts voice editor to my desk top when i open the zip.file with explorer it just flash's and i have to reboot. Is there another program that I'm suppose to use? I'm not a computer whiz at all. Like most ppl here i would very much like to get rid of some crap and replace it with something more interesting.
can i creat TTS voices files for my c320
I'm first time to use GPS, I don't know about that, so you guys have any file can share???
No. The c320 does not support TTS.
How hard is it to modify "Jill" TTS?
Can you do just "recalculating" or do you have to do them all???
I have seen the future and it is now!
You can just do one item!
Can you do just "recalculating" or do you have to do them all???
You can just do the one item in any voice if that is all you need or want,
Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps
Can you do just "recalculating" or do you have to do them all???
You can just do the one item in any voice if that is all you need or want,
- jgracey
I have seen the future and it is now!
help plz
I figured out about the zip file. I copy the voice file to new folder and try to open it with the editor and it tells me it's not a tts why, Garmin 750.
Changing the words but note the voice!
I've been experimenting and having some fun with the voices and the words. Now that the novelty is wearing off, I changed recalculating to nothing (no voice). I did the same with "proceed to route". Now when I change direction the GPS simply changes and then talks forward. With new highways, teh "proceed to highlighted route again becomes silent. Works for me! I suspect everyone has some feature that works for them.
This is truly a great little programme and deserves some recognition....Not sure what (I ntoed contributor of week) Probably the same could be said for others who have designed and shared great programmes. Thanks all.
so at least what kind gps waht make it from garmin ???
I'm first time to use GPS, I don't know about that, so you guys have any file can share???
Say again?
so at least what kind gps waht make it from garmin ???
Can you please re-phrase that,
I would love to help you.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
I think I see your
I think I see your problem...
This computer is running Vista Premium.
nuvi 760 lover/adopt a greyhound/ change is the only constant
I think I see your problem...
This computer is running Vista Premium.
Yes I'm running vista pre. Is there no way to make this work? please inform me.
so at least what kind gps waht make it from garmin ???
Glenn - Southern MD; SP C330 / Nuvi 750 / Nuvi 265WT
I figured out about the zip file. I copy the voice file to new folder and try to open it with the editor and it tells me it's not a tts why, Garmin 750.
Works with TTS voice only. On your 750, you have voice like "English_American_.vpm" and "English_American_Jack.vpm". TTS voices have a name like Jill, Jack, ... The other voices without a name are non-TTS and they won't work with the tool.
Vista Premium: "It Just Works!" :)
I have not tested this tool with Vista. According to Microsoft, "It just works". LOL!
Supported Garmin Models...
so at least what kind gps waht make it from garmin ???
See here under "Model Compatibility":
I figured out about the zip file. I copy the voice file to new folder and try to open it with the editor and it tells me it's not a tts why, Garmin 750.
Works with TTS voice only. On your 750, you have voice like "English_American_.vpm" and "English_American_Jack.vpm". TTS voices have a name like Jill, Jack, ... The other voices without a name are non-TTS and they won't work with the too
I was tring to do one that wasn't a tts i guess. I didn't want to experiment on one i would pro. use. I'll try one in the list that says it is (tts) report back to ya soon. I got it works just fine. Thanks so much for this. I love it.
Will this work on the
Will this work on the Streepilot 2720?
Thank You
....Hello all! I just wanted to say hello to some fans of TTSVoiceEditor.
I am glad you liked the tool. It is fun to see what you have done with it....
Thank you for creating this great little program. Kudos.
It works perfectly with my 260W and my Vista Home Premium system.
Streepilot 2720
Will this work on the Streepilot 2720?
It works on the 2730, it should work on the 2720. Try it. If you see the text appear in the program, then it works. Otherwise, it will crash.
Reserved words
There are a couple reserved words that can be used to modify how text is pronounced.
Oups! Can't post them here. It does not like HTML tag-like text. Please follow this link and look under "How-to" and see the "Hint #2" (highlighted in red. You can't miss them.
If you try them, please post your results here. I will try some when I get my GPS back. I forgot it at the office.
Woo Hoo, fun is the word
I guess this is going to be my rainy day fun thing to do. I'll read through this whole thread before I try.
You can post your code by .....
There are a couple reserved words that can be used to modify how text is pronounced.
Oups! Can't post them here. It does not like HTML tag-like text.
If you wanted to post:
<spell> and <end_spell>
You can get there by entering:
&lt;spell&gt; and &lt;end_spell&gt;
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Works on C580 (nt)
no text
Thanks for posting
<Thanks!> and Thanks! LOL!
Holy COW! A new version!!
Holy COW! A new version!! I'm slipping behind in my updates lately, no time for nothing but work and sleep these days.
Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.
Need Help
I have a question about the Garmin Voice Files TTS. I downloaded the Editor and opened the Voice File For English Jill and there are no Phrases within the file. The only words are representing Numbers. There is no "Recalculating" Listed or any of the other voice commands. I have the Garmin Nuvi 260W GPS System. I also opened the file for English Jack and it was the same. Any suggestions would be appreciated...
Ummm, I hate to be a kill
Ummm, I hate to be a kill joy buuuuut, this new version of the file won't work with voice files for the Nuvi 660. I installed it and opened up the Jill TTS file and it doesn't show ANY of the phrases in the file. I then reverted back to version 2.60 and EVERYTHING is now listed when I open the file.
Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.
non working VPM files...
Hi Snagger56,
I saw your post. Do you have the latest VPM file versions on your GPS. I know the program does not work on older VPM files. After an update, it generally works.
I saw your post too. You are probably getting newer VPM versions I have never seen. I need to put my hand on them so I can see what is wrong. It is probably not a big deal, but I need to see the new files.
Lately, I had to work on Katerina. A russian voice. It was also different and I made it work. Since I had only one voice, I could not derive an equation to make it general. I hope to correct the situation soon.
Stay tuned guys...
Reply - Non Working VPM Files
Hi Turbo,
I have the newest versions available according to the downloader from Garmin.I just bought my Nuvi and activated it on august 14,2008.I have also updated the Software version to 4.0 which I just installed yesterday using the Garmin Updater. If you like I will send you the files to examine just let me know where to send them. I just joined this forum and site you guys are GREAT!!! Thanks for the Help! When I open the VPM File numbers 1 - 55 are Compass Readings (N,S,E,W ect...) and Numarics (Yards, Feet, Miles, Meters, Tens, Twentys, Thirtys ect...) 56 - 149 are single and double alphabetic characters and mixed misc. characters (@,',*,$, + ect...) I hope this is of some help.
Non Working VPM Files
Hi Snagger56,
It looks like there you are only seeing a subset of phrases. Not too bad.
It would be great if you could zip 3 of your favorites VPM files and post them on Then send me the link via EMAIL (click on my name and select "Contact"). That way, it will be confidential. I will delete your voice files when done.
Thanks. TurboCCC.
Bug in v2.62. Use v2.60 for now...
The VPM files are not new. They are the same.
The problem comes from a bug I introduced in V2.62. Use v2.60 to avoid the problem for now.
Bug solved!
Please download TTSVoiceeditor v2.63. It fixes the bug introduced in v2.62.
i'll try it tonight
i'll try it tonight
Bug Solved
Thanks for the Help Turbo you got it goin on bud. I downloaded the new file and it now reads the VPM. I will try to modify the files later this evening Thanks Again!!!
I'll give the new version a
I'll give the new version a try at SOME POINT this weekend.
Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.
Using ALL CAPS not recommended
Not sure if it makes a diference when the GPS "speaks" but I made my changes in CAPS so I can find and change them again if I decide.
When I used caps for "FOLLOW ME", my 680 pronounced "ME" as "em ee". I changed it back to just capitalizing only the first letter in each word to identify where my changes were.
Love this program, my wife was cracking up!
“It’s their world. We’re just living in it.”
Change Words
When I get directions from my 660 it will say for example " Take State Road 896 North " is there a way to change it to say " Take Route 896 North "
State Road = Route
Yes, if you make an abbreviation so that "State Road" become "Route".
I already made a special abbreviation for somebody so that "State Road" will be pronounced as "Stayte Road" instead of "Stage Road". I can just replace this with "Route" and you got it.
I'll try to put it in the next release of TTS_Voice_Doctor.
I don't see anything that
I don't see anything that says state road on the list.
State Road
Yes, see under the Jack & Jill (& Sam) tab. First item at the top.
BTW, which voice do you want me to modify?
I have jack in my 650 and he says h w y instead of highway, did I miss a modification for that?
etrex vista, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 750(3)
TTS Voice Editor on a 260W
Tried it and it works great on my 260W!
Ride with Pride
O.K. to recalulate
I changed "Recalculating" for "O.K." and love the way Karen pronounces it.
What are other people's favorite replacements for "recalculating"?
GARMIN nuvi 760
What are other people's favorite replacements for "recalculating"?
Jill now says, ".Hey dumm,, mass. You missed your turn. I'll re-do the route." Phonetic pronunciation is finally good enough. Jill is still struggling with "Hang a You E."
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Try uwy.... it works great for me.
etrex vista, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 750(3)
"Fine, We'll Do It Your Way"
What are other people's favorite replacements for "recalculating"?
"Fine, We'll Do It Your Way"
With Jill, it comes with a side of attitude..
“It’s their world. We’re just living in it.”
I'd Have Never Thought of that spelling.
Try uwy.... it works great for me.
Thanks, I'll try it.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Turbocc, I have another request for the voice editor
Can you please make a modification so Expy is pronounced Expressway? Thanks so much for some awesome programs.
Nuvi 3597 LMT