C 530 Software Versions Questions
18 years
Here is the following on my GPS. I was hoping if anyone can tell me if software needs to be upgraded. I got this for christmas, and have found that on a recent business trip, while making contacts in a new city, several businesses were no longer open. After speaking to other shop owners I was suprised to find that several stores had been gone for 2-3 years. Please review and let me know if I need to upgrade, if so how do I do it, and what will it change in the GPS. Your help is appreciated as I am new, and have attempted to contact Garmin but could not get through on two occassions, and have waited two days for email.
Maps: City Navigator North America NT V8
Software Version: 3.30
Audio Version: 2.20
GPS SW Version 2.80
Thanks for any input, DC
You have current version for c530
You have the current version of City Navigator. New software is released by Garmin on a yearly basis although for many of the points of interest (POI) they can remain out of date as no one has reported the error. I believe Garmin released City Navigator v8 in April so I would expect the next version at that time. They do charge $75 for the update.
There have been several discussions on this topic. You can report the error to Navteq through their website (http://mapreporter.navteq.com/dur-web-external/secured/submi...).
One discussion thread is at: http://www.poi-factory.com/node/954.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
You have an old software version
If your software version is 3.30 (which is also how mine came), there is a newer version (4.10) available on Garmin's website.
I have no idea if this updates the out-of-date business information, however.
C530 with TTS mod
software version
I believe that the POI's are in the City Navigator software. However, you should go to the garmin site and download the latest software for your unit.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
What will change if I
What will change if I download the new version, or does it even matter if I do it????
updates from 3.30 to 4.10
Here are a few of the changes that Garmin's web site mentions are included in this update:
-Resolved Address search problems
-Resolved lock up issue when setting traffic provider
-Fixed car driving sideways problem
-Improved GPS reception in long tunnels
-Changed the safety camera alarm rate
more details on this page:
Thanks JM. I looked at
Thanks JM. I looked at Garmin before posting here and could not find that info. So I do appreciate the link. Also, Garmin returned my emails, to night as well. They are shipping me the DVD as discussed in the other forums.