California lawmaker wants to blur Google Earth. Could GPS be targetted next?


This is all in the name of "safety" :


Last month California Assemblyman Joel Anderson introduced a bill to limit the amount of detail someone could see on screen using online mapping tools. It also calls for fines of up to $250,000 per day for violating what Anderson describes "as the same level of protections that foreign governments extend to their own citizens."

Joel is an idiot is what I'm thinking. You can't live in a free society and cower in fear like this, by controlling information.

By limiting information to our citizens, we become what the enemy wants us to become.

-- - red light cameras do not work

Been there, done that

Perhaps he's following the example of former Vice President Dick Cheney.....

"The true measure of persons is how they treat someone who can do them absolutely no good." - Samuel Johnson

Blurring Google Earth

This is censorship and should be challenged, if passed.

Don't these people have

Don't these people have other things to do?

Who Votes

Who votes for these idiots. Has he ever look at the map programs of other countries? They have the same detail as the US. I agree this would be censorship but think about where it is coming from and the financial problems in CA. This could be a way for CA to collect money at 250K a shot.

Nuvi 750 and 755T


what is wrong with these people. there are more important things for him to worry about.

Private roads

A couple of years ago Google got sued over photoing up a driveway that had a "Private Road" sign posted. Google lost and removed the driveway from public view. The "private road" seems reasonable but then what about an aerial view?

Another situation in my state (TX) is the county appraisal districts have photoed the front of every house (as viewed from the public street) and made the photos available on the Internet. Our stupid lawmakers forced all districts to remove all photos from view on the Internet.

Any view from a public road should not be blocked or blurred from public view in my opinion.

Nuvi 2460LMT

Kind of funny (not really)

Kind of odd to propose something like that while only a limited group in government have access to all of those street cameras they've been putting up everywhere.

It's about the Line- If a line can be drawn between the powers granted and the rights retained, it would seem to be the same thing, whether the latter be secured by declaring that they shall not be abridged, or that the former shall not be extended.

tax dollars at work... seems

tax dollars at work... seems they could tackle some more pressing issues.

Lets take it a step further


...limit the amount of detail someone could see on screen using online mapping tools...

Why not take it a step further and truly limit the level of detail available? Let's allow no more road names or address numbers, in the name of safety and privacy.

Better yet

jonny5 wrote:

...limit the amount of detail someone could see on screen using online mapping tools...

Why not take it a step further and truly limit the level of detail available? Let's allow no more road names or address numbers, in the name of safety and privacy.

Let's ban stupid assemblymen.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

Some people have nothing better to do

Blurred Out: 51 Things You Aren't Allowed to See on Google Maps, some have been cleared.

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.



Hey, they need to come up

Hey, they need to come up with more fines to help this budget. smile

California has always been

California has always been full of nuts. Thank God I don't have to live there.

Thank You Too

TnPapa wrote:

California has always been full of nuts. Thank God I don't have to live there.

I'm thanking God you don't have to live here either....

Nuvi 760 (died 6/2013); Forerunner 305 bike/run; Inreach SE; MotionX Drive (iPhone)

same thought

Aero_Jonno wrote:
TnPapa wrote:

California has always been full of nuts. Thank God I don't have to live there.

I'm thanking God you don't have to live here either....

Second that! smile

Key words

The key words are California Assemblyman.

Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.

Back in the bad old days....

Back in the bad old days of the Cold War, it was a "sent to Siberia" offense for ordinary civilians to possess an accurate paper map of Moscow. Seems the Sovietski leadershipski wanted any invader to have to stop and ask for directions.

Maybe the Assemblyman could take a page from that era. Why stop at GPS/satellite imagery? Turn the map rack at every 7-11 into a crime scene. Unless, of course, the maps are inaccurate and misleading. Then they're off the hook.

"The true measure of persons is how they treat someone who can do them absolutely no good." - Samuel Johnson


Maybe Joel has something to hide on his property.

Some Assemblyman has way too

Some Assemblyman has way too much free time.

Wilson T * Nuvi 3597 * Romulus, MI

Perhaps he should go hunting

ntwajumela wrote:

Perhaps he's following the example of former Vice President Dick Cheney.....

Perhaps he should go hunting with former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Ban Stupid Assemblymen?

a_user wrote:
jonny5 wrote:

...limit the amount of detail someone could see on screen using online mapping tools...

Why not take it a step further and truly limit the level of detail available? Let's allow no more road names or address numbers, in the name of safety and privacy.

Let's ban stupid assemblymen.

If we ban stupid assemblyman, then who is going to attend the assembly meetings? There will only be about 10 percent of the assemblymen left.

Stupid Assemblymen

edwardw66 wrote:

If we ban stupid assemblyman, then who is going to attend the assembly meetings? There will only be about 10 percent of the assemblymen left.

Just goes to prove you really don't need them after all.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

I expected...

I truly expected better from Californians. If lawmakers in liberal CA are so stupid, what would you expect from some other states...

Maybe Cheney should move to CA grin

who use that?

They should fine those who use it.
Tool would not do the job.
It is people use the tool to do it.

Halliburton/Cheney already moved to Dubai.

ahmadr wrote:

I truly expected better from Californians. If lawmakers in liberal CA are so stupid, what would you expect from some other states...

Maybe Cheney should move to CA grin

Halliburton/Cheney already moved to Dubai.


nüvi 1490T, V1, Sanyo PRO-700a, maps, sunglasses, hot co-pilot, the open road

I really hope that don't

I really hope that don't blur google earth. That's retarded. What an idiot. I think the California is full of stupid Lawmakers.

Stupid Assemblymen

And to think that he got more votes than his opponent. I would assume his opponent must have been dumber than two boxes of rocks.

just the naughty bits

this might get more traction if they just blur the naughty bits, or put pasties over them.

"is it possible to found a party for those who are not sure they are right? that would be my party. in any event, I do not insult those who are not on my side. that is my only originality." — albert camus


I work for a government agency. I can assure you that brilliance is not the norm........

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S


thrak wrote:

I work for a government agency. I can assure you that brilliance is not the norm........

i will reserve my thoughts on that being that it would open up a big controversy.

Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.


Just another reason to dislike California.

Lifetime NRA & USPSA member



California has nothing to do with it. Just some politician that has nothing better to do.

Amazing, with everything wrong in the world, I find it troublesome that someone elected into office actually has nothing better to do than ban quality imagery from Google Earth.

If that's what this politician believes is important in today's time of crisis, I think its time he stepped down from office.


GPS On The Ground | FMC In The Air

It wasn't that long ago...

It was less than 10 years ago that GPSr for civilian use, was saddled with a thing called "selective availability" aka SA.

It diluted the accuracy of civilian GPS while allowing the military to have much greater precision for targeting things like smart bombs and guided munitions.

SA was removed from civilian GPS use only about 10 years ago and there are still lots of (paranoid) folks who think that was a mistake.

I am sure the military still has tricks up its sleeve with GPS that we civilians haven't begun to dream of: i.e.
"Soldier! Fire that missile right up that terrorist's nose!"
"Sir!! Which nostril?"

National security, of necessity, restricts certain "liberties" in order to protect "freedom." But privacy? Get over it, Assemblyman. Real privacy doesn't exist any more. The only people who have real privacy in this world are those untouched or unreached by communications technology.

"The true measure of persons is how they treat someone who can do them absolutely no good." - Samuel Johnson

Code Enforcement Arial/Zoning Photos

I wonder if Joel plans to ban the arial photos that code enforcement and city zoning departments use???? I know one SMALL city here has them going back to at least 1948. The city of Sanford Florida told a friend of mine to clear cut his heavily wooded lot and he tried to fight them. But according to local zoning laws if a lot has ever been cleared then you have to keep it cleared. He has lived in this city since the 1950s and said that the lot had always been wooded but he lost because the city found an old arial survey from 1948 that showed it cleared. However even at that time (1948) it already had large woody plants taking it over so it hadn't been farmed in a number of years.



I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.

Dadgum gubmint needs to get out of my hair.

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

Tax database photos

Joe R. wrote:

I wonder if Joel plans to ban the arial photos that code enforcement and city zoning departments use????

Good point. In my job I have to look at properties my employer insures, and I frequently include an aerial view from the local tax database. They are often much more detailed that what Google Earth shows.

"Recalculating... drive 0.2 miles, then abandon vehicle." ------------- [ETrex Venture CX; Nüvi 40; Drive 52]


I don't think I'd worry about what some knucklehead from California has to say, Arizona is just one more good quake from being the West Coast.

If you want to care about something some nutcase in California is saying, pay attention to that Nazi Sheriff in Orange County, she is on the verge of taking your 2nd Amendment rights away. That's how they work, they start with one of them, the most important one, the one that helps you defend yourself from them taking the rest of them, and continue until you have zilch.

Lifetime NRA & USPSA member

Some people are idiots.

Some people are idiots.

Garmin nüvi 765T, nüvi 350

They are dumb bastards

thrak wrote:

I work for a government agency. I can assure you that brilliance is not the norm........

Oh how correct you are. I have never meet a group of people with less common sense than those that make a career of politics. I can say I have meet a large enough segment of the group to make this judgment with a very high degree of confidence.

"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”