The reason I do not purchase map updates.


(1) I my opinion, there should be two prices for maps. One price for those who do not already have an earlier version of that map, and a lower price for those who already own that map but are just updating it. Most major software companies follow this format for their software.
My GPS already has the North American map. If I were to purchase a new North American map, there would probably be less than a 5% difference in that map from the one I already own. Now on the other hand, if I were to purchase for instance, a European map, then I should pay the full price. Right?
(2) Also, in most cases when there are road changes, I am told it may take up to 5 years or more for those changes to show on a map update. The biggest changes is probably the pre-installed POIs.

What is your opinion?

Tight lines
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I Try To Get The Most From My Investment

There is 4 update per year.

OSM Updates

fish4fun wrote:

(1) I my opinion, there should be two prices for maps. One price for those who do not already have an earlier version of that map, and a lower price for those who already own that map but are just updating it. Most major software companies follow this format for their software.
My GPS already has the North American map. If I were to purchase a new North American map, there would probably be less than a 5% difference in that map from the one I already own. Now on the other hand, if I were to purchase for instance, a European map, then I should pay the full price. Right?
(2) Also, in most cases when there are road changes, I am told it may take up to 5 years or more for those changes to show on a map update. The biggest changes is probably the pre-installed POIs.

What is your opinion?

One of the nice aspects of using the OSM maps is that they can be updated very quickly via the user community. European (and other maps) are also available as needed. Worth checking out if you have a little time.

Not completely correct.

eric1m wrote:

There is 4 update per year.


Not completely correct. Garmin states that there is UP TO 4 updates per year. This means that there can be 4 updates or less in a given year.

Garmin Nuvi 2699 with 2017.30 Maps


Along with being frugal, I still want fairly current map info.

What I've done in the past is to buy a discontinued or refurbished Garmin. When I register it, if it doesn't have the most current mapping program, they allow me to update it from their site.
Even at that,the most current maps don't have all the new housing projects, malls, restaurants, etc.

I also use Google online to double check.

Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member.

I replied somewhere else in

I replied somewhere else in the forum, Garmin states up to 4 updates per year which can mean 4 or less, we all assume that we will always receive at least 4 per year which is incorrect.

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

interesting point of view...

In theory you do make a valid point. In monetary value, the almighty dollar has the final say.

Updates are not worth even 1 cent to me!

I have found, like many others here, that the update cost is not worth it. In fact it's not worth 1 cent! I don't care if they update 12 times a year, it's still not worth spending [even] a penny on it.

I have new roads/highways and Interstate ramps, loops and connections near me in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metro area that were added/altered/changed years ago...and Garmin still hasn't updated them. While I'm sure that the updates have "some" changes, I personally have not seen a single change that has affected my travels anywhere in the U.S.

Buying the updates reminds me of buying a book of discount coupons that you'll probably never use...Therefore, why buy it!

I'll probably update once every 2-3 years at most...or I'll buy a new GPS with the lastest map update anyway.

Politicians and Diapers must be changed often for the exact same reason...

+1 for not paying for map updates

Another one here. Not buying Garmin map updates for my Nuvi 360, because the maps are not sufficiently up-to-date and do not change enough to be worth the price. There are lots of inaccuracies, but they don't get fixed. It's smarter to bank the dough and buy a new GPS every three or four years, in my opinion.

JMoo On

Yeah, what's the deal?

I hope my unit doesn't die before the next update; I expected quarterly updates as well...

It's the same map

The map that is included in the new GPS is the same map you are getting for the regular updates. So whether you have the lifetime updates or you get a new GPS, the maps are the same. Granted the new GPS may have new functions that you like.

Nuvi 255W

Garmin updates are just like

Garmin updates are just like software updates - ?money making




perpster wrote:

Honda wants over $100 for the annual built-in GPS DVD update. No thanks.


"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."

Google maps on Android FTW -

Google maps on Android FTW - latest maps without any price tags tied to them.

-- - red light cameras do not work

Strange Routes

Double Post OOPS

Strange Routes

Having the latest map update does not mean your GPS will take the correct route. I was looking for a McDonald's along a route recently. The GPS had me turn right into a strip mall, follow the parking lot, then turn left onto another road. I crossed the road I was traveling on, which had a left turn lane at the RL. McDonald's was on the right after I crossed my original road> why take this route?

I agree. My older Garmin and

I agree. My older Garmin and old maps were much better than my new ones.

I have not updated

Because I do not want to have to go through the hassle of getting around a required firware upgrade to do the new map installs. I do not want to lose my next street info by updating the firmware...

The work around seems like a lot of work too for very very limited map updates.

Lifetime Maps

Lifetime Maps are the only way to go!


the same opinion here......

pkdmslf wrote:

I'm 100% in agreement with you.

For the price Garmin sells the map upgrades, I could add a few more dollars and get a "new" GPS with newer map along with a free map upgrade.

The pricing for the map upgrades do not make sense. Especially when the updates you may be looking for may not show up for a year or more. Waste of money if you ask me.

I totally agree.


Google Nav

I've been contemplating buying lifetime for my 765T for a couple of months, watching prices drop. In that time, I picked up a EVO4G (bargain $200 mint used with accessories) and my wife upgraded to a Epic4G. I had always viewed nav on the phone as a emergency fill in for when a "real" nav unit wasn't available. With our previous smartphones (6700, Mogul, Palm 760, Touch Pro, Pre, Moment) the screen was too small, too dim, the audio too low or recalculations too slow. There was always some flaw that made a PNA the way to go. Then I used the Evo with Google nav. It makes me sad to say it, but it was a superior experience to my Garmin. Lightning fast recalculation, voice services and traffic. With a free real time traffic and speed cam add on, you have user supplied real time traffic data and speed/red light camera info too. The only downside would be the more robotic sounding voice. Best of all, no updates to buy. Now I know this isn't a solution for everyone, you need a data connection which could be problematic for those traveling in the boondocks. It seems that I'm coming full circle from the days before PNA's when I used my pda with a cf gps and Mapopolis. I doubt I'll be buying another PNA, I certainly won't be buying map or any other update for the Garmin. Times change.

Lost on LI

I am cheap too but I bought

I am cheap too but I bought the lifetime updates for the same reason I bought a Garmin, because I don't want to have to call someone for directions if I can get out of it.

I don't need a GPS in areas I know, only in areas that I am unfamiliar with and would rather have the latest available maps at my disposal - even though I know that they are not perfect.

the map updates never make

the map updates never make sense to me. the cost of the map update is half the cost of a new GPS. I'd rather wait and save up for a new GPS which has better and more functionality in the future.

IMHO it depends...

ming1981 wrote:

the map updates never make sense to me. the cost of the map update is half the cost of a new GPS. I'd rather wait and save up for a new GPS which has better and more functionality in the future.

Currently around $70 online cost for lifetime maps according to google.

IMHO, one update per year would probably be more than adequate for my needs, especially since most changes will probably not affect my travels, so I calculate my cost for updates at $14 per year ($70\5 = $14).

Hopefully my antiquated wink Nuvi 880 won't die before it is 5 years old.

If I planned on buying a new GPS every year or so then no way would buying lifetime updates be cost effective for me.

I agree with you!

I agree with you!

Thread Necromancy

Did you check the date of the last post before replying? This thread is a year old.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams

I could not...

cbwatts wrote:

Oh come on guys.

Take your significant other out to dinner with a few drinks ... maybe a movie. It's all over in an evening (even the fringe benefits you might get from the date).

Spend the same money on lifetime maps and you have something to look forward to every quarter.

Sure, I use my GPS to get from one place to another ... but 90% of the fun of owning a gps for me is updating maps, voices, POI's.

And since you are reading this post ... on POI factory ... I'm pretty sure you are the same way.

Hell, if the money for lifetime updates is too rich for your blood, ask your parents ... your grown kids ... your significant others ... to combine birthday/Christmas/Fathers(Mothers)day ... and get you a lifetime subsciption.

They'll appreciate the gift suggestion ... and you'll have something to look forward to.

Since the new map update is due any day now, I'm logging onto Garmin and here to check to see if the map update has been released.

Sure ... there is always a risk that the update might fail, that you might have to reinstall, or even call Garmin for help.

But hey, I'm a GPS junkie ... even solving problems that might occur are all part of the fun.

agree more. I paid $44.95 for my lifetime maps and it has saved me a number of times! I think people differ in their opinions on this as well as many other things. As you, I enjoy looking forward to the next update as a child looks forward to Christmas morning, and I don't care what has changed, or how many streets have been added. When the cost of a night out with dinner, and wine, tax and tip, costs upwards of $150.00, it seems anything "lifetime" is a bargain!

"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."

My take.........

My take on the subject. I want it. They sell it. I pay for it. I have the lifetime updates for my nüvi 760. I also have maps on my GPSMAP 78S but I don't upgrade those as I primarily use it for geocaching. Yes, it routes great and, when I geocache without my wife or on my bicycle, I use the routing capabilities but I don't normally use it for routing on long, multi-state trips. For that I tend to use the nüvi. When doing those trips I like to have the most up-to-date maps available.

I see it as a personal choice. I want the map upgrades. I can afford the map upgrades. I purchased the map upgrades. If you don't think it's worthwhile then simply don't make the purchase.

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

I changed my mind

When rame1012 helped us get the large Junction View File, I bought the lifetime map updates. It is worth every penny.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w


I agree. I do like the fact some of the new garmins are coming with lifetime maps.

Lifetime maps

salleentn wrote:

I agree. I do like the fact some of the new garmins are coming with lifetime maps.

They all should come with lifetime maps. That should be the norm.

Life Time Map

thrak wrote:

My take on the subject. I want it. They sell it. I pay for it. I have the lifetime updates for my nüvi 760. I also have maps on my GPSMAP 78S but I don't upgrade those as I primarily use it for geocaching. Yes, it routes great and, when I geocache without my wife or on my bicycle, I use the routing capabilities but I don't normally use it for routing on long, multi-state trips. For that I tend to use the nüvi. When doing those trips I like to have the most up-to-date maps available.

I see it as a personal choice. I want the map upgrades. I can afford the map upgrades. I purchased the map upgrades. If you don't think it's worthwhile then simply don't make the purchase.

I agree with you, it is my choice and my money. What is the extra cost to purchase life time map and get the updates when they come out, compare to purcase the update every time they come out.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD

Just put the cost

of updating your maps toward the cost of a newer unit and reap the addition of the latest map and newer technology.

260, 295W, 1490T,2455LMT

Well Said

Well said, DanielT. You are right on the mark about this issue.

no update

I don't pay to update.
They should be free.
Garman has little advertisements that pop up.
The more people updating the more they can charge for these adds.


right on good thinking

I may have my user name and password confused or switched! Can I get confimation of my user name????


JBTcajun wrote:

Garman has little advertisements that pop up.
The more people updating the more they can charge for these adds.

Only for traffic models, not maps. Haven't seen a traffic ad yet while in Vancouver, BC now that I think about it...

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK


JBTcajun wrote:

I don't pay to update.
They should be free.
Garman has little advertisements that pop up.
The more people updating the more they can charge for these adds.

The life time map is the more cost effective way. Its shows how minute the cost to upgrade the maps is. For older units that didn't come with life time maps Garmin and Navtech are missing out on frequency of updates they could have realized if the price for updating older units were more reasonable. I guarantee if they experiment with a price change for 6 months they would be surprised with the change in demand of updates from older units users. Its a good cash segment of the market they are ignoring.

Garmin Nuvi 260W Garmin Nuvi 1490T If you think knowledge is expensive, try ignorance.

I don't want to see ads

JBTcajun wrote:

I don't pay to update.
They should be free.
Garman has little advertisements that pop up.
The more people updating the more they can charge for these adds.

It's amazing some complain about $1 a month for updates and for some even less base on unit life.
If you see no value in updates then don't update but please don't suggest that I accept ads coming up on the screen every 5 minutes so you can get map updates for free or reduced price.
Since you see no value in map updates then maybe you're using the wrong product. There is always mapquest or google maps

Not true in most cases

The unit you're buying could have sat on the shelf for 6 months and was manufactured 2-3 months before that. A new unit does not mean you have the newest maps and that is why garmin allows one update for free on nits without free updates.


JBTcajun wrote:

I don't pay to update.
They should be free.
Garman has little advertisements that pop up.
The more people updating the more they can charge for these adds.

I am wondering why you think map updates should be free. Can you articulate a business model that would make such a feature profitable?

I imagine the majority of people get a GPS and then do not use it that much and - like many technology purchases - it gets put somewhere and forgotten. That would not likely apply to members of this site because the very fact that they are here is evidence that they have a deeper interest.

Ads???? If every Garmin unit had distracting ads, then another company that did not have them would use the fact of no ads as a marketing advantage.

JBTCajun is confused

jgermann wrote:
JBTcajun wrote:

I don't pay to update.
They should be free.
Garman has little advertisements that pop up.
The more people updating the more they can charge for these adds.

Ads???? If every Garmin unit had distracting ads, then another company that did not have them would use the fact of no ads as a marketing advantage.

JBTCajun is confused about the ads. The service with ads is the ad supported "free" traffic. The maps don't have or come with ads - except those Garmin posts while running the update software.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Garmin Map Updates

Garmin wanted $100 to update my maps.

For about $185 I got a new Garmin 2455 with lifetime map and traffic updates.

It was a no brainer.

How about $64

reborrell wrote:

Garmin wanted $100 to update my maps.

For about $185 I got a new Garmin 2455 with lifetime map and traffic updates.

It was a no brainer.

How about a lifetime of map updates for $64 then:

JBTcajun:I have NO Problem


I have NO Problem with a lifetime map charge...

Assuming 4 Updates a year, and 5 years (probably more) old 660, I'm thinking it cost me $3 a map upgrade, and next year this time, $2.50 an upgrade!!!

I can live with that!!!

Lifetime traffic was a bit harder to justify, because at the time I bought it, it only supported some towns... That, too is getting better, and I can 'deal' with that, too, as the cost of ownership is falling there, too!

My Escape has a NAV system, but no updates in 10 months of ownership, and I hear they are in the neighborhood of $200 an upgrade.... Making the Garmin a wonderful investment!!!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!


our unit has lifetime traffic I paid for with the new unit.
Have never updated maps.
Get adds all the time while traveling.
If I have to see these adds the maps ought to be free.
What business model gives free products? Most INTERNET aps face-book to name a very successful one or yahoo or goggle or etc.

As Boxcar stated earlier...

JBTcajun wrote:

our unit has lifetime traffic I paid for with the new unit.
Have never updated maps.
Get adds all the time while traveling.
If I have to see these adds the maps ought to be free.
What business model gives free products? Most INTERNET aps face-book to name a very successful one or yahoo or goggle or etc.

As Boxcar stated, ads are part of the Lifetime Traffic, not maps or map updates.

Ads can be ended by buying a paid traffic subscription or (with the loss of traffic) by going to a "non-traffic receivered" cigarette lighter adapter.

I haven't checked the packaging of LT units, but the Garmin web site descriptions of units with lifetime traffic mention that ads will appear in exchange for receiving free traffic.

Some with Lifetime traffic who get ads mention that they're not very visible and only seen when stopped. I can't confirm this since I've never driven with a LT nuvi.

Life Time Traffic

I have a 3790lmt and the only adds that I have seen is for a Best Western Hotel and I only see it when I have stopped, That is the only add that I see.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD

I have had my tomtom for a

I have had my tomtom for a couple yrs now and I too do not buy the updates. Since I found this site I download all my favorite POI and update from here. The preloaded map gets me close enough to where I have to go.

Mike TOMTOM XL335 and VIA 1535

I've had a 350 for many

I've had a 350 for many years and only update the POI's. Never have updated the map and haven't found many changes. We also have not been out of the state much so don't need the whole countries updates.

Now I purchased a 1450 with lifetime updates and will be using this for a cross country trip. The old one will be used for travel in our state while the new one will be updated for travel in other areas. Could not see updating the old one, 350, when a new one was only $60 more.

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