Updating custom POI
Sat, 03/31/2007 - 9:38am
17 years
Say if I found a few newer versions of custom POI and want to upload it to my Garmin c340. Is it better to completely delete all custom POI and reload them? Will the Garmin uploader automatically write over the older version of the custom POI?
Have a powerful weekend everyone!?
When you run POI Loader, it
When you run POI Loader, it will overwrite the old ones. No need to delete them unless you experience problems. I've never needed to delete mine.
On my Nuvi 360 and 660, I have found that new POI's will over-write prior related ones, but unrelated POI's are deleted unless I reload them. For example, if I am loading an updated redlight POI database, it will over-write
my existing redlight POI database, but it will delete my NPR database unless I reload it. Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but I simply reload the older POI's I want each time I add new POI's.
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
You are not doing anything
You are not doing anything wrong. You have to reload all the custom POI's that you want on your GPSr each time you run POI Loader.
Not if you don't want to
You are not doing anything wrong. You have to reload all the custom POI's that you want on your GPSr each time you run POI Loader.
I keep all my custom poi's on the sd card for my nuvi and when I load a new poi I change the name on the card from poi.gpi to whatevernameiwant.gpi
That way all my custom poi's have their own file name and I know exactly what poi's are loaded onto the card, also I don't have to worry about keeping all the poi's in the same folder (when loading) I just put the new poi in the load folder, then rename after loading.
I'm not saying this is the absolute way to go, but it is working well for me.
Nuvi 660 & Etrex Vista
Using folders
Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but I simply reload the older POI's I want each time I add new POI's.
I actually prefer using folders with all of my POI's to be loaded. That way, any time I load a new POI, I can see exactly what other POI's will be loaded onto my GPS. I now use three folders (with subfolders); Internal, External, and Others. The Others are files I have downloaded but don't want to keep on my GPS. I check and arrange my files anytime I do an upload.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
just a matter of preference
Using the folder system and "reloading" works fine. I, use both methods. Things I want to keep on my SD card or things that haven't changed, I'll change the name.gpi and they are always there. Never to be reloaded or rewritten over again, until I change the name or delete. This method also shortens the "load" time, when running the poi loader due to the fact I don't have to load the extra files everytime.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
how do you delete old poi's? I thought that it will overwrite it
how do you delete old poi's? I thought that it will overwrite it
Poi loader will "replace" poi.gpi each time poi loader is run. What ever is in there, will be rewritten/deleted or otherwise removed and replaced with what ever you happen to be loading with poi loader. So, to delete "old" poi's you only to load a small poi file. Then everything else is gone.
if look inside your garmin folder look for the "poi" folder, inside that there will be a poi.gpi file. If you want to keep that file rename it to whatever.gpi Then the next time you run poi loader and load another poi file(s) you well end up with poi.gpi AND whatever.gpi .
We are only talking about keeping/deleting Custom Poi's
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
Does the garmin reconize
Does the garmin reconize both .gpi files?
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Yes it does
Does the garmin reconize both .gpi files?
My Nuvi does anyway. I must have 7 or 8 different descriptive.gpi files and they are all recognized.
Nuvi 660 & Etrex Vista
Man, that is awesome. I am
Man, that is awesome. I am going to try it later on today.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Does the garmin reconize both .gpi files?
You can load one poi file, then go in and rename it to the whatever.gpi
then load another poi file, then go in and rename it to anothername.gpi then do the same, and end up with multiple gpi files. All will show up.
You can organize your poi file and load thousands of poi's and name that poi file to something.gpi and it will remain and display the same, all the time.
Like I said before, nothing wrong with either procedure, just a matter of preference on your file handling.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
This is very useful, I tried
This is very useful, I tried it and it works great! Thanks!
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -