Garmin Express v5.8.0.0 Is Available


Garmin Express v5.8.0.0 is available to download.

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Updated with no apparent problems on my 2012 MacBook Pro.

Ted - Garmin Nuvi 1450 LM


downloaded and installed ok just one problem it asked to ok sharing information and when I clicked no it said there was an error and it wouldn't share my info I never said they could collect my info in the first place ! I always click no for requests to collect my info ! I know it doesn't help with Microsoft but I didn't think garmin was doing it with GE !

Release Notes

BlueChart content is now accessible for handheld devices, such as the GPSMap and Montana’s.
Added support for the fitness devices with CIQ favorites.
Fixed the progress indicator for map reinstalls so that it will reach 100%.
Fixed a failure for Cycle Maps installing to fenix 5x and D2 devices.
Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

BlueChart content is now accessible for handheld devices, such as the GPSMap and Montana’s.
Added support for the fitness devices with CIQ favorites.
Fixed an issue with adding Garmin Mode devices to Express
Fixed a failure for Cycle Maps installing to fenix 5x and D2 devices.
Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

Install was quick

Never saw any bugs in the previous version, but that doesn't mean that I would never see them.

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA

Can't wait to use it.

Can't wait to use it.


Downloaded and installed.

No issues for me on Windows 10

Nuvi 3597 LMT

Thanks nats50

Updated & now ready for a new map update mrgreen

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk


geo334 wrote:

I didn't think garmin was doing it with GE !

I stated back when GE first came out, it was a marketer's dream. Where you've gone, and all your POI's that are loaded, where you've been (breadcrumbs), distance driven between map updates, and more.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

If ..

... that really worries you use the clone method to update your device.

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

Thanks for the heads-up nats50...

downloaded and installed to Windows 10 with no problems.

Strange ..

geo334 wrote:

downloaded and installed ok just one problem it asked to ok sharing information and when I clicked no it said there was an error and it wouldn't share my info I never said they could collect my info in the first place ! I always click no for requests to collect my info ! I know it doesn't help with Microsoft but I didn't think garmin was doing it with GE !

I didn't get that on my Win7 system, maybe it's Win10 related and nothing to do with Garmin?

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

not here

sussamb wrote:
geo334 wrote:

downloaded and installed ok just one problem it asked to ok sharing information and when I clicked no it said there was an error and it wouldn't share my info I never said they could collect my info in the first place ! I always click no for requests to collect my info ! I know it doesn't help with Microsoft but I didn't think garmin was doing it with GE !

I didn't get that on my Win7 system, maybe it's Win10 related and nothing to do with Garmin?

I have Windows 10 Home v 1703 build 15063.726

All spy stuff turned off, GE installed and didn't ask for any permissions.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .


My Win10 system updated without issue also, so suspect it's a Win10 thing somewhere as I too have all my spy stuff turned off!

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

it is garmin not windows

when I click on my device where it asks if you want to back it up, on the bottom of the page under you device data it gives you a choice of sharing data or not it will not allow me to click no, it says there was an error saving consent! and I know the difference between what windows is doing and garmin, turn on your task manager (ctrl alt del) to see what is running in the background and you will find you don't have as much turned off as you think you do!

Well ...

... if you get that error it also says that in the meantime it won't share your data ...

I thought from your earlier comment it was while you were installing Express, clearly I was wrong smile

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

Wrong version of GE?

I verified for GE update and received version
After the install, there was a warning that GE could not share my data with Garmin due to server?

I tried to re-install my Nuvi in GE but it could not even see it?

I then re-installed GE and it gave me v5.7.1.0 again and everything works well again.

I suspect that is not a proper version for my Windows 10 and should not have been flagged/recommended for my computer.

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)

Well ...

It's working fine on my Win10 and Win7 systems. As you'll see above others also have it working on Win10.

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

Curious ....

sussamb wrote:

It's working fine on my Win10 and Win7 systems. As you'll see above others also have it working on Win10.

I use Edge as my default browser and as you know Java does work in Edge. I recall seeing an error regarding Java for some reason .....

Obviously, the older version is more compatible for my setup.

Perhaps the others with re-occurring problems, could look to re-installing GE also. It apparently does NOT /offer/install v5.8.0.0 ....not yet anyway.

GE update page still offers the update .....I think I'll wait a bit.

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)



I'm with you, my friend.

I would guess that Garmin hasn't gotten its telemetry servers up & running just as yet. We'll have to ignore this annoying banner for a little while until the inevitable bugfix comes out. Maybe they'll even remove this "feature" in that update.

Garmin Drive 61, nuvi 2597MT, too many really.


Updated to no issues.



Thanks for the update, reminds me - got a new PC and need to install!

Win 10 w/ Fall Update

sussamb wrote:

It's working fine on my Win10 and Win7 systems. As you'll see above others also have it working on Win10.

I installed the latest GE under Win 10 with the Fall Update. The update took less than three minutes and I've had no issues so far.


"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."




No issues. Windows 10 using Chrome

"Primum Non Nocere" 2595LMT Clear Channel and Navteq Traffic


Thanks for the info!

Michael (Nuvi 2639LMT)


Updated without issue.

Nuvi 2598 | Nuvi 350 | eTrex Vista | eTrex 30x

Worked fine on W7-64 and W10

Worked fine on W7-64 and W10 Pro
It was first time I used W10 Pro with GE for maps... Prior to this I always used W7-64...

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Same Problem

geo334 wrote:

when I click on my device where it asks if you want to back it up, on the bottom of the page under you device data it gives you a choice of sharing data or not it will not allow me to click no, it says there was an error saving consent! and I know the difference between what windows is doing and garmin, turn on your task manager (ctrl alt del) to see what is running in the background and you will find you don't have as much turned off as you think you do!

I got the same message. Install went smooth.

Garmin Nuvi 2699 with 2017.30 Maps

Same Problem

geo334 wrote:

when I click on my device where it asks if you want to back it up, on the bottom of the page under you device data it gives you a choice of sharing data or not it will not allow me to click no, it says there was an error saving consent! and I know the difference between what windows is doing and garmin, turn on your task manager (ctrl alt del) to see what is running in the background and you will find you don't have as much turned off as you think you do!

I got the same message. Install went smooth.

Garmin Nuvi 2699 with 2017.30 Maps


Just downloaded and installed without any issues.


Downloading now...



When I first opened GE after the update, I had an orange banner with an exclamation point that said "Click this banner to select your data sharing preference". Clicking the banner took me to the page that has the Back Up info. and Your Device Data where I can select No or Yes to: Do you consent to Garmin collecting, using, and sharing your device data? When I selected No, I got an Error Saving Consent message: "We had a little trouble saving your consent setting. You can try your selection again or come back later. Don't worry, we'll remind you! In the meantime, we will not share any of your data."

That does not say that they will not collect or use my data, only that they will not share it. evil

Try This ...

MikeG1 wrote:

When I first opened GE after the update, I had an orange banner with an exclamation point that said "Click this banner to select your data sharing preference". Clicking the banner took me to the page that has the Back Up info. and Your Device Data where I can select No or Yes to: Do you consent to Garmin collecting, using, and sharing your device data? When I selected No, I got an Error Saving Consent message: "We had a little trouble saving your consent setting. You can try your selection again or come back later. Don't worry, we'll remind you! In the meantime, we will not share any of your data."

That does not say that they will not collect or use my data, only that they will not share it. evil

This is the error I was referring to in my post above. You will also notice that the option is a choice between buttons instead of a slider as in the previous version.
Un-install the new version and then re-install the version from the Garmin website. It should give you the previous version (it did for me) with the slider for the choice for data collection and it works properly.

I strongly suspect that many of the people above did not notice this bug.

Hope your new install works for you too.

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)

Is this common?

thurst461 wrote:

Updated with no apparent problems on my 2012 MacBook Pro.

Does the Apple version always have the same version number as the Windows version?

Maybe a reason for the above?

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)

Hmmm ...

MikeG1 wrote:

When I first opened GE after the update, I had an orange banner with an exclamation point that said "Click this banner to select your data sharing preference". Clicking the banner took me to the page that has the Back Up info. and Your Device Data where I can select No or Yes to: Do you consent to Garmin collecting, using, and sharing your device data? When I selected No, I got an Error Saving Consent message: "We had a little trouble saving your consent setting. You can try your selection again or come back later. Don't worry, we'll remind you! In the meantime, we will not share any of your data."

That does not say that they will not collect or use my data, only that they will not share it. evil

Never got that ...

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

Is This Common?

pb46 wrote:
thurst461 wrote:

Updated with no apparent problems on my 2012 MacBook Pro.

Does the Apple version always have the same version number as the Windows version?

Maybe a reason for the above?

The versions numbers are usually in synch, though one (usually the Windows version) will get a fix without the other. Both just went to v5.8.0.0.

Ted - Garmin Nuvi 1450 LM

Neither did I

sussamb wrote:
MikeG1 wrote:

When I first opened GE after the update, I had an orange banner with an exclamation point that said "Click this banner to select your data sharing preference". Clicking the banner took me to the page that has the Back Up info. and Your Device Data where I can select No or Yes to: Do you consent to Garmin collecting, using, and sharing your device data? When I selected No, I got an Error Saving Consent message: "We had a little trouble saving your consent setting. You can try your selection again or come back later. Don't worry, we'll remind you! In the meantime, we will not share any of your data."

That does not say that they will not collect or use my data, only that they will not share it. evil

Never got that ...

With two computers running Windows 7 64 bit.

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

Nor I

canuk wrote:
sussamb wrote:
MikeG1 wrote:

When I first opened GE after the update, I had an orange banner with an exclamation point that said "Click this banner to select your data sharing preference". Clicking the banner took me to the page that has the Back Up info. and Your Device Data where I can select No or Yes to: Do you consent to Garmin collecting, using, and sharing your device data? When I selected No, I got an Error Saving Consent message: "We had a little trouble saving your consent setting. You can try your selection again or come back later. Don't worry, we'll remind you! In the meantime, we will not share any of your data."

That does not say that they will not collect or use my data, only that they will not share it. evil

Never got that ...

With two computers running Windows 7 64 bit.

Me neither, with two Win 10 64-bit PCs updated.

Glad to hear it ...

CraigW wrote:
canuk wrote:
sussamb wrote:
MikeG1 wrote:

When I first opened GE after the update, I had an orange banner with an exclamation point that said "Click this banner to select your data sharing preference". Clicking the banner took me to the page that has the Back Up info. and Your Device Data where I can select No or Yes to: Do you consent to Garmin collecting, using, and sharing your device data? When I selected No, I got an Error Saving Consent message: "We had a little trouble saving your consent setting. You can try your selection again or come back later. Don't worry, we'll remind you! In the meantime, we will not share any of your data."

That does not say that they will not collect or use my data, only that they will not share it. evil

Never got that ...

With two computers running Windows 7 64 bit.

Me neither, with two Win 10 64-bit PCs updated.

Maybe it was true their servers were too busy? ..... Guess I'll try again tomorrow ....

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)

Thanks for posting. Updated.

Thanks for posting. Updated.

Good to know, will try it.

Good to know, will try it. Thanks

Garmin Express Update

Thank you for the info
Downloaded & installed with no problems

Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM

Thanks for posting

Thanks for posting

Garmin Nuvi 1490LMT, Nuvi 750, Nuvi 255LT


Updating now.

Nuvi2797LMT (2) Nuvi260,Ford Sync3 Navigation. Captain Cook was a Yorkshire man too.


Thanks, Will update soon

Just Updated

No problems with my iMAC.


pb46 wrote:
MikeG1 wrote:

When I first opened GE after the update, I had an orange banner with an exclamation point that said "Click this banner to select your data sharing preference". Clicking the banner took me to the page that has the Back Up info. and Your Device Data where I can select No or Yes to: Do you consent to Garmin collecting, using, and sharing your device data? When I selected No, I got an Error Saving Consent message: "We had a little trouble saving your consent setting. You can try your selection again or come back later. Don't worry, we'll remind you! In the meantime, we will not share any of your data."

That does not say that they will not collect or use my data, only that they will not share it. evil

This is the error I was referring to in my post above. You will also notice that the option is a choice between buttons instead of a slider as in the previous version.
Un-install the new version and then re-install the version from the Garmin website. It should give you the previous version (it did for me) with the slider for the choice for data collection and it works properly.

I strongly suspect that many of the people above did not notice this bug.

Hope your new install works for you too.

I actually have this same error too

Mine has been installed for

Mine has been installed for a week or so. You cannot choose Yes or No. Both give the same no save error.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

That makes a few ....

banglazed wrote:
pb46 wrote:
MikeG1 wrote:

When I first opened GE after the update, I had an orange banner with an exclamation point that said "Click this banner to select your data sharing preference". Clicking the banner took me to the page that has the Back Up info. and Your Device Data where I can select No or Yes to: Do you consent to Garmin collecting, using, and sharing your device data? When I selected No, I got an Error Saving Consent message: "We had a little trouble saving your consent setting. You can try your selection again or come back later. Don't worry, we'll remind you! In the meantime, we will not share any of your data."

That does not say that they will not collect or use my data, only that they will not share it. evil

This is the error I was referring to in my post above. You will also notice that the option is a choice between buttons instead of a slider as in the previous version.
Un-install the new version and then re-install the version from the Garmin website. It should give you the previous version (it did for me) with the slider for the choice for data collection and it works properly.

I strongly suspect that many of the people above did not notice this bug.

Hope your new install works for you too.

I actually have this same error too

Good luck! I haven't found a cause nor a solution yet.

Will come back once I do ........

If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem quickly resembles a nail. (Maslow's Hammer)
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