Introduction to me
Thu, 11/27/2008 - 12:36pm
15 years
Hello! I am new here and just became a member of the GPS community yesterday with my new Garmin Nuvi 750 which is simply amazing.
It is really nice to add user generated POIs to my GPS. and i might even make a few custom ones if i ever get the time.
Thanks again!
make sure you visit the FAC,
etrex vista, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 750(3)
Welcome to the group, it is nice to have you with us.
Miss POI
Welcome to the Group!
You'll find a lot of great information, friendly people and conversations.
Oh yes, you'll even find an almost limitless number of POI files too.
New files are always welcome, as are updates or corrections to existing files.
Enjoy your stay, and don't forget to tip your servers.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled forum - already in progress . . .
Glad to have you with us ryryryry.
You'll find a lot of great POI's and people here!
and welcome to the group.
Welcome to the Community
And on Thanksgiving and everything, Welcome.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
This is the place for info and fun enjoy
><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><- 4-Garmin Nuvi 760>>>> Owner: Sunrise Mechanical A/C & Heating,, Peoria, Arizona
Welcome to the site!
Welcome!! Now I have a
Welcome!! Now I have a question for all those that replied, you MUST NOT HAVE LIVES otherwise, why would you be HERE?! (LOL) OMG, I just realized something, I REPLIED TOO! I HAVE NO LIFE! (LOL)
Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.
Welcome,This is a great
This is a great site for all your GPS questions. Don't be afraid to ask because the level of knowledge that some of these folks have on GPS and points of interest, is amazing. Enjoy your GPS.
I tripped going up the escalator and I fell for an hour and a half!
to the best board on the web for GPS.
Welcome aboard.
Welcome and enjoy!
NUVI 650