Garmin Map Update Watch: 2024.20


How long until the next update? Discuss ...


Garmin DriveSmart 5 My other toys: IMac quad-core i3, Mac Mini M1. MacOS: Ventura 13.3.1 The dog's name is Ginger.
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RE: Agreed

My street was built over 3 years ago and still isn't in my GPS. The growing gap between updates is disappointing but if it resulted in more accurate maps I could live with it

Still nothing? I plan on a

Still nothing?
I plan on a vacation in 3 Months?

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

any day now or 6 months

any day now or 6 months

any day now or 6 months

any day now or 6 months

in 19 more weeks

Gonna go yearly so in another 19 odd weeks

Lives in Edmonton AB A volunteer driver for Drive and now (since June 20 2021) uses a DS65 to find his clients.

This Week?

Will this finally be the week?

No more updates?

So, are we on the last update ever, or, are we now on 1 / year updates?

___________________ Garmin 2455, 855, Oregon 550t

Still have lifetime maps on

Still have lifetime maps on 660….

Though the street names are truncated

Hoping they fix it, but, if not I’ll keep downloading it. Gives me something to do……

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!


Two old nüvi 760s that keep on keepin' on. Leaving today for 63 days of cruising and most of that will definitely not be in the USA so plenty of time for me to wait. Perhaps there will be new maps in December when I get home again.

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

This I feel is Garmin's

This I feel is Garmin's acknowledgement that the writing is on the wall. They are simply no longer devoting the manpower to support more than one map update a year.

For example,the DriveSmart 65 was discontinued in late 2021 or early 2022. We're approaching 2024. When I can still find DriveSmart 65s new in the box at Best Buy, it's telling.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams

If this keeps up, Garmin

If this keeps up, Garmin will post it no longer supports W12…..
This way they won’t have to bother with the post when the time comes!
Less for employees to do!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Twice a year updates may not be so bad

Many times, when Garmin was releasing maps four times a year the maps had many errors. If Garmin going to updates twice a year allow them to catch errors, I have no problem with that.

waiting ... long wait.

waiting ... long wait.

Twice a year is no longer possible

Given how long it's been, they missed the twice a year opportunity, yearly is now our best hope.

Lives in Edmonton AB A volunteer driver for Drive and now (since June 20 2021) uses a DS65 to find his clients.

Map update

Ralph6410 wrote:

Given how long it's been, they missed the twice a year opportunity, yearly is now our best hope.

Last map update was 2024.10 - Feb 01, 2023 (Wed). So there is still time for them to push a second update before the end of the year (or before Feb 1 2024).

But yes, it looks like they may be reducing updates to one a year eventually, down from four, the three, and now maybe two if we see a map update this year.

Nuvi 2598 | Nuvi 350 | eTrex Vista | eTrex 30x

Road trip

I keep looking for an update before the fall road trip but....

DriveLuxe 51, 2017 VW Arteon w MIB3, nüvi 3597LTMHD x 2, 1450 died, 205w retired, iQue first and possibly the best

I plan on a trip next

I plan on a trip next Spring……and again next Fall

I have no interest in new GPS If map updates only happen once a year!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Another Week

Another bump to the top. smile

Nuvi 2598 | Nuvi 350 | eTrex Vista | eTrex 30x

Should Be

fairly soon we are on page 5

Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM


Seems like it's been forever.


What Map ?

Most Don't Seem to Care

My kid used to work at a used car dealership. He would regularly find GPS devices in auction cars. Even the Garmins with lifetime maps had not been updated. Most people just don't seem to care about it like we do.

I hope we get map updates

I hope we get map updates before spring, did a couple of thousand miles of riding this summer and ran into many instances where the maps were not correct.

I stop by every week or so

I stop by every week or so to see the status of the Map and other updates....
I'm still running W7-64, and can't/won't update... (This covered before)...
I appreciate, but really Don't care that Garmin stopped supporting W7, as, the only time I ever approached Garmin Support, they pleaded 'obsolescence' with regard to my question, as I heard them flipping through cards... on a question of a Nuvi with "Lifetime" Maps!
They fact that I could hear cards flipping during pregnant pauses lost a lot of credibility of Garmin with me!

It is interesting to note that Though W7 is Not Supported, Garmin program still prompts me that an update is available.... on a system with W7... That that version is not supported on!

Still love our Garmins, and Appreciate Greatly POI's and this Forum....

Just losing more and more confidence with/in the company.... every week...

If Garmin inadvertently posts a corrupted file.... How much manpower would the have to fix it?

Sad state of affairs!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Try VM Workstation player 15

JanJ wrote:

I stop by every week or so to see the status of the Map and other updates....
I'm still running W7-64, and can't/won't update... (This covered before)...
I appreciate, but really Don't care that Garmin stopped supporting W7, as, the only time I ever approached Garmin Support, they pleaded 'obsolescence' with regard to my question, as I heard them flipping through cards... on a question of a Nuvi with "Lifetime" Maps!
They fact that I could hear cards flipping during pregnant pauses lost a lot of credibility of Garmin with me!

It is interesting to note that Though W7 is Not Supported, Garmin program still prompts me that an update is available.... on a system with W7... That that version is not supported on!

Still love our Garmins, and Appreciate Greatly POI's and this Forum....

Just losing more and more confidence with/in the company.... every week...

If Garmin inadvertently posts a corrupted file.... How much manpower would the have to fix it?

Sad state of affairs!

Download VM Workstation Player 15

Then create a Win10 VM, install GE in the Win 10 VM.


…no rush, take your time.

Vagrant and VirtualBox

Another option is to download and install Vagrant and VirtualBox to bring up an already installed Windows 7 virtual machine.

Bring up a command prompt window on your Windows 7 machine. Create a directory for launching a Windows 10 Box. Change into that directory and then run these 2 commands:

vagrant init senglin/win-10-enterprise-vs2015community --box-version 1.0.0

vagrant up

That will download and launch a Windows 10 machine already installed. To login use the user: vagrant password: vagrant. Then install the software you need.

To move the cursor out of the launched Windows 10 desktop back to your Windows 7 desktop, you need to hit the "Host" key which is displayed on the bottom right of the toolbar of the launched Windows 10 desktop. I believe for a Windows Host it's the right CTRL key. I run VirtualBox and Vagrant on a Mac.

The first time you do a vagrant up it has to download that Windows 10 virtual box from the cloud and it can take up to 10 minutes or more depending upon your internet connection speed. To shutdown the box you can run vagrant halt from your Windows 7 command prompt, or just do a shutdown from the launched Windows 10 machine. The next time you need to bring up that Windows 10 machine just bring up a command prompt, change into the directory your created earlier, and just run vagrant up. The Windows 10 virtual machine will come up quicker because it has already been downloaded.

Caveat: don't expect "great" response/performance from the launched Windows 10 virtual machine running on your Windows 7 host machine. Same applies to a prior post regarding installing VMWare and creating, installing and running a Windows 10 virtual machine on your Windows 7 machine. You are running vrtualization on your PC. I don't know how much memory your PC has or the CPU power which affects the performance. Regardless it should be sufficient to do what you want to do. I have experience with Vagrant, VirtualBox and VMWare. In my opinion Vagrant and VirtualBox are easier to do for what you want to do. And you are able to launch an already installed machine.

Another Caveat: That Windows 10 VirtualBox machine does not have have a Windows License, so you can't register it and download Microsoft Windows Fixes on it. Should not be a problem for what you are doing.

Vagrant download

VirtualBox Download

Maybe Next Week?

Wasn't last week. Doesn't look good for this week.


I'm still running W7-64 Utl also, just because I still like it better and making 10 and or 11 act like 7 is just a pain.

DriveLuxe 51, 2017 VW Arteon w MIB3, nüvi 3597LTMHD x 2, 1450 died, 205w retired, iQue first and possibly the best

still waiting

still waiting

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

Partly true

Phones are NOT that accurate all of the time. And, some apps are just there to suck info from you.

Anyway, this will be MY last GPS-- at least from Garmin.

The DS86 I just bought, updated and took on a 2-week jaunt cross country. Real POS.

Wrong turns, mini JCV, a few Slow Traffic warnings, but nothing about more than 25 major construction zones. Late notices to turn. Wrong speed limits.

Worst missing now, IMO,is no more Detour option.

They seem to have taken many simple things out in order to put a lot of foo foo BS in there. I'm sure there's a background payment they get for some.

Tying up your phone doing updates to the DS86 is a waste!

Next will be an Android radio/screen assembly for the same money!

I can say most of that is

I can say most of that is not our experience with it. My wife uses this model more than I do but I can see sometimes I will say Google maps has more traffic warning, but not always and not around the Tampa area.

Maybe there are settings you are not aware of? Ours I have to assume yours does have route detour?

On ours
I go to map tools and select Traffic.Then alternate Route will be there if there is one.
Then hit go.


is good stuff!



Still Waiting

This would be a great week for new maps.


when was the last update?

Still waiting

Still waiting


bsp131 wrote:

when was the last update?

February, IIRC. This is the longest gap between updates

Last update

bsp131 wrote:

when was the last update?

Release Date History For Garmin Maps

2024.10 - Feb 01, 2023 (Wed)

257 days ago. Making this the longest stretch without a map update so far.

Nuvi 2598 | Nuvi 350 | eTrex Vista | eTrex 30x

Garmin Map Update Watch: 2024.20

Got to be getting close.....

Guess not much missed?

Haven't updated the 3 garmins under my care for a while and I guess I shouldn't wait for the next update because now sure when that is, going by past few pages of posts.

In case anyone cares,

In case anyone cares, kia/hyundai released their nav/firmware updates few days ago - Oct '23 update.

Page 6?


might as well wait ...

2025.1 might come out first.


it's the dog's fault

Garmin DriveSmart 5 My other toys: IMac quad-core i3, Mac Mini M1. MacOS: Ventura 13.3.1 The dog's name is Ginger.

better luck next week

or the next, or the next .....

Never Again

If map updates are going to be this far apart. I will never purchase another GARMIN again.

Garmin would survive you not

Garmin would survive you not purchasing their products. I had forgotten that I had done some research regarding Garmin's decreasing percentage of automotive GPSr sales year over year compared to their watches and other items. It didn't look good when I did that research, but I'm not sure whether the analysis met up with reality.

With Garmin presumably going to a once yearly update model for its GPS receivers, anyone wanting more frequent updates will do well to go with OpenStreetMap-based alternatives. The question of course would be what features would be lost in doing so?

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams


I wonder if this is a result of all or mostly all Garmin GPS units having free map updates.

TomTom still has quarterly updates, doesn't look like they even sell auto GPS any longer and based on my long ago experience with a couple of their GPS and my current Mazda built in TomTom nav, they didn't come with free updates, $80 for a year of updates.

Garmin wearables

KMM000 wrote:

I wonder if this is a result of all or mostly all Garmin GPS units having free map updates.

TomTom still has quarterly updates, doesn't look like they even sell auto GPS any longer and based on my long ago experience with a couple of their GPS and my current Mazda built in TomTom nav, they didn't come with free updates, $80 for a year of updates.

Garmin's main revenue stream is on fitness/wearables. That's where the money is. Plus there is also aviation, marine and outdoor products. Automotive GPS has been put on the back burner.

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