Garmin Safety Camera Database
Wed, 01/20/2010 - 2:42am
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![]() 17 years
I just noticed that Garmin now has a subscription for safety cameras for the US and Canada. I cant imagine anyone paying $35 dollars to Garmin to download the cameras when they can get them here at POI. Just curious, has anyone tried the subscription?
UPDATE: For 2012 and newer models, Garmin no longer offers the Cyclops safety camera database for USA and Canada.
POI Factory's camera files continue to work with all of Garmin's automotive navigation units, including their newer models.
POI Files
Garmin Safety Camera subscription...
I just noticed that Garmin now has a subscription for safety cameras for the US and Canada. I cant imagine anyone paying $35 dollars to Garmin to download the cameras when they can get them here at POI. Just curious, has anyone tried the subscription?
I logged into and have found the following link. It shows you can purchase a subscription or download a free 30 day trial:
Not sure what happens after the 30 day trial. I guess you keep the current items downloaded onto your GPS unit, you just wouldn't receive any future updates.
The price the web page shows is:
34.99 USD / 26.0 GBP / 29.0 EUR / 43.0 AUD
It also shows the following as compatable devices:
nüvi® Series
zūmo® Series
StreetPilot® c500 Series
StreetPilot 7000 Series
Just downloaded the 30 day trial
Lets see how good it is for the next 30 days as compared to POI.
Would be interesting to know
Would be interesting to know how many red light cams and speed cams in their database. It says hundreds, so doesn't sound like more.
Tried It For Now
It seems to be a free download, for 30 Days, and you have to extend it after the expiration date. It doesn't appear to auto extend.
Did you have to create the account?
It seems to be a free download, for 30 Days, and you have to extend it after the expiration date. It doesn't appear to auto extend.
I created account before with Garmin when dl map. Now I want to get free 30 days trial but when I logged to dl the trial they said my account invalid. Do I have to create another account?
Nuvi 2450LM
I have had an account for a
I have had an account for a while. I logged in to my account, and then selected the 30 Day trial.
Is your Nuvi registered?
It cant be any better that
It cant be any better that what we have at POI. Where would they get the camera information from?
Too funny
Wouldnt it be hilarious if they get the data from here?
Not from us....
Wouldnt it be hilarious if they get the data from here?
They are not getting it from here. I would love to know how their content compares with ours.
Miss POI
I'm wondering if there is any content at all to begin with. I mean, "Safety Camera"?
Whazzat 'bout?
The one here at POI has been
The one here at POI has been fantastic, in my opinion
I called Garmin but they
I called Garmin but they were no help. They claimed not to know any more than was on the website and they asked their help desk and supervisors. Typical, they post the item and don't know anything about it. I wonder if you download the free trial, if you would be able to open the file in excel or some program and see how large the database is. They could tell me it was speed cam location and redlight cams, but couldn't tell me their source or even what format it was in.
I downloaded the free trisl
I downloaded the free trial US Canada safety cams from Garmin. I found the file in my my Gamin POI folder. It is a 197 kb GPI file along with a 1 KB UNL file. But I can't figure out how to open the file or determine whats in it.
@ gerrydrake
1. Use GPSBabel ( to convert the Garmin .gpi file (Garmin Points of Interest) from the nuvi (x:/Garmin/poi/poi.gpi) to a Garmin MapSource .gdb file
2. Open the file in MapSource
Report back and see if this works for you. I may give it a try later on. But since the file has an unlock code associated with it (as you report), it may not work.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
I have attempted to
I have attempted to convert this several times but have had no luck. However, given my level of expertise with this, I'm probably doing something wrong. I'll keep trying....I probably need step by step
I made a second call to
I made a second call to Garmin TS. This time, I was told their database of safety cams, fixed speed cams and redlight cams, numbered about 5000. I drove around phoenix and scottsdale and so far, their alerts have gone off everytime our alerts have, only about a 1/4 mile sooner. Interesting. I wonder what their source is.
Garmin POI
I'll stick with POI Factory.
I've tested...
I've tested Garmin's Safety Camera Database and it appears to be very well done with a nice safety camera icon on the screen as well as the same icon embedded within the alert banner along with "Red Light Safety Camera Zone" as the displayed alert text. This is using a nuvi 765...other older units may be different.
However, two problems I see are:
1. You cannot search for these safety cameras as a user uploaded POI to test them. You have to actually know where they are (using other camera databases such as here at POI Factory) in order to test them out.
2. The alert warning is fixed to go off at approx .1 of a mile (at least for the red light cameras). This is a bit too close IMO. I normally have my alert distance set to .25 (1/4) of a mile and am very used to that alert distance. It also appears that the alert distance is not changeable by any means.
Garmin's attempt is very good and looks nicely done but if you want to configure your own alert distances, forget it. IMO, not worth the $ when you can get the same data with more configurabilty right here at POI Factory.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Is the 1/4 mile sooner consistent?
It's not 1/4 sooner...the alert seems to be fixed at .1 of a mile. The 1/4 mile I mentioned was what my personal alerts are set to. The .1 mile alert was consistent with the three red light cameras I tested but I have no idea if this is different with school fact I have no idea if these are even included in the database.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
I did not check or verify
I did not check or verify the red light distance alert with Garmin but the SPEED cam distance, always alerted, first (sooner) than the poi factory alert in my 885T.
Database is provided by...
Garmin's Safety Camera database is provided by Cyclops UK who recently announced it's coverage of N. America.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Great information.
Great information.
I'd think their cameras
I'd think their cameras would be pretty reliable as well--they don't allow slouches to produce their maps. I'll stick with the files here, they're flawless!
account invalid
I created account before with Garmin when dl map. Now I want to get free 30 days trial but when I logged to dl the trial they said my account invalid. Do I have to create another account?
Your best bet is to call Garmin's support and see if they can reset your account. The account is normally associated with the GPS units that you have registered.
nuvi 2460LMT
Free 30-days trial
I've started my free trial subscription today, but haven't had a chance to test it yet. No luck trying to open the file. Gpi editor, which works fine on gpi files created by POI Loader while loading custom POI’s, reported unrecognized file error??? There is an .unl file as well. This will say that the file wouldn't work on any other unit except on the unit it is unlocked for. Nice feature! They obviously don't want people sharing the file. I'm more curious about alerts and icons than anything else. Red-light and Speed Cameras file we can download from this site has already all cameras and it is hard to believe that Garmin (or whoever is 3rd party company that provides information) can beat that
Thanks, Mariner.For
Thanks, Mariner.
For testing, do you guys have to remove POI-Factory from here? If not, would alert say twice (from garmin and POI-Factory). I would guess it is but want to confirm?
Nuvi 2450LM
you are right
Thanks, Mariner.
For testing, do you guys have to remove POI-Factory from here? If not, would alert say twice (from garmin and POI-Factory). I would guess it is but want to confirm?
Ya it does prompt 2 times.
Very disappointed
On my way home I passed 6 speed cameras (4 were facing opposite direction) and did receive one alert only. Even that one had wrong information (instead of 65 MPH, speed limit was set as 60 MPH). Audio alert was a very quiet bong sound that I would most likely have missed if I hadn't know the camera was there.
Although my subscription is good for next 30 days, I'll delete the file as soon as I'm done with this post. Their file doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with my file customized using information from this site with a little bit of my imagination.
No TTS alert sound?
On my way home I passed 6 speed cameras (4 were facing opposite direction) and did receive one alert only. Even that one had wrong information (instead of 65 MPH, speed limit was set as 60 MPH). Audio alert was a very quiet bong sound that I would most likely have missed if I hadn't know the camera was there.
Although my subscription is good for next 30 days, I'll delete the file as soon as I'm done with this post. Their file doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with my file customized using information from this site with a little bit of my imagination.
Thanks Krishgarmin.
What, it alerts by sound, not tts. Well, then I am not bother to down load for trial run.
Nuvi 2450LM
Go POI Factory
Sounds like we've got garmin beat then. Just another reason I'm happy to be a part of this community. I'm curious about comparing the files side by side though. I want to know how close to ours their information is. Anyone considered trying this?
Skip the Garmin subscription
So far the Garmin database is of no help. In Queens and Brooklyn, NY, while driving on the highways, I get multiple alerts of a "variable safety camera zone" and while on the streets, I passed 5 red light cameras (3 were facing on opposite direction and 1 was on the left of an intersection) that were on our POI database but was not picked up by Garmin. Anyone know what the deal is with all the "variable safety camera zone" alerts?
Based on the comments I'm
Based on the comments I'm getting the impression this isn't even worth downloading for comparison purposes?
Garmin POI
Already paid $20 and will stick with POI Factory- can't be any significant difference.
How can I browse the Garmin
How can I browse the Garmin RLC file I've downloaded manually on my GPS?
Garmin Nuvi 2555 LMT, Street Pilot C340, nuvi 265WT, Mio Moov 300, nuvi 255W, Navigon 2100 (Retired)
Where to --> Extras ---->
Where to --> Extras ----> Custom POIs
Nuvi 2450LM
I'm not sure
Where to --> Extras ----> Custom POIs
I already uninstalled the file so I can't check it again, but I don't think it was showing anything under Where to --> Extras --> Custom POI's. I don't think there is an option to browse the file.
Open file
Deleted.After looking at the information for the free trial.It shows Connect your Garmin device to your computer's USB port using the USB cable.To download the file.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
How can I browse the Garmin RLC file I've downloaded manually on my GPS?
Did you use the POI Loader, or just DL to the unit??
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
My observation
I've just tested Garmin Safety Camera free trial. In the morning, I passed 2 RLC intersections near my home and got no audible/visible warning at all (POI factory RLC never fails to alert at these intersections).
I then drove on the freeway for hundreds of miles and got so many "variable safety camera zone" alerts popping up once or twice every few miles. On the way home, I passed 1 RLC, no warning. After I made the turn and drove away for 1/4 miles, warning pops up.
Garmin charges $35/year for this piece of crap? I don't even want to use it if it was free.
How can I browse the Garmin RLC file I've downloaded manually on my GPS?
Did you use the POI Loader, or just DL to the unit??
I loaded from my browser.
Garmin Nuvi 2555 LMT, Street Pilot C340, nuvi 265WT, Mio Moov 300, nuvi 255W, Navigon 2100 (Retired)
Ours vs. Theirs
Wouldnt it be hilarious if they get the data from here?
They are not getting it from here. I would love to know how their content compares with ours.
Miss POI
So far most feedbacks here, GARMIN's rlc Stink
Simply, POI- Factory rlc rocks.
The difference is the Efforts.
Garmin Nuvi 2555 LMT, Street Pilot C340, nuvi 265WT, Mio Moov 300, nuvi 255W, Navigon 2100 (Retired)
My bad
Where to --> Extras ----> Custom POIs
I already uninstalled the file so I can't check it again, but I don't think it was showing anything under Where to --> Extras --> Custom POI's. I don't think there is an option to browse the file.
Oops, I thought the question about poi-rlc.
Nuvi 2450LM
Waypoints vs POI
It's not that I discount or discredit the efforts of Miss POI and others with this database, but there is one major difference that I will gladly pay for.
The Cyclops files utilize Waypoints rather than a POI file. POI's only allow for a radius, therefor red light and speed cameras will go off no matter which way you are traveling or what road you are on. In Providence, there are several cameras that are on service roads paralleling the highway, causing false warnings. With waypoints, Garmin's Cyclops database knows what street you are on and what direction you are traveling so you get minimal false warnings. I have tested this and it works great. It is nice to approach an intersection the has a camera, but not in the direction you are traveling, and not be annoyed by a notification.
We don't have speed cameras up here, so I don't know how far of a distance they are set for , but the RLC warning was more than ample IMO.
I am glad that Cyclops has finally finished their database for North America and have been waiting for it for a long time. They have been active in Europe and other parts of the world since '02 and their database is extensive and accurate.
I don't think this forum has anything to worry about though, as there will always be people looking to get something for free.
Garmin Quest/Quest2/Nuvi660/Nuvi755T
While the Garmin Safety Cameras (SCs) are indeed nice (I have the free trial), I have already ran into two different instances where the Cyclops database reported no RLCs where they have existed for (at least) months now. I also do not like the fact that the alert distance is preset to a .1 mile distance with no means to alter it. This alert distance is way too close IMO as I have mine set for .25 mile. The database also cannot be altered so you're stuck with what they give you, even if you see a SC that has been moved/removed, you can't just add/delete it on your own.
I also wonder how frequent the updates will actually be. Garmin states "weekly" so my free trial will test that out.
I think would trust the files I get here for free more than I would Garmin's, even if I had to pay the same amount for both (which I don't).
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Garmin has a tool for
Garmin has a tool for publishing directional alerts called Content Tool Kit. We are working on licensing this for POI Factory and plan to use this with our camera files.
Jon is making improvements to the module I use for managing the camera files, and I will be working on directional information in February.
Miss POI
As always yo and Jon are on top of things. We will be looking forward to the directional alert capability. Thanks for all your work.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
The Cyclops files utilize Waypoints rather than a POI file. POI's only allow for a radius, therefor red light and speed cameras will go off no matter which way you are traveling or what road you are on. In Providence, there are several cameras that are on service roads paralleling the highway, causing false warnings. With waypoints, Garmin's Cyclops database knows what street you are on and what direction you are traveling so you get minimal false warnings. I have tested this and it works great.
That sounds great but my experience is the opposite of yours. Nuvi alerts me while I'm on CA freeway and remains silent while I pass RLC protected intersections.
I don't think this forum has anything to worry about though, as there will always be people looking to get something for free.
More importantly... something that works. I don't want it in my Nuvi if it's free but doesn't work.
better a false warning than none at all...
In Providence, there are several cameras that are on service roads paralleling the highway, causing false warnings.
IMO, I'd rather have a false warning than no warning at all, which is exactly what I experienced twice using Garmin's Safety Cams.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
If there database truly is
If there database truly is 5,000, then somewhere between the US and Canada ( maybe not my city or yours), they have significatly more speed and/or red light cam alerts, perhaps in the more remote areas. I used the shotgun approach..I use them both, so I will have a backup and also more complete coverage in the US and Canada. If I never traveled anywhere but my home state, I would only use poi factory coverage because its the best coverage and we have enough people here to keep it always current and complete but I like the idea that if I travel the country I have backup and complete coverage of both countries....if one doesn't alert..the other one does. Just my 2 cents.