Dam file too big
Fri, 11/02/2007 - 8:39pm
17 years
I have several POIs already loaded, and have it set up the way I like it. I was wanting to add the "Dams.csv" file, but, it is just too big (2,272 kb). My Garmin c340 ran out of file space. This file is lots bigger than any of my other .csv files. I am interested in visiting dams that are worth looking at. Could someone who has the time (I dont) divide the dam file into regions? Or, could someone clue me in on how I can edit the Dam file myself in Notepad for just the Southeast region?
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POI Verifier will split it for you
Could someone who has the time (I dont) divide the dam file into regions?
You can use POI Verifier to divide the file into 'State' regions.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Dam file too big
You have to go buy a bigger SD card or what type card the c340 uses for your c340 thats all there is to it piece of cake
Auggie SP2720 , SP C330, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 785T,Dezl 770lmt America Moves By Truck
SD Cards
You can buy a 1GB SD Card from Buy.com for $9.45 and that is with free shipping! Then you'll never have this problem again.
Can the c340 read Custom POIs from the SD card?
distance calculator
You can use the following as a macro in Excel to calculate the distance from any inputted point. The file can then be sorted by distance and edited however desired.
Longitude needs to be in column A in decimal format.
Latitude needs to be in column B in decimal format.
There can't be any header rows.
Distance from the inputted point is displayed in column G in miles and column H in kilometers.
Function ArcCos(X As Double) As Double
ArcCos = Atn(-X / Sqr(-X * X + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1)
End Function
Sub dist()
LR = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
D = InputBox("Enter your Longitude in decimal format", "Longitude")
D = D / 57.29577951 'LONG2 (all converted to radians: degree/57.29577951)
C = InputBox("Enter your Latitude in decimal format", "Latitude")
C = C / 57.29577951 'LAT2
For R = 1 To LR
A = (Range("B" & R).Value) / 57.29577951 'LAT1
B = (Range("a" & R).Value) / 57.29577951 'LONG1
If A = C And B = D Then distance = 0 Else
If (Sin(A) * Sin(C) + Cos(A) * Cos(C) * Cos(B - D)) > 1 Then distance = 3963.1 * ArcCos(1) Else
distance = 3963.1 * ArcCos(Sin(A) * Sin(C) + Cos(A) * Cos(C) * Cos(B - D))
Range("G" & R).Value = distance 'miles
Range("H" & R).Value = distance * 1.609344 'kilometers
Next R
End Sub
Nuvi 350
You can use the following as a macro in Excel to calculate the distance from any inputted point. The file can then be sorted by distance and edited however desired.
Longitude needs to be in column A in decimal format.
Latitude needs to be in column B in decimal format.
There can't be any header rows.
Distance from the inputted point is displayed in column G in miles and column H in kilometers.
Function ArcCos(X As Double) As Double
ArcCos = Atn(-X / Sqr(-X * X + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1)
End Function
Sub dist()
LR = ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
D = InputBox("Enter your Longitude in decimal format", "Longitude")
D = D / 57.29577951 'LONG2 (all converted to radians: degree/57.29577951)
C = InputBox("Enter your Latitude in decimal format", "Latitude")
C = C / 57.29577951 'LAT2
For R = 1 To LR
A = (Range("B" & R).Value) / 57.29577951 'LAT1
B = (Range("a" & R).Value) / 57.29577951 'LONG1
If A = C And B = D Then distance = 0 Else
If (Sin(A) * Sin(C) + Cos(A) * Cos(C) * Cos(B - D)) > 1 Then distance = 3963.1 * ArcCos(1) Else
distance = 3963.1 * ArcCos(Sin(A) * Sin(C) + Cos(A) * Cos(C) * Cos(B - D))
Range("G" & R).Value = distance 'miles
Range("H" & R).Value = distance * 1.609344 'kilometers
Next R
End Sub
Now that's what I call useful. Thanks for this work...
SD card
Per the FAQ and forums on this site you can not use the sd card for POI flles for the c340.I have a c340 and supprised to learn this fact.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
SD card for c340
My original dilemma was that I wanted to install the "Dams.csv" file along with my other POIs. The Dams file is 2,274 kb. Too big to be included with my other POIs. I was told to download "POI Verifier". It costs $6. No big deal except that I have to pay with PayPal which I know nothing about, and I wont use the Verifier except to split up the Dams file.
Anyway, I had heard before that the SD card is no good for storing POIs on. So, what good is a SD card in a c340? Later on I might buy a Nuvi 350 or something. Thanks for the info. You confirmed what I heard about the SD card. BTW, I am a newbie to GPS. I have edited and added some POIs to my unit. So I am learning. Thanks.
Unless you are the lead sled dog, the view never changes. I is retard... every day is Saturday! I still use the Garmin 3590 LMT even tho I upgraded to the Garmin 61 LMT. Bigger screen is not always better in my opinion.
Since the Dam file is a CSV (after you unzip it), you can open it with Notepad or Excel and edit out any locations you don't want and then load the edited file to your GPS unit as a Custom POI file.
SD Card
The SD card will come in handy if you want to have some additional maps in excess of what you have pre-installed.I have just got started too.This is my first Gps.I emailed Garmin a few weeks back and was told that there was enough storage to hold about anything I needed on the 340.I got concerned when I seen on one of the forums that either 320 or 330 wouldn't hold the new map update but was told any future updates would not be a problem with the 340 plus you have the option of the SD card.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
I'll do it for you
My original dilemma was that I wanted to install the "Dams.csv" file along with my other POIs. The Dams file is 2,274 kb. Too big to be included with my other POIs. I was told to download "POI Verifier". It costs $6. No big deal except that I have to pay with PayPal which I know nothing about, and I wont use the Verifier except to split up the Dams file.
Getting POI Verifier is no big deal; you don't need PayPal, you can use a credit card through PayPal.
Like MM said, you could edit it manually; but you'll be at it for a long time as the file has 57,871 entries. Also, it will have to be split based on longitude and latitude as I didn't see any state references in the file.
groundhog, if you want to send me an email with the states or Providences you want, I'll split it for you. Just click the 'retiredtechnician' link in this post and click the 'Contact' tab.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
I sent you a Dams_US.zip file that contains 50 state files.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Dams_US.zip file
Can you please post this file for others to download as well with the 50 state files?
Can you please post this file for others to download as well with the 50 state files?
I'm sure you noticed that the last post to this thread was about 8 years ago.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
When did POI-Factory hit it's eighth birthday??? I remember the five year mark like it was yesterday!
Striving to make the NYC Metro area project the best.
September 29th
When did POI-Factory hit it's eighth birthday??? I remember the five year mark like it was yesterday!
According to JM POI Factory was officially open to the public and registered it's first visitor on September 29th, 2006.
Thanks Ang
When did POI-Factory hit it's eighth birthday??? I remember the five year mark like it was yesterday!
According to JM POI Factory was officially open to the public and registered it's first visitor on September 29th, 2006.
What a fun and wild ride it's been. Glad to be a part of it!
Striving to make the NYC Metro area project the best.