US Topo 2008


I've just got US Topo 2008 and tried to install it on my nuvi550. but the southern stats were missing. Does any one know what's wrong?


2025 segment limit

jackie_y2k wrote:

I've just got US Topo 2008 and tried to install it on my nuvi550. but the southern stats were missing. Does any one know what's wrong?


Did you try to create a topo map of the entire Topo USA 2008?

Unless newer firmware updates have changed this, most Garmin models have a 2025 limit for the number of map segments that can in a map. Topo USA 2008 sadly has small map segments. I have successfully put Topo USA 2008 maps on my eTrex and nuvi, but only by dividing the USA into four regional maps so that I keep the number of segments under 2025 each, then swap SD cards as needed. With a bit of overlap, I created topo maps for the eastern, central, and western USA, and another for Alaska. These files are just under 1 GB in size, so I use 2GB SD cards for them.

Hi, CraigW: Thanks for the

Hi, CraigW:

Thanks for the info. Yes, I tried to make a topo map of the continental US. I'll give another try.

thanks again


In the future you may want to check out the free topo maps at gpsfiledepot

I much prefer the gpsfiledepot maps too

I highly recommend the gpsfiledepot maps over the Garmin Topo. 1:24K vs 1:100K and free to boot

Why Garmin doesn't offer the

Why Garmin doesn't offer the 24k nationwide is beyond me...


gpsfiledepot map segments

To the fans of gpsfiledepot.... How many map segments are in a typical state map at 1:24K (as opposed to Topo 100K from Garmin)? is it possible to load a large area on a 60CSX?

I'll have to check it out for my trail GPS, you sure can't beat the price grin


46 for AZ

larry_larry wrote:

To the fans of gpsfiledepot.... How many map segments are in a typical state map at 1:24K (as opposed to Topo 100K from Garmin)? is it possible to load a large area on a 60CSX?

I'll have to check it out for my trail GPS, you sure can't beat the price grin


Arizona's topo map (the new version 2.00)

has just 46 segements so the entire state can easily be loaded onto a SD card and used in a Garmin GPS. It works well in my eTrex Legend HCx and nuvi 750, so assume it'll work well in your 60CSX.

I have to be very selective

I have a Garmin Legend with only 24Mb internal memory. I have to be very very selective for the map segments I can enter from GPSfiledepot. I usually build several sets then load them as I need them.

I really need to upgrade my handheld sometime...but the 1:24K topos are very very nice and free beats Garmins high price for their 1:100K series.