Replacing Battery in Nuvi
Tue, 04/03/2007 - 9:38am
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![]() 18 years
Has anyone opened the case of their Nuvi series? I am wondering about battery replacement. It seems this could be done if instructions were available. This series has been out long enough now that soon a battery is going to go dead.
POI Files
The Nuvi 660 went through
The Nuvi 660 went through the Radio Frequency testing required by the FCC. Those docs are now public and have internal pictures of the circuit board. Looks like the Nuvi battery is a very small battery similar to a computer CMOS (BIOS) battery, but I'm not able to tell much from these pictures. Notice the word BATTERY on the bottom right of the circuit board.
See the FCC docs on the Nuvi 660 at
You'll want to look at the PDF called Internal Photos.
Note I got this link from another GPS site. I don't think the Nuvi 3XX models will have FCC R/F tests since they do not transmit Radio or Bluetooth.
eTrex Touch 35, Nuvi 1350LMT, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 260, Garmin GPS III, Basecamp
FCC docs for the Nuvi
FCC docs for the Nuvi 310/360 are below'IPH-01081'
The 350 is same as the 360 minus Bluetooth, FM Trans and built in traffic.
eTrex Touch 35, Nuvi 1350LMT, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 260, Garmin GPS III, Basecamp
Here are the links shortened
Here are the links shortened up a bit.
Nuvi 660
Nuvi 310/360
Maybe JM can come in a edit those long links so they don't distort the page.
I see what you think is the
I see what you think is the battery but it doesn't seem large enough to supply 4-8 hours of power. The manual says it has a lithium battery which they can make into a sheet. My guess it is very thin and almost the size of the circuit board. Garmin makes a point that it can't be replaced without sending the unit in to them so if it has a custom battery we couldn't find one to match. Generally the biggest problem is figuring out how to open the case with its plastic snaps.
I agree with you the 3-7
I agree with you the 3-7 hour battery would need to be bigger, but there could be a CMOS(BIOS) like battery similar to computer.
eTrex Touch 35, Nuvi 1350LMT, Nuvi 350, Nuvi 260, Garmin GPS III, Basecamp
Replacement Battery Cost
I called Garmin and asked them about the rumored price of $220-$275 to replace the battery in the nuvi 350. The tech support response was "we want the battery to last 5 to 7 years. During that time we will take care of you, replace it for free or a discounted price". I asked him what a discounted price would be? He stated "maybe $50 to $100."
So it appears it depends on who you get, and if he got up on the right side of the bed that morning! Or if this rep was correct, maybe we could keep calling until we got someone who will replace it for free!
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Opening Your Nuvi
Has anyone opened the case of their Nuvi series? I am wondering about battery replacement. It seems this could be done if instructions were available. This series has been out long enough now that soon a battery is going to go dead.
It is pretty easy to open up your nuvi,(but not recommended by Garmin or me)...
looking at your nuvi from the back flip up the antenna. You will see two tiny torx screws on the antenna. Remove them and carefully seperate the antenna housing. Pay attention to how the antenna flex is seated because reassembling the antenna housing can be tricky. On the left bottom side the pin assembly that holds the antenna in is spring loaded. Pull the pin towards the center and you will be able to seperate the antenna housing from the unit. Underneath you will find two more tiny torx screws holding the main housing togather. Remove those two screws and you are almost home. Now you need the special plastic tool that you can get on ebay. The tool is used for opening ipods without mangling them. Gently pry the case apart with this tool. Start where ever it is easiest to get the tool in. Once opened you can figure the rest out for yourself. The battery is flat and rectangular and is seated behind the circuit bourd attached to the back cover.
Forgot to mention.....
To answer your question. The battery is not a simple replacement. I would really not recomend that the average Joe try to take his Nuvi apart. If you are a SKILLED electronics technician or watch maker then go ahead and be carefull. But if you are not used to working with tiny delicate assemblies, there is an 80% chance that you WILL damage your Nuvi while trying to take it apart or reassemble it.
Qualify ??
Well, I suppose I qualify according to the skills you mentioned. I have built a couple of Heathkit color TV's, three Heathkit CB's (GW-10's), and now at the the present time doing clock repair and restoration (Certified). However.........there is noooooo way I would open my 660. BTW, I bet the Heathkit color TV's, and maybe CB's are before a majority of registered users on here's time.
Garmin 660
I have, and still use - a Heathkit digital alarm clock I built in Jr. High over 25 years ago...
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
I think they should have to put that right on the box. Hopefully I won't have that problem any time soon. I just got my 350 a couple of months ago and I was surprised how long the battery actually lasted!
battery life on 360
How many recharges can we expect on that "5-7 year life cycle"? I dont know of many 5 yr cycles on any of my other electronics.
I have opened up my ipod and replaced the battery sucessfully. I recently used my 360 and upon the"low battery signal" and I started thinking "if I only had another battery pack..."
Anyone sucessful getting and installing an OEM battery?
Nuvi 360
Well, I suppose I qualify according to the skills you mentioned. I have built a couple of Heathkit color TV's, three Heathkit CB's (GW-10's), and now at the the present time doing clock repair and restoration (Certified). However.........there is noooooo way I would open my 660. BTW, I bet the Heathkit color TV's, and maybe CB's are before a majority of registered users on here's time.
WoW, Haven't thought of, or heard Heathkit in over 35 yrs! I have a multi-meter still in use today that I built back then.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
i have a c 330 and the battery has to be replaced by garmin the battery has to be sodered in the board and if you try it yourself if the battery heats up to much it will explode .
Do you know how to Solder safely?
i have a c 330 and the battery has to be replaced by garmin the battery has to be sodered in the board and if you try it yourself if the battery heats up to much it will explode .
I would guess that would be true if you don't know how to solder, you have to use a heat sink to take heat away from between your iron contact point and the battery, before it can get to the battery and even think about heating it up. Be sure to use rosin core solder only for this job.
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
Battery replacement.
i have a c 330 and the battery has to be replaced by garmin the battery has to be sodered in the board and if you try it yourself if the battery heats up to much it will explode .
Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.
Ebay has batteries.Don't
Ebay has batteries.
Don't know how easy it is to do.
And here too..........On this site the pic shows a plug, so maybe no soldering required.
Maybe similar to this.........
Available at Radio Shack
They are available at Radio Shack and they just plug in to the board. The ones used in the Nuvi series are standard batteries readily available on the open market for as I recall around $22.
Example link:
Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps
How about the 700 series?
Excellent news for 600 series owners. Any idea if there is a comparable solution for the 700 series?
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
I suppose that if the
I suppose that if the battery for my 680 last for 7 years, then I will probably be ready for an upgrade anyway. Certainly, if the cost of replacing the battery was prohibitive, then I should think I would be better of just applying it to a new gpsr.
The 7XX series is fundamentally the same as the 6XX.
Unlike the PDAs, Garmin has actually kept a product line alive for more than a year
Changing the battery should not be different.
Although there seems to be some supply of Garmin OEM batteries, like other things there are far more "fit like OEM" product with a higher 1500Mah life. (vice the OEM 1200Mah)
I have seen many for about $12 USD.
Considering my Nuuvi is well out of warranty and if I break it I will just get a new one and transfer all my maps. I plan to replace it myself when the time comes.
Just might have it done by a shop in Thailand, as they tend to be much better at this stuff.
My most current problems are the worst ever with the 23Aug08 software that keeps locking up my unit. Software version 4.6. Then there is the Mapping software upgrade that keeps asking for a CAB file.
Doesn't Garmin test anything anymore ?
I did get a 3000Mah battery for my Ipaq, but this was about $110, vice the stock 1200Mah. The Ique comes with a 1200Mah, but 2000Mah appears the best available right now.
changing batteries
I'm really reading the wrong posts. I was just congratulating myself on changing the D cells in my flashlight. (they are available at Radio Shack too)
nuvi 785 nuvi 350, nuvi 270, GTM 20, jag in dash, mercedes in dash.
How about the nuvi 205? i
How about the nuvi 205? i cant find batteries for it, unless its the same as the regular 200.
how does on open the 2xx nuvis?
How about the nuvi 205? i cant find batteries for it, unless its the same as the regular 200.
Any insight on how to open a 2xx series nuvi? I can't see any way to open the thing without destroying it. Soldering doesn't worry me, I've had mil-spec training and done lots of precision work. But trying to open this thing has me concerned about the day that I know will come when I have to service it. And yea, paying Garmin's price would be insane. Newer, faster, fresher devices are a smarter purchase. But I would still want to fix an old one, even if only to have as a spare, or a knock-around unit for a bike, or for a hand-me-down.
Dismantling the 3xx series:-
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
nuvi 2xx hidden screws
Any insight on how to open a 2xx series nuvi? I can't see any way to open the thing without destroying it.
In order to open the nuvi 2xx case, you have to first remove the serial number/unit model sticker from the bottom edge. Doing so will reveal two screws (likely Torx #5 or #6, maybe Phillips). Removing the screws will allow unit's casing halves to be separated from the bottom edge first; beware that the halves are snapped together around the perimeter. Use of plastic tools here is a must to prevent casing damage. While separating the halves, watch for PCB connectors & wiring to the battery and speaker since they are attached to the back half of the case while the LCD & mainboard are attached to the front half.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
I'm not brave enough nor
I'm not brave enough nor skilled enough to try it. If I still have this nüvi when the time comes I'll gladly pay Garmin to replace the battery.
Garmin nüvi 765T, nüvi 350
Why no user friendly way to change the battery?
Nuvi 660:
I don't get why Garmin would make a product that won't let the user easily change out the battery? Especially if all it takes is to simply plug in the new battery once you figure out how to open the unit. I know they want to make money, but the battery issue is enough for me to look at competitors GPS units when my Garmin dies. I've had my NUVI 660 for almost a year and recently noticed my battery life is already beginning to shorten. Dissappointing. But do love my Garmin
Nuvi 1450,500; Nuvi660 - R.I.P
Have you by chance contact
Have you by chance contact support about sending in your unit for a replacement battery, and if so, is there a charge since you only had it for a year or so. I would not think Garmin would charge for that service due to the length of time you had the unit.
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
I'll have to try the
I'll have to try the disassembly and battery replacement when the time comes, cuz basically I can screw the thing up and then not feel guilty about buying a new state of the art fresh GPS. I am a technician by trade, but plastic snaps usually mean everyone breaks them, at any level of talent. Some super glue on the reassembly of a fresh battery ain't so bad, after all the new battery will totally push this beast into the dinasaur stage and never need another battery. I WILL attempt it, and take what I get afterwards, patched up or broken, then buying a new model. Garmin INC isn't getting that kind of money from me for a slightly, not so simple battery swap. I, my inginuity and my soldering skills challenge them all.
Heathkit - Ahh Yes!
Well, I suppose I qualify according to the skills you mentioned. I have built a couple of Heathkit color TV's, three Heathkit CB's (GW-10's), and now at the the present time doing clock repair and restoration (Certified). However.........there is noooooo way I would open my 660. BTW, I bet the Heathkit color TV's, and maybe CB's are before a majority of registered users on here's time.
Man you're bringing back memories - I built a lot of my electronic test equipment from Heathkit.
JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic
Replace the Battery!!!
Are you kidding me! I break out in cold sweats and convulse uncontrollably just going through uploading the latest firmware "upgrades" onto my 660 nevermind the thought of cracking open my device.
It is pretty easy to open up
It is pretty easy to open up your nuvi, (but not recommended by Garmin or me)...looking at your nuvi from the back flip up the antenna. You will see two tiny torx screws on the antenna. Remove them and carefully separate the antenna housing. Pay attention to how the antenna flex is seated because reassembling the antenna housing can be tricky. On the left bottom side the pin assembly that holds the antenna in is spring loaded. Pull the pin towards the center and you will be able to separate the antenna housing from the unit. Underneath you will find two more tiny torx screws holding the main housing together. Remove those two screws and you are almost home. Now you need the special plastic tool that you can get on ebay. The tool is used for opening ipods without mangling them. Gently pry the case apart with this tool. Start wherever it is easiest to get the tool in. Once opened you can figure the rest out for yourself. The battery is flat and rectangular and is seated behind the circuit board attached to the back cover.
Your Portion Of Light Whether you are a brilliant flame or but a tiny spark matters not-for the world needs whatever portion of light is yours to give.
Battery replacement nuvi 270
I followed Robert 660's instructions and got my nuvi 270 open.
It is a very delicate procedure and I recommend it only if your alternative is to dispose it or pay the rediculous Garmin fee.
It takes some serious force to get the two halfs of the housing apart after you've got the screws under the serial # sticker out!
I wonder how susceptible the PCB is to ESD? I also wonder how many people would use proper ESD protection?
Jeff...... Nuvi 2460, Nuvi 2595
Being from a PC background
Being from a PC background and technical field of employment, I've come to a basic conclusion that ESD ground strapping is over rated.I've watched PC builders sitting on carpet(highly conductive) simply handling boards with nothing for ESD protection. I would still be gentle and not grabby on circuits, but I doubt I'd go ESD protected as such. sv
Oh yea, I would solder the connections with a soldering iron, not a gun. Guns kick a lot of spurious Ac activity.
Instructions on replacing the battery for Nuvi 750
I haven't tried this, but certainly will when the time comes that my battery dies. As of right now, you can buy replacement batteries on ebay. Probably other places also.
There is a video on u-tube that shows how the replacement is done. Looks simple enough if you are careful. The kid who does it has large fingers like many of us and seems to complete it successfully. Hope this helps.
NUVI 2595 & 2599
I would be more worried
I would be more worried about buying an explosive battery from a bad vendor than I would be concerned about ESD. I assume that OEM batteries are not available?
Think I'll give it a whirl
I haven't tried this, but certainly will when the time comes that my battery dies. As of right now, you can buy replacement batteries on ebay. Probably other places also.
There is a video on u-tube that shows how the replacement is done. Looks simple enough if you are careful. The kid who does it has large fingers like many of us and seems to complete it successfully. Hope this helps.
Ok. I'm pretty sick of my "two minute warning" battery on my nüvi 760. I rarely use the unit off the car base (which has power from the cigarette lighter) but, when I do try using it on battery power I don't get much use at all before the thing starts telling me I have a low battery. I've tried leaving in on the USB connection charging for 24 hours and also tried it for 8 hours on a wall charger. The thing just flat out won't hold a charge.
I watched the kid in the video fat-finger and fumble around with his unit. He's about as clumsy as I am the poor guy! Anyway, if he can do it then I'd guess I can as well.
I can get the tools for $5 and the battery for $10 - both on eBay from a seller with excellent feedback. Of course, if I trash the unit I'll cry big time since I can't afford a replacement but it really does look like I can handle the repair despite my fat fingers and lack of dexterity.
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
^ ^
Good luck soldier. Let us know how the mission goes.
To answer your question. The battery is not a simple replacement. I would really not recomend that the average Joe try to take his Nuvi apart. If you are a SKILLED electronics technician or watch maker then go ahead and be carefull. But if you are not used to working with tiny delicate assemblies, there is an 80% chance that you WILL damage your Nuvi while trying to take it apart or reassemble it.
Why does it have to be so difficult? Cost of replacing a battery is probably more than half of price of new model. We're living in a disposable society.
Are the batteries in the Magellan and Tom Tom units also not consumer replaceable? It seems so silly not to be able to replace the battery.
Bobby....Garmin 2450LM
Planned obsolescence
Are the batteries in the Magellan and Tom Tom units also not consumer replaceable? It seems so silly not to be able to replace the battery.
See comment above re: "costs half of new unit to replace". Neither Garmin, nor Apple etc., want you to replace the battery - they want you to buy a new unit.
Battery replacement
Recently my nuvi 750 got stuck in the "ON" position. No matter what I did I couldn't turn it off.
I removed the 2 torx screws, pried the case apart with a putty knife, disconnected the battery (it has a plug in connector), reconnected the battery, then put the case back together. All told it took about 5 minutes. It was easier than changing a watch battery.
This doesn't take a high degree of skill, but if one is a complete klutz, it should not be attempted. No soldering is involved.
The putty knife was very old, having rounded corners and very smooth edges. I believe that it took a #5 torx driver.
The "stuck on" dilema happened during a botched firmware upgrade. Its been running fine ever since.
Extra Battery and Remote for nuvi 880.
I have a brand new battery and extra voice recognition activating remote control for a nuvi 880. What is the best way to sell these items for a fair price?
Extra Battery and Remote for nuvi 880.
I have a brand new battery and extra voice recognition activating remote control for a nuvi 880. What is the best way to sell these items for a fair price?
I have a brand new battery and extra voice recognition activating remote control for a nuvi 880. What is the best way to sell these items for a fair price?
A check on eBay (both for current and completed auctions) will let you know the market and value for these items. eBay is also where I'd go to sell them, but then I'm an established eBayer which makes it easy for me. If not already on eBay, you could offer the items on Craigslist.
Replacing Battery in Nuvi
I called Garmin about replacing battery in my 750 Nuvi an was told they don't replace batteries only replace it with a refurbished 750 for $275.00
I had the battery replaced at batteries + for $32.00 including tax.
Batteries Plus +
I called Garmin about replacing battery in my 750 Nuvi an was told they don't replace batteries only replace it with a refurbished 750 for $275.00
I had the battery replaced at batteries + for $32.00 including tax.
Looking for a Batteries Plus store nearby?
A little selfish promotion for my POI file...
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
So . . .
Does Batteries Plus offer to do the replacement on all Garmin GPS units? Ipods? I thought they only sold batteries -- never been in a store. Great info Cyburt.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.