Last trip


Well the last big trip was a drive from South Carolina up to Canada and around Lake Superior and back. My Garmin worked well (till the power connection failed). I used it most around the towns and cities in Canada and Michigan and on the freeway up. I really like knowing ahead of time how far it is to a turn and if its on the right or the left. I have a Colorado 400T with both topo and city navigator. My Canada maps didn't have a lot of detail but I didn't need much. This year I am going back but I can't afford the Canadian maps for where I will be going so I will just be using my 265WT. How did we get along without these things:?:


Welcome to the site eolson.I

Welcome to the site eolson.I know what you mean.Never want to go back to hand maps like I use to do in the past.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Different Uses for Maps and GPS on Trips

It is amazing what you can do and find with a GPS unit, but I still need a map to see things in a spatial context. I use MS Streets and Trips and Google Earth to set up my long trips, and the GPS provides me with the specific directions on how to get from Point A to Point B.

multiple maps

I have gone overboard with maps, I have Streets and Trips(good for planning), Street Atlas & Topo(more for routing), I pick up paper maps at all the info centers, some states are easier than others(Indiana is hard), but I have found it is always better to have too many than not enough.

why i got an atlas

blake7mstr wrote:

I have gone overboard with maps ... I pick up paper maps at all the info centers, some states are easier than others(Indiana is hard), but I have found it is always better to have too many than not enough.

I find an Atlas provides me with a lot of the same information you get from the various state provided maps. Granted, the detail isn't always there but then oft times I'm not off the "super-slab" either.

You can pick up a good atlas at most truck stops for less than $15 and it has all the states and Canada.

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