Google Earth Plus and KML to CSV problem


grin Hi everybody,

I have been using Google Earth Plus and have been trying to create Kml files that has all the extra info like Adress and Telephone numbers but it seems i dont know how to do it.



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Google Earth Plus and KML to CSV problem

Thanks Absolute for the link...

I did not explain the problem properly.

What i do is do a searth in Google Earth Plus for example a Fuel outlet in the area that the map show me. I transfer those finding in a directory "My places" and then create the KML files.

But creating the CSV files, it does not show the extra info like adress and telephone number that is showned on the screen.

Ia there an Option In Google Earth for that...?


GeePeeEx Editor can read Google Earth .kml files and preserve the address and phone number information. These can then be stored in a .gpx file (which has the requisite fields for such things) so that they can be subsequently loaded using POILoader.

The address information is not split into its component parts (street, state etc) by Google Earth - but you can use the Batch Geocoding functionality in GeePeeEx, to refine this. The phone numbers should already be dialable, without further work.

The issue with converting to csv instead, is that Garmin's csv format does not have fields that map to the kml input. The converter would have to concatenate the data and format it appropriately (for your device). I've not seen any that attempt that.

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------      - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      

Google Earth Plus and KML to CSV problem

Hi Hornbyp,

I understand that GeePeeEx does all those wonderful things but the problem is not in translating the file. Let me explain...

Initially the info is not there in the KML file by Google let alone the transfer from KML to svc or gpx.

If i do Copy Paste of the info That i see on the screen and then go in the Properties of that particular Google POI and in the description, i paste the info.. then, doing a "Save Place As" then and only then will i see the info in the KML file generate by Google.Otherwisw, Google does not incorporate the description in the POI.


Have you tried TakitWithMe

Have you tried TakitWithMe ?Browse all the things this program does.I use google maps and transfer info to a gpx file using this program.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Thanks all of you for the

Thanks all of you for the reply but the problem will not be solve by using TakitWithMe.

As i said earlier, Google Earth will not generate this extra info into the KML file and i would like to know if its possible to get it by using some option in Google Earth. If Google Earth is able to give me this info, i really dont need third party utility to convert the KML. But if Google is unenable to put this info in the KML, then my question has been answered.



peteball wrote:

Initially the info is not there in the KML file by Google let alone the transfer from KML to svc or gpx.

Maybe there is some difference between Google Earth and Google Earth Plus in this respect?

I just tried (in the free version of Google Earth):

  • Search: "Fuel,Quebec"
  • Right-click on "Fuel Quebec (1-10)" and chose "Save Place As"
  • Saved as TEMP.KML
  • Inspected KML file - all information present as expected.

I also tried the extra step of moving the results to "My Places" and saving from there. The data was still present.

Here's a small sample of what was present in the kml file:

<name>Dufresne F Inc</name>
<address>455 rue des Entrepreneurs<br/>Québec, QC G1M 2V2, Canada</address>
<Snippet maxLines="2">
<![CDATA[ 455 rue des Entrepreneurs, Québec, QC G1M 2V2, Canada<br/>(418) 688-1820

::Placemark data continues::

This is what I (and GeePeeEx) expected to find there...

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------      - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      

Hi Phil, You are absolutely

Hi Phil,

You are absolutely right....
Stupid of my part, i should have seen this.

The info is there all right but i was using KMLCSV Converter and it did not show me all the info.

I guess i will have a second look at GeePeeEx.

I will be back for more...

Very kind of you...