Just saying Hi..
Mon, 06/25/2007 - 1:37pm
17 years
New member here.
Just reported a location of a speedcam in the Los Angeles area. Been caught there one and i now watch for it and must have seen hundred's of people being caught there over the years.
Right back at you
And welcome aboard!
Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!
Welcome Aboard :)
"You can't get there from here"
Good Luck
Great site!
Thanks for emailing me that location Jake and welcome to the site, seems you have the right equipment for the great water here, jump right in. No rough sailing in here:)
Miss Poi