Garmin Internal Memory Sizes


I can't remember all the internal mem sizes. So if your GPS and mem size is not already on the list hit Add New Comment and post yours. I will find the post and add the info to this list. Let's just get a list going for now (for us memory challenged folks) and figure out where/how to store it later. These are some I found in other posts and replies from members to this post. Also, I don't think the GPS suffix matters to mem size but if it does enter away.

EDIT - On 4/1/19 @ 8:20 PM EST


30/40/50 -> approx. 1.76 GB reported by Garmin
57 -> 3.52
65/67 -> 4
2x0(W) -> 1 (early version) see posts below
2x0(W) -> 2 (later version) see posts below
250 - 265 -> 2
270 -> 4
285W -> 2
295W -> 4
350 -> 2
360 -> 2
500 -> 3
650 -> 2, 3 (?)
660 -> 2
680 -> 2
750 -> 2
755 -> 4
760 -> 2
765 -> 4
775 -> 8
780 -> 2
855 -> 4
885 -> 4

1100 -> 2
1300 - 1490 -> 2
1490 (EU) -> 4
1690 -> 2
1690 EU -> 4

2350 -> 4
2360 -> 8
2360 Australian -> 2
2390 -> 8 (NuLink)
2450 -> 4
2460 -> 8
2455 -> 4
2495 -> 8
2555 -> 4 or 8 (might be 2 versions)
2595 -> 8
2597 -> 8
2598 -> 8
2639 -> 8
2689 -> 8
2797 -> 8

3400 series -> approx. 7GB reported by Garmin
3580 -> 8
3590 -> 8
3597 -> 8
3760 -> 4
3790 -> 8
3790 African -> 1.73 GB (probably 2 GB ??)
37xx Australian -> 2

Dakota 20 -> 1

Dezl 560 -> 8

Drive 60 -> 7.02
DriveLuxe 51 -> 14.2 GB reported in Windows
DriveLuxe 61 -> 14.2 GB reported in Windows
Drivesmart 61 LMT-S -> 16 Internal, 7 available
Drivesmart 65 -> 16
DriveSmart 50 LMTH-S -> 7.02GB
DriveSmart 70 LMT -> 8

Etrex -> zero, data stored in EEPROM
Etrex Legend -> 8 MB (not GB)
Etrex Venture HC -> 24 MB (not GB)
Etrex Vista -> 24 MB (not GB)

GPS III+ -> 1.44MB (not GB)
GPS V -> 19MB (not GB)

Montana 650t -> 3.5
Oregon 450 -> 1
Oregon 650 -> 4
RV 760 -> 8
C330 -> 1
C340 -> 2
C530 -> 1
C580 -> 2

220 -> 4
350 -> 3.76
550 -> 0.5* Aus
550 -> 1.2 US
550 -> 2.1* Euro
660 -> 4
665 -> 4
* - see dave817's post on zumos

Frequently Asked Questions

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue
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Nuvi 250

bear007 wrote:

I can't remember all the internal mem sizes. So hit QUOTE and enter your GPS and mem size if not already on the list, inside the quotes. Let's just get a list going for now (for us memory challenged folks) and figure out where/how to store it later. These are some I found in posts. Also, I don't think the GPS suffix matters to mem size but if it does enter away.

EDIT - Wow, spacing is ugly but lets just get info for now.

====== =====
2x0 1
265 2

660 2(?)
750 2
765 4
775 8

1300 ->
<-1490 2

1690 2
1690 EU 4

2450 4
2460 8

3760 4
3790 8
37xx Aus 2

Zumo 660 4
Zumo 665

My nuvi 250 1.85 GB with latest NA maps 436 MB free and a 1.89 GB removable card

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush


I tried your inside the quote thing but it totally blows the spaces! So..

295W 3.18 gb

It's about the Line- If a line can be drawn between the powers granted and the rights retained, it would seem to be the same thing, whether the latter be secured by declaring that they shall not be abridged, or that the former shall not be extended.

Ok Forget the quote thing for now

I'll edit it tomorrow when some more numbers are in and try fix the spacing.


Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue


That's what happens when you try to copy data from a table... LOL

Copy and paste from Notepad instead.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

table vs spaces

Yeap, I see that now. Obviously my first table on this site. I'll fix it tomorrow. I started to go in and do it with spaces and a couple of posts started coming in. So I'm just leaving it alone for now. I just want the numbers for now.

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

Very helpful post

This is a very helpful post.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

Nuvi 255 LMT (not 255W) & 3760 LMT

255 2
Capacity: 1.80 GB
Used: 1.39 GB
Free: 423 MB
Software Version: 7.20
Map: NA 2012.10 (US & Canada)

3760 4
Capacity: 3.58 GB
Used: 1.92 GB
Free: 1.66 GB
Software Version: 4.20
Map: 2012.10 (All)

Garmin nüvi 3597LMTHD, 3760 LMT, & 255LMT, - "Those who wish for fairness without first protecting freedom will end up with neither freedom nor fairness." - Milton Friedman

Garmin Internal Memory Sizes

It doesn't like spaces either. Using quote, just enter your GPS mem size in the list inside the quotes and we will format it later.


2x0 -> 1(?)
250 -> 2
255 -> 2
265 -> 2
295 -> 4
660 -> 2(?)
750 -> 2
765 -> 4
775 -> 8

1300 - 1490 -> 2
1690 -> 2
1690 EU -> 4

2450 -> 4
2460 -> 8

3760 -> 4
3790 -> 8
37xx Aus -> 2

Zumo 660 -> 4

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

Garmin 2350LMT

bear007 wrote:

I can't remember all the internal mem sizes. So hit QUOTE and enter your GPS and mem size if not already on the list, inside the quotes. Let's just get a list going for now (for us memory challenged folks) and figure out where/how to store it later. These are some I found in posts. Also, I don't think the GPS suffix matters to mem size but if it does enter away.

EDIT - Wow, spacing is ugly but lets just get info for now.

====== =====
2x0 - 1
265 - 2

660 - 2(?)
750 - 2
765 - 4
775 - 8

1300 ->
<-1490 - 2

1690 - 2
1690 EU - 4

2450 - 4
2460 - 8

3760 - 4
3790 - 8
37xx Aus - 2

Zumo 660 - 4
Zumo 665

I'll be receiving a Garmin 2350LMT, does's anyone know the internal memory size? I tried researching on-line with no positive results.


bear007 wrote:

It doesn't like spaces either. Using quote, just enter your GPS mem size in the list inside the quotes and we will format it later.


2x0 -> 1(?)
250 -> 2
255 -> 2
265 -> 2
295W -> 4
660 -> 2(?)
750 -> 2
765 -> 4
775 -> 8
855 -> 4

1300 - 1490 -> 2
1690 -> 2
1690 EU -> 4

2450 -> 4
2460 -> 8

3760 -> 4
3790 -> 8
37xx Aus -> 2

Zumo 660 -> 4

In addition to adding the 855, I confirm the earlier results for the 750 and 295W. Thanks, this result and a listing of nuvis with powered vs non-powered mounts are what I'll need to look for if I ever have to buy a new nuvi.

To me, it was very unexpected to see a difference between the 765 and 775 and for between the 3760 and 3790 (although why the Australian version is 1/2 to 1/4 of the US version is especially odd if that's what Aus means)!

thank you, this info

thank you, this info helps.

bear007 wrote:

I can't remember all the internal mem sizes. So hit QUOTE and enter your GPS and mem size if not already on the list, inside the quotes. Let's just get a list going for now (for us memory challenged folks) and figure out where/how to store it later. These are some I found in posts. Also, I don't think the GPS suffix matters to mem size but if it does enter away.

EDIT - Wow, spacing is ugly but lets just get info for now.

====== =====
2x0 - 1
265 - 2

660 - 2(?)
750 - 2
765 - 4
775 - 8

1300 ->
<-1490 - 2

1690 - 2
1690 EU - 4

2450 - 4
2460 - 8

3760 - 4
3790 - 8
37xx Aus - 2

Zumo 660 - 4
Zumo 665


CraigW wrote:

To me, it was very unexpected to see a difference between the 765 and 775

Craig, remember the 775T also has the Euro maps. That's why.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Thanks to bear007 and selfruler

selfruler wrote:

255 2
Capacity: 1.80 GB
Used: 1.39 GB
Free: 423 MB
Software Version: 7.20
Map: NA 2012.10 (US & Canada)

3760 4
Capacity: 3.58 GB
Used: 1.92 GB
Free: 1.66 GB
Software Version: 4.20
Map: 2012.10 (All)

Capacity: 3.93 GB
Used: 2.02 GB
Free: 1.91 GB
Software Version: 4.00
Map: 2010.40

This is a great idea. Since we often have posters who say that they have run out of memory (or are worried that they will run out), I thought the additional data on "used" would give our members some benchmarks against which they could compare their units.

I got the map data by Tools > Settings > Map > MapInfo. The software data by Tools > Settings > System >

So - I have added my 765T data within the QUOTE


CraigW wrote:

To me, it was very unexpected to see a difference between the 765 and 775 and for between the 3760 and 3790 (although why the Australian version is 1/2 to 1/4 of the US version is especially odd if that's what Aus means)!

I think the post I got this info from said something about GPSs in Australia generaly having less memory because they don't have near as much map for the continent.

Thanks for the adds.

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue


CraigW wrote:

... and a listing of nuvis with powered vs non-powered mounts are what I'll need to look for if I ever have to buy a new nuvi.

I think that's only the 2nd time I've heard that question? and it was recent, a few days ago.

We can take this list after we get a few more adds and start a new post with it where we add the powered / non-powered mount info to it and anything else Garmin doesn't tell you.

I want to figure some way of formatting it though to make it a little more presentable.

All in due time. I don't want to start anything new right now since I'm gonna be a little busy the next few days.

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

Nuvi 660

I can confirm that the Nuvi 660 (not to be confused with the Zumo 660) does have 2GB internal memory. So, you can remove the question mark.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

Nuvi 650

It shows as follows:
Capacity 1.38gb
Used 1.14gb
Free .244gb
I have 2009 maps

Nuvi 2460LMT.

Nuvi 885

4 Gig total

Illiterate? Write for free help.


Box Car wrote:

4 Gig total

Where do you find to see how much internal memory your gps have, I have a garmin 3790lmt.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD

Internal Memory Size

Thanks for the info, I looked for the memory size on my 2360 and I couldn't find it.

Hook to computer

labark wrote:

Thanks for the info, I looked for the memory size on my 2360 and I couldn't find it.

If you will hook your 2360 to your PC and then look at "Properties" for the "drive" your computer assigns to the 2360, you can get that information.


755 -> 4

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon


nice work


Make this a sticky?

Maybe this should become a sticky topic?

No 23xx series yet

ScottK1968 wrote:

I'll be receiving a Garmin 2350LMT, does's anyone know the internal memory size? I tried researching on-line with no positive results.

We don't have any 23xx series on the list yet. Maybe you could let us know the mem size when you receive your new toy. Have fun with it.

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue


285W -> 2

Garmin 2350LMT

bear007 wrote:
ScottK1968 wrote:

I'll be receiving a Garmin 2350LMT, does's anyone know the internal memory size? I tried researching on-line with no positive results.

We don't have any 23xx series on the list yet. Maybe you could let us know the mem size when you receive your new toy. Have fun with it.

I should receive the 2350LMT in a week, I will give update on the mem size.


rthibodaux wrote:
Box Car wrote:

4 Gig total

Where do you find to see how much internal memory your gps have, I have a garmin 3790lmt.

It's just another drive on your computer. Attach the Nuvi to your PC and under My Computer find the Nuvi drive. Right click on the Nuvi drive entry and select Properties. It will show you the amount of space used, amount free and total.

As OP posted, the 3790 has 8GB of storage space.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Some goes

t923347 wrote:
rthibodaux wrote:
Box Car wrote:

4 Gig total

Where do you find to see how much internal memory your gps have, I have a garmin 3790lmt.

It's just another drive on your computer. Attach the Nuvi to your PC and under My Computer find the Nuvi drive. Right click on the Nuvi drive entry and select Properties. It will show you the amount of space used, amount free and total.

As OP posted, the 3790 has 8GB of storage space.

Some goes by the wayside, Actual capacity is 7.28GB
or 7,824,474,112bytes. H/d's are the Pay for 500gb and you get 465gb

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

that's normal

Speed2 wrote:

Some goes by the wayside, Actual capacity is 7.28GB
or 7,824,474,112bytes. H/d's are the Pay for 500gb and you get 465gb

That's normal for HDD manufacturers from the times immemorial. They count space in decimals while every OS in binary.

Just sayin

My Magellan 600 has 15.9 megabytes and 6.62MB free. All detail maps & custom POIs are on the SD card.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

Who says

anzial wrote:
Speed2 wrote:

Some goes by the wayside, Actual capacity is 7.28GB
or 7,824,474,112bytes. H/d's are the Pay for 500gb and you get 465gb

That's normal for HDD manufacturers from the times immemorial. They count space in decimals while every OS in binary.

Who says that's normal? We accept that. The bigger the h/d the less you get, what's normal about that?

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

Business says...

ISP's count megs down/ up as 1024 KB's, and HDD makers say a meg is 1000 KB's. Heads they win, tails we lose.

Gotta love the new business model. rolleyes

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

The numbers

Juggernaut wrote:

ISP's count megs down/ up as 1024 KB's, and HDD makers say a meg is 1000 KB's. Heads they win, tails we lose.

Gotta love the new business model. rolleyes

The numbers get better when you raid your hard drives.
You loose even more. Mounting 2 500's can net you one

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

When in Rome do as the Romans do

How much useable storage space do you get? There is more to it than the 1000/1024 thing.

Formatting the storage device causes loss of available storage space in varying amount depending on the format (eg FAT, FAT32, NTFS). (Manufacturers give the un-formatted size.)

Because of that it would be impossible for storage device manufacturers to tell you accurately how much storage space you will actually have to use for your operating system, pictures, documents, etc.

I think the simplest approach is this:
When buying a storage device, use the numbers given by the manufacturer. You will get the same amount of storage space if you get an 8 GB drive from manufacturer A as you will if you get an 8 GB drive from manufacturer B. In this case you should be more concerned about comparing other specifications such as rpm, access time, etc.

If you are using a storage device and are concerned about how much storage space you have left to add more pictures, documents, map sectors etc. then look at the operating system system’s count of how much you have left.

If you want to know to the last bit how much storage space you get, then you have to learn the nuances of how the device manufacturers state the size and how to calculate the amounts in different reference frames (decimal and binary, and the amounts taken by the various formats.

For the purposes of this thread, I think the appropriate number to be used is the one reported on the Garmin diagnostic screen, which you can see by pressing the battery icon until the screen appears. That way the size will always be measured by the same ruler.

I think bear007 is using that way, else is just rounding up to the nearest whole digit.

Put in FAQ or make sticky?

This is very useful information.

I suggest it become a sticky or put into the FAQ


Nuvi 500

The internal memory for my Nuvi 500 is 3 GB.

Can some remind me how to get the nag screen to go away about "install the user data on the sd card" to go away?

I did it once before, but I forgot. That happens when you get old.

If you ain't got pictures, I wasn't there.

answer yes

alpine1 wrote:

Can some remind me how to get the nag screen to go away about "install the user data on the sd card" to go away?

I did it once before, but I forgot. That happens when you get old.

Answer YES then tell it to skip. You have to do this every time you load new POI.

Illiterate? Write for free help.


After I wrote that, I found the answer, and made it go away.

If you ain't got pictures, I wasn't there.

nüvi 200W -> 1GB, 2GB

nüvi 200W -> 1GB, 2GB

My 200W has 1GB. Another poster here proved his 200W has 2GB. Which means that Garmin streamlined their production process at some point after the date my unit was made, and replaced the original 1GB 200W circuit board with a 250W circuit board. Totally feasible since the only real difference between the 200W and 250W was the map. 200W had the Continental US while the 250W had the US and Canada.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams

the 200 also

Strephon_Alkhalikoi wrote:

nüvi 200W -> 1GB, 2GB

My 200W has 1GB. Another poster here proved his 200W has 2GB. Which means that Garmin streamlined their production process at some point after the date my unit was made, and replaced the original 1GB 200W circuit board with a 250W circuit board. Totally feasible since the only real difference between the 200W and 250W was the map. 200W had the Continental US while the 250W had the US and Canada.

had another difference. The originals used a large SD card, the later ones used the micro SD. That could also explain the difference in memory.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

3 GB seems strange

alpine1 wrote:

The internal memory for my Nuvi 500 is 3 GB.

Can some remind me how to get the nag screen to go away about "install the user data on the sd card" to go away?

I did it once before, but I forgot. That happens when you get old.

3GB is an off number and seems strange to me but then again, this is Garmin. Memory size numbers usually run 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. Can you confirm this on the diagnostic screen.

On the Where To page hold the battery bars for 8-10 seconds and the diasgnostic screen will appear if this the same as many other nuvis. On my diag screen the memory is listed right on the top banner. Yours may be in a different place. Hit exit when done.


Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

It could, but see below for why not.

Box Car wrote:

...had another difference. The originals used a large SD card, the later ones used the micro SD. That could also explain the difference in memory.

I brought this up to him, and he confirmed that his unit was identical to mine, except for the amount of memory. The possibility exists that his unit is a Frankenstein, utilizing a 250W's guts with a 200W screen and shell. Such an operation is easily done, just by looking on ebay for damaged GPS receivers. Though given that he was provided with maps of the US only on the device when he bought it, it's more likely a Garmin repair job.

In any event, the last run of 200Ws that Garmin put out utilized the new interface with the + and - buttons on one side rather than at the top left and right. In essence, these 200Ws are rebadged 205Ws put out to provide an option at Christmas, and to clear out excess parts. None of the 2x5W series use a MicroSD, requiring a standard SD Card. My roommate's 255W confirms this.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams

bear007 wrote: I can't

bear007 wrote:

I can't remember all the internal mem sizes. So if your GPS and mem size is not already on the list hit Add New Comment and post yours. I will find the post and add the info to this list. Let's just get a list going for now (for us memory challenged folks) and figure out where/how to store it later. These are some I found in other posts and replies from members to this post. Also, I don't think the GPS suffix matters to mem size but if it does enter away.

EDIT - On 6/30/11 @ 4:29 PM, brought the updates back to this top post.

2x0 -> 1(?)
200W -> 1 (early version) see posts below
200W -> 2 (later version)
250 -> 2
255 -> 2
265 -> 2
285W -> 2
295W -> 4
500 -> 3
650 -> 2
660 -> 2
750 -> 2
755 -> 4
765 -> 4
775 -> 8
855 -> 4
885 -> 4

1300 - 1490 -> 2
1690 -> 2
1690 EU -> 4

2450 -> 4
2460 -> 8

3760 -> 4
3790 -> 8
37xx Aus -> 2

Zumo 660 -> 4

C530 -> 1

Old C530 - still works - 1 gig

Garmin nuvi 2350LMT

ScottK1968 wrote:
bear007 wrote:
ScottK1968 wrote:

I'll be receiving a Garmin 2350LMT, does's anyone know the internal memory size? I tried researching on-line with no positive results.

We don't have any 23xx series on the list yet. Maybe you could let us know the mem size when you receive your new toy. Have fun with it.

I should receive the 2350LMT in a week, I will give update on the mem size.

The internal memory size is 4 GB.

Garmin units Internal Memory

I believe the new Montana 650t has 3.5GB and the 650 has 3GB.

Mem check


Looks like we have 2 650s with different mem sizes like the 200s did.

Is there a manufacturer's date or anyway to tell the difference? Is one a refab maybe like some think the later 200 was?


Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue


I believe that "pratzert" is referring to the Montana 650.

The one I referenced is a nuvi 650

bear007 wrote:


Looks like we have 2 650s with different mem sizes like the 200s did.

Is there a manufacturer's date or anyway to tell the difference? Is one a refab maybe like some think the later 200 was?


Nuvi 2460LMT.

I have the Montana 650 at

I have the Montana 650 at 3.5GB lower down the list but he then lists a 650 after it with 3GB.

What's interesting is the Montana 3.5GB memory size is actualy listed by Garmin in the specs. I wonder why Garmin can't list the mem size for the automotive units also instead of just saying internal memory?

Right now since nuvis are the most common on the list they are first. I'll put all others alphabetically after the nuvis. Once we have the info we can do whatever we want with it.

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

Number are from properties...

bear007 wrote:
alpine1 wrote:

The internal memory for my Nuvi 500 is 3 GB.

Can some remind me how to get the nag screen to go away about "install the user data on the sd card" to go away?

I did it once before, but I forgot. That happens when you get old.

3GB is an off number and seems strange to me but then again, this is Garmin. Memory size numbers usually run 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc. Can you confirm this on the diagnostic screen.

On the Where To page hold the battery bars for 8-10 seconds and the diasgnostic screen will appear if this the same as many other nuvis. On my diag screen the memory is listed right on the top banner. Yours may be in a different place. Hit exit when done.


Under my computer. The "About" screen does not come up pressing an holding the signal strength bars, that give you Sat information. The memory is not in "tools", "settings", "about" either.

If you ain't got pictures, I wasn't there.
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