The reason I do not purchase map updates.
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16 years
(1) I my opinion, there should be two prices for maps. One price for those who do not already have an earlier version of that map, and a lower price for those who already own that map but are just updating it. Most major software companies follow this format for their software.
My GPS already has the North American map. If I were to purchase a new North American map, there would probably be less than a 5% difference in that map from the one I already own. Now on the other hand, if I were to purchase for instance, a European map, then I should pay the full price. Right?
(2) Also, in most cases when there are road changes, I am told it may take up to 5 years or more for those changes to show on a map update. The biggest changes is probably the pre-installed POIs.
What is your opinion?
Lifetime traffic
Lifetime traffic gets you the ads. You only see the ads when stopped. They disappear when you start again. For me they are unobtrusive. I have seen Best Western and Red Lobster.
I haven't tried turning off traffic to see if they disappear. I will have to try that because traffic is a joke.
Nuvi 2460LMT.
Traffic information, such as
Traffic information, such as it is, has not become one of those very useful features except in a few locations where the is sufficient info to be useful.
The map updates, however, are useful over the long run, but not necessarily over a 1 to 2 year period because of the way information makes it's way into the updates (VERY slowly)!
I'm still using my 350 & rarely experience a problem.
Traffic information, such as
The new maps had current construction detours in DFW texas area which help me.
If I need new maps
If I am in need of an updated map for directions I just use Google Maps on the phone.
"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
For my needs, the free MapQuest cell phone app is enough to fill any gaps from not updating the Garmin maps. Granted, I am assuming cell phone coverage; if I was going to be in the middle of nowhere I might feel differently.
MapQuest's maps are good; the traffic is much better; and the oral turn-by-turn directions are at least as good as Garmin's.
I am still dumbfounded that Garmin does not parse the sound options between routing directions and poi's. What I mean is: if you have route selected but don't want to hear the turn-by-turn, but do want to hear RLC and speed trap warnings, you are SOL. It's mute all or hear all. IMHO this is inexcusable lack of functionality for a dedicated driving GPS unit.
My workaround is this: I have MapQuest running on my phone (it almost always chooses the same route as the Garmin, but admittedly MapQuest does not have "avoidances" that you can choose to narrow the route options). I do not have a route in the Garmin, and I keep the sound on. That way I get the RLC/speed warnings from the Garmin, and I can turn up the volume on my phone if I need to hear directions.
For my needs, the free MapQuest cell phone app is enough to fill any gaps from not updating the Garmin maps. Granted, I am assuming cell phone coverage; if I was going to be in the middle of nowhere I might feel differently.
MapQuest's maps are good; the traffic is much better; and the oral turn-by-turn directions are at least as good as Garmin's.
I am still dumbfounded that Garmin does not parse the sound options between routing directions and poi's. What I mean is: if you have route selected but don't want to hear the turn-by-turn, but do want to hear RLC and speed trap warnings, you are SOL. It's mute all or hear all. IMHO this is inexcusable lack of functionality for a dedicated driving GPS unit.
My workaround is this: I have MapQuest running on my phone (it almost always chooses the same route as the Garmin, but admittedly MapQuest does not have "avoidances" that you can choose to narrow the route options). I do not have a route in the Garmin, and I keep the sound on. That way I get the RLC/speed warnings from the Garmin, and I can turn up the volume on my phone if I need to hear directions.
A great solution !!
"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
Sell your old unit and use the money to buy a new one
If you don't get the most expensive units out there, it's probably better to buy a new one after a year or two and use the money to buy a new unit. With the price of map updates and the units coming down in price over time, you might even be able to make money on the deal.
I find traffic to be a very
I find traffic to be a very useful tool in my decisions for getting to work. Sometimes it doesn't tell me about it until it's too late, but it's really not that much different than the radio, in that it's part of the consideration for taking different routes. Once you get to learn how it really works, it is a lot easier to decide upon.
It isn't really price......
It's VALUE!!!
If you live in a small town or a city/town that doesn't have a lot of streets/hiways changing then you don't relly need a gps let alone map updates.
On the other hand if you travel alot or live in a larger city where streets/roads change constantly then updates are more valuable.
$60 for lifetime updates seems an extremely small price to pay for 3 to 5 years or more of updates and new units with lifetime updates is even better.
I'm sure 99% of those that say map updates are a waste of money have spent $60 in the last 5 years on more foolish things and got nothing on return.
In the same vein, sure you can buy a new unit but does it have exactly the same features of the old unit for $60 more? I doubt it unless you have a no frills unit.
Bottom line is it depends where you live, where you go, where you live and how much you depend on your gps to make money or get around and how much importance you place on all the above.
Nicely said, Frside
A lot of people easily spend that much for coffee per month. It is about what you value.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
very well said
A lot of people easily spend that much for coffee per month. It is about what you value.
Very well said, I don't need updates very often. I can't remember the last time my 4 year old maps caused a problem.
I would much rather spend the money on something that has greater perceived value for me.
"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
Purchase New Updates
I agree. Doesn't change that much and takes a long time to update.
Alan-Garmin c340
I'm keeping my 765t for a while.
It has everything I want in a GPS and does everything I want it do do and does it good. I got a lifetime update I'm ready to go on a 5-6000 mile trip.
GPSmap76Cx handheld, Nuvi 2557LMT, Nuvfi 2598LMTHD
Since I bought the lifetime...
OK, I'm cheap. Most of the POI's I find I'm using are from right here. Most of the advice I follow is from POI Factory too. I can call someone at my destination for directions if the road is new and not in the database. I also have an unreasonable sentimental attachment to my older electronics.
for less that $50.00, I wondered why I waited so long on my newest Garmin. Get it and move on. In the fullness of time, this is not a big expense.
"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."
Market will change this
With smartphones gettingmuch better about turn by turn directions and using google maps for their mapping, it'll force Garmin to alter it's map updating scheme.
Lots of useful map changes
My 255W is about 3 years old, and I can think of at least 6 roads I drive on that have been updated for new road sections, freeway extensions, new bridges, revised interchanges etc. And that is only ones I have noticed in my travels. How many times has my Nuvi just directed me on a new road I never would have known was there if I had old maps? For me the cost of lifetime maps is well worth it. I don't understand why people pay good money for a GPS then drive around with old maps. Sure I can buy a cheap new unit, but over time that will add up to more $ than lifetime maps cost, plus I hate the resource usage and landfill factor of constantly buying new gizmos.
Google maps can be more up-to-date, but so far Google Maps are not optimized for in-car use the way Garmin maps are and navigation features are limited even compared to even my 3 year old low-end 255W. Maybe when my current Garmin unit dies I will look at a better smartphone navigation app, but for now I find the Nuvi better for car navigation.
Better watch out Garmin...
I think how much you pay for map updates is ridiculous -- and if Garmin isn't careful -- they are just going to accelerate their push to being obsolete.
Bang on, Polaris!
I think how much you pay for map updates is ridiculous
Mind you, if your company takes your attitude, you may be unemployed very soon...
Current lifetime updates are quite inexpensive.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Maps should cost less
I agree. I have refused to by new maps for my old c330 that I still use for this reason. Finally bought a new 2595LMT but still use my c330 when my wife has the new one.
I kept my 680 until it started having some problems. I never updated the maps. Bought it when it came out and the map version was fine. Yes, it didn't have a few of the newer roads but no big deal.
Once it started having problems I bought a newer GPS (1690) which came with the latest maps. I won't update the maps on this one for at least 2-3 years and by that time, I probably will buy a newer GPS.
The updates are trivial at best, and the cost of a new GPSR off sets Life time Updates. Update money can be better used for other things.
With that Said many fall for the tricks of the Manufactures to get their hard earned money.
When actually they should have kept the GPSr until they felt they had to have a update, then give it to a family member or a friend let them update the map, because they have no other cost involved in it, then you take the map update money and buy a new GPSr with a new warranty. updated GUI and updated maps.
That's always been my modus operandi
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
I agree, not worth it
At one point I was set to buy a map update, actually I was going to "bite the bullet" & get the lifetime map updates from Garmin, I was looking around checking everything out before going thru with it only to discover that my current GPS doesn't even have enough memory to cover the update anyway! I'd have to go & buy a memory card AND then buy the map update so I'd have to spend extra money just to get the update so I never did. I'm just waiting & going to buy a new GPS & get one with the lifetime map updates & I think I'll go with the lifetime traffic as well, why not for the price they're going for now.
Everybody should believe in something, I believe I'll have another cigar.
lmt models
With lmt models being available on amazon for barely over $100, is this a moot point, and is there any reason to fool around with old navi units? I don't mean to throw them away and get a new one, but what I mean is to keep using an old one until it doesn't work anymore. Don't repair, don't update the map, etc. Paying for map updates is an old business model. Just because you have the old model physically, doesn't mean you have to continue to pay. I understand that everyone's different, and to some people, $100 is a lot of money. But it doesn't seem that a map update brings much value to anyone at all. Even if I see there's a new update for the 2350LMT, I usually don't bother because it takes so long. Then, not much is gained anyway. My .02
paid once for US ifetime updates, enough
like 2 years ago I purchased lifetime US updates as my unit didn't come with it. so now I enjoy new US maps whenever they come out. I think it is a good idea to buy a unit with lifetime updates attached to it instead of paying for it later!
however my unit also carries EU maps and I never paid for updating it (rarely used). I found a way to "borrow" those updates when I need them
Garmin nuvi 2595LMT; Android 5.0 (Samsung GS3)
Mine Came with LTM
After many low end GPS's that were bought when the maps got to old, I decided to jump in at a higher point. By going more expensive I got a bunch of extra feature and a larger screen. The LTMs should make my current unit good for many years and without the frustration of old maps. Paid about double what my cheap ones were selling for so it doesn't have to go forever to pay for itself.
paid $150 for a new
paid $150 for a new 2350LMT...I want map updates and a 1 time fee I think is what $60? An extra $90 I get traffic and life updates..their way of getting you into a new unit?
GARMIN nuvi2350LMT...
If and When...
I updated the map in my 255W at the beginning of the year (2011). The unit is functioning like new and does what I want it to do. I think I'll wait until this unit bites the dust and just buy a newer model.
I have had it for over 3yrs now and I have no idea when that will be? where the heck am I?
Free Lifetime Maps at a Cost
Be glad you've got a Garmin `cause the `free' Lifetime Maps from TomTom come w/ a hidden cost, your time. I just updated my TT via 1535TM and it took over 3 hours. Actually more because the first pass failed after about an hour when my `puter went into `sleep' mode.
Takes a couple hours for Garmin, too
Be glad you've got a Garmin `cause the `free' Lifetime Maps from TomTom come w/ a hidden cost, your time. I just updated my TT via 1535TM and it took over 3 hours. Actually more because the first pass failed after about an hour when my `puter went into `sleep' mode.
Takes an hour or two to update our Garmins, too. I wouldn't call that a "hidden cost", though.
C'mon's become a hobby...
it really is fun getting these new maps, and where else can you have that much fun any more for less than $100.00 now-a-days? You know it all gives us something to look forward to, doesn't it? Happy new year...4 more updates...goodie!
"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."
I Agree
I agree with JMK III. I had lots of fun getting map and junction view file updates into my 1490t. I bought Lifetime maps long after I bought the unit.
1490LMT 1450LMT 295w
paid $150 for a new 2350LMT...I want map updates and a 1 time fee I think is what $60? An extra $90 I get traffic and life updates..their way of getting you into a new unit?
This garmin comes with free lifetime maps and traffic.
Map market size
I dont know how big the GPS map market is. It seems the current provider enjoys a monopoly. I am inclined to think the market is big enough and wondering why there are no competitors. Getting more map producers should lower the price.
Garmin Nuvi 260W Garmin Nuvi 1490T If you think knowledge is expensive, try ignorance.
I dont know how big the GPS map market is.
Expand the picture from PND's to include smart phones, and tablets. It's huge, and will only get bigger.
However, the price of lifetime maps is not that bad. Many PN devices include them now.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK