nuvi 7x0 firmware update v4.90 released
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nuvi 7x0 firmware update v4.90 released October 5, 2009
Available via WebUpdater or direct firmware update download (at individual unit links below). Note that all 7x0 series units use the same firmware update file regardless of the model number so it does not really matter which file you download. I've included all links regardless.
Changes made from version 4.80 to 4.90:
* Corrected low battery warning behavior.
* Corrected an issue that could cause the map to stop updating when approaching specific safety camera locations in the UK.
nuvi 750
nuvi 760
nuvi 770
nuvi 780
No specific download for this unit. Use nuvi 760 link above instead
nuvi 7x0
Thanks for the heads-up.
Cool Thx.
(2) Nuvi 1450LMT + 3597LMTHD + 2557LMT + DS61LMT-S Boston MA
Thanks for the heads-up.
Who will be first
So who in this neighborhood will be the first to try this update? I am waiting for a couple of positive (or at least not negative) reports...
Appreciate the heads-up...
non-native nutmegger
Just downloaded the update
Just downloaded the update for my nuvi 750..Garmin did put a blurb in there that if your batteries fail during the software install your unit will become unstable and will have to be returned to garmin for servicing..
I haven't updated in quite a while. I used to update EVERY time I could until the Great Debacle back around version 4 or so. My 760 was borked for too long before they issued an update that fixed it again. Since then I've been pretty leery of updating since it seems to work just fine as it is.
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
I also would like to know
I also would like to know how it works on the nuvi 750. Thanks!
Thank you for the notice...
I just updated my 780 via Garmin's myDashboard... works fine for me.
Got mine !! so far so good
Got mine !!
so far so good !!
DriveSmart 50, DriveSmart 60, nuvi 2595, nuvi 3760,
After updating my nuvi 750
After updating my nuvi 750 and using it for several days actually works much better now!
How so?
After updating my nuvi 750 and using it for several days actually works much better now!
Care to elaborate?
-Garmin Nuvi 760 & 765T-
nuvi 7x0 firmware update v4.90 released October 5, 2009
Available via WebUpdater or direct firmware update download (at individual unit links below). Note that all 7x0 series units use the same firmware update file regardless of the model number so it does not really matter which file you download. I've included all links regardless.
Changes made from version 4.80 to 4.90:
* Corrected low battery warning behavior.
* Corrected an issue that could cause the map to stop updating when approaching specific safety camera locations in the UK.
nuvi 750
nuvi 760
nuvi 770
nuvi 780
No specific download for this unit. Use nuvi 760 link above instead
nuvi 7x0
Thanks for the update info!
Will grab and install soon as long as there are not reports of problems. My existing version is working pretty well now.
Installed on mine the other day, all okay
Just downloaded the update for my nuvi 750..Garmin did put a blurb in there that if your batteries fail during the software install your unit will become unstable and will have to be returned to garmin for servicing..
The reason for the warning about the battery: When connected via USB to the PC, the update file gets copied to the nüvi. The actual update happens when it powers on after you disconnect from the PC. It takes a few minutes so if the battery died there is a potential for a hosed firmware load and the device might not boot again. It has always been this way, same is true for flashing firmware on your PC's motherboard.
If there is a concern about the battery condition, connect it to your wall or car charger before turning it on the 1st time so that it will have a constant power source when it comes up loading the new software.
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597
So who in this neighborhood will be the first to try this update? I am waiting for a couple of positive (or at least not negative) reports...
Yeah. I'm gonna let someone else plow this road.
Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me.
If you ain't got pictures, I wasn't there.
just updated my 760
and everything seems to be fine.
Nuvi 3597 LMT
Hope this works
I have been getting the Low battery warning all the time with my 760..and I know it is not dead..will let you know if this works..
Dave_ Nuvi 660 , 760,1490LMT Wooster, Ohio
New software!
Everything working OK so far?
A potential warning
Everything working OK so far?
I've had my nuvi 750 for a long time now and been through many firmware changes without any issues (except the dreaded delayed TTS voice issue several firmware versions ago...) and not had any issue with a firware update. I've also never had any issue with my nuvi 750 freezing up.
After installing this new firmware, my nuvi 750 has frozen up about 4 times on two different days. The display freezes and the touch screen doesn't respond. Luckily, I am still able to turn off my nuvi and turn it back on again to "unstick" it.
Has anyone else found screen freezes a new issue or issue of increased incidence following this firmware update?
Any suggestions on what I may do to eliminate this issue for me?
Wait at least A Month
The trojan that bricked 1000's of 7X5 units didn't appear until about a month after the update was loaded
Hope this helps . . . .
Has anyone else found screen freezes a new issue or issue of increased incidence following this firmware update?
Any suggestions on what I may do to eliminate this issue for me?
My (760) started freezing up after I downloaded 2010.2 Map update. I was getting sometimes two freeze ups a day.
If you go to the Dashboard, press & hold the speedometer for about 10 seconds you will get a different screen Look and see if it show RTL Trap. RTL is Run Time Library. This It was suggested to me to reload the Map update again, which I did plus I reloaded the Software update. Haven't had a freeze up since (about a month now).
Looking for a place to go this summer? Try Oshkosh, WI, July 20-26, 2015. The largest gathering of aircraft in the world.
Hard-reset the unit...
Hard Reset warnings:
* Note that this procedure has been known to periodically delete your favorites so back them up beforehand: From the nuvi drive, copy x:/Garmin/GPX/current.gpx to your backup location. After the hard reset, copy current.gpx back to the same folder on the nuvi but rename it temp.gpx(important). On the next power cycle, the favorites will be read from temp.gpx into the non-user accessible memory area on the nuvi where they are actually stored (current.gpx is only a shadowed backup of your favorites)
* Note that this procedure will clear all user selected settings under Tools>Settings like map view mode, navigational settings, selected vehicle, selected voice, etc. These settings will need to be re-configured afterwards. Maps, vehicles, voices and user-loaded custom POI's stored on the unit will not be disturbed.
Hard Reset Procedure:
*Note that a "power-cycle" (or power-on/power off sequence) on the nuvi 8x0/8x5 units consists of removing, then reinserting the battery into the unit. Using the power switch on the unit to power it off only puts it into a "sleep" mode.
Power the unit off. Press and hold (and continue to hold) the bottom-right corner of the screen while powering the unit on. Continue to hold the screen until the "Do you want to erase all user data?" prompt appears. Press "yes" and the unit will reboot. Reset all your location settings and user preferences.
If possible after the hard reset, let the unit sit outdoors in the open for about 30 minutes or so to let the unit re-acquire the satellite almanac data.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Hard reset
Hi Craig
If the unit acts strangely after a firmware update, I strongly suggest you do a hard reset.
Apparently this sort of behaviour isn't that uncommon after a firmware update. Before performing the reset, don't forget to back up your favorites because theres a good chance you'll lose them.
Good luck
Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk
Has anyone else found screen freezes a new issue or issue of increased incidence following this firmware update?
Any suggestions on what I may do to eliminate this issue for me?
My (760) started freezing up after I downloaded 2010.2 Map update. I was getting sometimes two freeze ups a day.
If you go to the Dashboard, press & hold the speedometer for about 10 seconds you will get a different screen Look and see if it show RTL Trap. RTL is Run Time Library. This It was suggested to me to reload the Map update again, which I did plus I reloaded the Software update. Haven't had a freeze up since (about a month now).
Thanks. In doing so, my last RTL Trap was back in January. My three most recent events (corresponding to my three freezeups) are Data Aborts: one two days ago and two today. Any thoughts on what's wrong if the errors are "Data Aborts?"
I guess I'll try the backup and hard reset route. More to follow maybe...wish me luck.
Whoops . . .
Whoops, just reread the post and found that there is a new update. I was working with 4.80. I tried the Hard Reset, but is didn't solve my problem.
Looking for a place to go this summer? Try Oshkosh, WI, July 20-26, 2015. The largest gathering of aircraft in the world.
Hard Reset warnings:
* Note that this procedure has been known to periodically delete your favorites so back them up beforehand: From the nuvi drive, ...
Thanks for the info to spare me looking for the hard reset procedure. I've printed it out for potential future use, too.
Hard reset redone (and yes, my Favorites dropped from the mid 60s to 44 of them), so the CopyToPC/Rename/RestoreToNuvi was important for me.
So far so good--I've now reset my languages, etc. and am reacquiring satellite data. We'll see now over the next few days if this fixes the Data Abort errors that froze my screen.
Thanks again for the tip and procedure!
Well, I'll be giving it a shot.
No complaints with the current one, but I'll go ahead and update.
"Destination Eternity" Garmin 765T, & Samsung Galaxy Note Edge
Backup & Hard Reset
Thanks for the very detailed info.
I am printing it off now to store in my GPS Library.
gonna wait...
Most of the updates I just installed without hesitation, and I never had any of the big problems that others ran across. But since it's working so well these days I'll wait until CraigW has had time to see if the reset fixed his problem.
I think I'm cured
Most of the updates I just installed without hesitation, and I never had any of the big problems that others ran across. But since it's working so well these days I'll wait until CraigW has had time to see if the reset fixed his problem.
The hard reset (with saving and recovery of Favorites and resetting of non-default items) seems to be working. After the hard reset last night, I tried it in town on 3-4 trips today and had no freezeups. So (fingers crossed) my three freezing issues after the last firmware update were not firmware issues since they were resolved with the hard reset.
The trojan that bricked 1000's of 7X5 units didn't appear until about a month after the update was loaded
No. There was no "trojan." Just buggy software.
Can't Use TOPO Maps After Update
The TOPO maps on my SD card will not work after the update. Can someone help me fix this?
Are the Topo
Were the Topo maps purchased from Garmin or did you get them from a 3rd party download?
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597
Topos work for me with the new firmware
The TOPO maps on my SD card will not work after the update. Can someone help me fix this?
Jen, I updated to the new 4.90 firmware and still can use a free Arizona Topo map on an SD card as well as using Garmin's Topo US 2008 on SD with my nuvi. The Garmin Topo US 2008 map was from the Topo DVD and using Mapsource to load about 1/3 of the USA--since the entire Topo US 2008 has too many segments to be readable by a nuvi.
When you try to use your topo map on an SD card, do you deselect the City Navigator map so that only the topo map is active? If not, City Navigator won't let the topo be seen even though both are selected. When you go to your Map Info page, are both the City Navigator and topo identified?
If this isn't the issue, let us know which nuvi you have, which firmware, which City Navigator and which topo map--and was the topo map purchased directly from Garmin on SD or did you create your own map with Mapsource for the SD?
My three most recent events (corresponding to my three freezeups) are Data Aborts: one two days ago and two today. Any thoughts on what's wrong if the errors are "Data Aborts?"
Wednesday I took my 760 in a friend's car and it unexpectedly died. It would not turn on again and no power from a working USB port on my PC. Turns out the battery was exhausted without any warning. The next morning it powered on, showed a "Low Battery" alert then died.
After recharging, the log showed a Low Battery with a blank date, and a Data Abort with a date of "__-___-__ ". There were two previous Data Aborts on 15Aug and 30Jul.
I'm currently running 4.80 and hoping that 4.90 corrects this behavior.
Nüvi 2595LMT
Just bookmarking
Just bookmarking this thread just in case. Going to do the update!!
Updated, there is now an icon on the map showing how far I am zoomed in. I never had this before.
All seems great.
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
The hard reset (with saving and recovery of Favorites and resetting of non-default items) seems to be working.
Thanks for the update, I'll install 4.90 today.
Good luck
The hard reset (with saving and recovery of Favorites and resetting of non-default items) seems to be working.
Thanks for the update, I'll install 4.90 today.
Gook luck to you.
I tested mine again a couple times today and all remains well so things should be uneventful for you, too.
From what I've read, I suppose I should be happy that with the dozen or more firmware updates and half-dozen or so map updates I've done, this was the first time my nuvi needed a hard reset. Even when needed, it's not that tough a task to reset your preferences from the defaults and restore your favorites after a hard reset.
Installed update
I installed the 4.90 update on a 750. After a couple of trips, everything is working well.
Good luck, Garmin Firmware Programmers are pretty bad
Remembering it was time that showed the problems that lurked in the earlier Garmin update that caused a rather large debacle for Garmin users and the company itself, you should wait to see what happens to those that have gone before you and already made this update.
There was no Trojan in the update, as reported in a earlier post above. Just real crappy Firmware programming and poor to no quality control that would check it for errors. Garmin, has us to beta test for them, and doesn't need a clean ISO program.
I myself would wait if I were you! what's another 30 days, heck your GPSr is working except for the battery nag.
Of course most remember this:
Garmin have just made the v3.60 software available via the WebUpdater to fix this "dead GPS" problem. This will only help those who can still power on their 7x5 GPS, others will have to send it in to Garmin with a quoted 15 day turnaround. As a side note some revived their unit by opening it following this YouTube video and disconnecting the battery for 30 seconds, but be advised that this is a risky operation that requires a Torx 5 screwdriver and voids the warranty
Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.
updated code
I hooked up my 765t and the webupdater found no updates available. The "mygarmin" section of Garmin's website did find updates. Clicked to update, followed all directions, and when complete, still showed update needed. Guess will wait til webupdater shows update for me.
Firmware Updates
Try MyDashboard on MyGarmin rather than Garmin WebUpdater. For some reason, WebUpdater doesn't do firmware updates.
For some reason, WebUpdater doesn't do firmware updates.
WebUpdater works just fine for me. There actually has to be a firmware update available for it to actually update your firmware. myDashboard will however erroneously tell you there's a "firmware update" even if it's only a voice update...and whatever it ends up updating (GPS chipset, voice, text/help file, or firmware) it will report that it's "updating firmware".
Stick with WebUpdater. It's at least truthful about what it's updating, lets you see what it's updating and gives you the choice to update it or not. myDashboard will blindly update everything on the GPS, regardless of if you want it updated or not.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
For some reason, WebUpdater doesn't do firmware updates.
WebUpdater works just fine for me. There actually has to be a firmware update available for it to actually update your firmware. myDashboard will however erroneously tell you there's a "firmware update" even if it's only a voice update...and whatever it ends up updating (GPS chipset, voice, text/help file, or firmware) it will report that it's "updating firmware".
Stick with WebUpdater. It's at least truthful about what it's updating, lets you see what it's updating and gives you the choice to update it or not. myDashboard will blindly update everything on the GPS, regardless of if you want it updated or not.
I agree with DORKUSNIMROD.I used myDashboard a few weeks ago and it caused problems. Had to soft update my nuvi. It took several time to get it to acquire satalite after the mydashboard update.It updated things I didn't want updated. Gave me no options.
Sever people on Poi-factory told me to never use mydashboard again. They said it had caused problems with several people.
I agree, stick with WebUpdater. It updated my firmward just fine on my 750.
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
Are you sure it didn't update?
Try MyDashboard on MyGarmin rather than Garmin WebUpdater. For some reason, WebUpdater doesn't do firmware updates.
When WebUdater runs it looks to see if there is an update specific for the attached device and if you agree to the update, the download process can be fairly quick. It then goes to the prompt for additional voices, text, etc. The actual firmware update occurs when you next power on the device and you may see "Software Updating" on its screen with a longer than normal startup. It is possible to miss this unless you are watching and waiting.
You can verify the firmware by going to Tools -> Settings -> System -> About. Look at Software Version.
With the introduction of myDashboard, you have a choice to use WebUpdater or myDashboard to install firmware updates. If WebUpdater is truly not updating your device, you may have a bad copy or it didn't install correctly. I've never had a problem with WebUpdater but I've heard of others that have had issues with myDashboard.
I also recall some earlier discussion as to whether it was better to connect the nüvi while it was powered on or off. My recollection was that if it was powered off at connection, you may be prompted to update voices that were already current. I just tried it both ways and didn't see a problem so that may have been corrected since then.
Welcome to the POI-Factory. You've found the right place to find answers and sometimes stir up discussion. The POI files here are a real bonus.
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597
Having problems with 4.9 on my nuvi 760
Initially, it seemed to work just fine. In the past few days, I have experienced at least one lockup per day. Typically, several lockups occur together. I have to restart the unit each time. Are others experiencing this as well?
Nuvi 3597 LMT
Know Issue
Yes, this is a known issue which is being discussed on other GPS forums as well. Most other folks are reverting back to 4.80 which you can download from
Glad I stayed at 4.80
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
Very interesting...but
Very interesting...but annoying as usual with no 780 specific release (at least they should say 760/780!!!) Garmin's site and it's capacity!!!