McDonalds in Oklahoma
Thu, 03/12/2015 - 11:11am
17 years
FYI. The McDonalds in Oklahoma. It is on I-44 exit 20 near Walters Oklahoma. Was just shut down. Does not look like it will reopen. The town of Walters has passed a city tax increase to compensate for the lost revenue.
Mcdonalds near Walters,OK
The file has a Mcdonalds in the Walters Service Area, which is located in the median of I44, just north of Exit 20. Is this the one?
The last time I passed by it looked like they might have been renovating it, but it sounds like they will close it. The turnpike service areas in Oklahoma generally have a fast food place so maybe something will replace this in time.
This is the link to a local newspaper article from November
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597
Mcdonalds in Walters,OK
Nuff said, consider it gone.
The building was tore down so it is GONE, GONE ,GONE.
I drive by it every work day so I will repost if something else is built in it's place. But, the spot has a conveniece store. (EZ Go)It is 15 miles south of a town and only 20 miles north from the next small town with many options to eat. So no idea if another McDonalds will be built. North of Chickasha we have a large EX Go with a McDonalds built into one big building. We could hope.
EZ GO # 43
H. E. Bailey Turnpike, Chickasha, OK 73018
Mile marker 85