nuvi 200 and mp3
Fri, 05/09/2008 - 6:13pm
16 years
can i use the alerts that talk on the nuvi 200 and if so how can i do this like if i want it to say red light camera ahead thanks for your tim
16 years
can i use the alerts that talk on the nuvi 200 and if so how can i do this like if i want it to say red light camera ahead thanks for your tim
What About The Nuvi 6XX Series
I know this whole topic has been about installing wav files on the nuvi 200, but has anyone tried this on a nuvi 6XX? The reason I'm asking is possibly using this method as a work-around for the 6XX problem with the mp3 player skipping ahead to the next song when its stops to play an mp3 audio alert. See this topic:
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
I know this whole topic has been about installing wav files on the nuvi 200, but has anyone tried this on a nuvi 6XX? The reason I'm asking is possibly using this method as a work-around for the 6XX problem with the mp3 player skipping ahead to the next song when its stops to play an mp3 audio alert. See this topic:
In , Tailspin reported that it solved the problem on his 670.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
My Mind Is Shot,
I posted in that topic and didn't even remember it. That's disturbing!
I'll have to start converting my mp3 audio alerts to wav files. I take it I'll still need to download the SOX.EXE file to place in the POI Loader 2.5.2 folder, which I already have.
The only downside I see, which isn't a really big deal, is even saved as 16 bit, mono files, the wav format creates much bigger files compared to mp3. Thankfully, they are short. A 28KB mp3 file converts to a 129KB wav file.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
default alerts on nuvi 200 (200w)
is there a way to change the default alert itself? for example, if i only have alerts for red light cams, can i upload a new default alert? anyone know the file structure for that? what format to use?
nuvi 200w, mac 10.4
is there a way to change the default alert itself? for example, if i only have alerts for red light cams, can i upload a new default alert? anyone know the file structure for that? what format to use?
You can't change the defaults.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Yup, It Seems To Work
...Tailspin reported that it solved the problem on his 670.
Got everything loaded fine and ran a simulation that took me past a highway rest area. I can confirm the same results as Tailspin - no more skipping forward of the mp3 song being played when using wav alert audio files. Great!
I have the rest area alert set for 2 miles and in that 2 miles, the audio alert played 4 times until I was past the rest area. Each time, the song being played on the mp3 player paused and then resumed correctly after playing the rest area alert wav file, all 4 times.
I'll have to drive it for real, next.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
Creating wav alert files
The following applications are needed to install personal POI files into Garmin Nuvi 200
- Google Earth,
- PoiEdit2007-1-ENU.exe,
- POILoader_2400Beta.exe,
Steps to to create/install personal POI files:
- Setting Google Earth to Display Decimal Degrees via
Tools > Options > View (tab) > Lat/Lon > Decimal Degrees > OK
- Find locations in Google Earth (either by searching or clicking on the map)
- Add the locations to "My Places" by adding bookmark (clicking the push-pin)
- Create directories for the POI files on your hard disk
- Save "My Places" as a .KML file by right-clicking on "My Places" and select "Save Place As"
- The .KML file will contain data for all of the locations in "My Places" .
- Convert the .KML file to a format that works with Garmin Nuvi 200 with PoiEdit .
- In PoiEdit, open the .KML file
- Delete any extra locations you don't want included in your POI file
- select File > Save As, and select the file format you want (i.e., Garmin CSV)
- Create Alert sound by going to
- Type in the Alert Text you want and click on DOWNLOAD button to save .wav file
- For each .csv file, you need a .wav file with exactly the same name
- Insatll POI files along with the .wav files using POI Loader 2.4.00 Beta
This AT&T site for creating the alerts is great. I was able to make some with the female British accent to match Emily on my GPS. Thanks.
Custom = default?
is there a way to change the default alert itself? for example, if i only have alerts for red light cams, can i upload a new default alert?
You can not change the default alert but you can load in custom alerts and assign them to your custom POI files. So if you only have the single alert for Red Light Cameras, adding a redlight alert would be equivalent to changing the custom alert, right?
Garmin nüvi 200 (my first GPS), 780, & 3700 Series. And a Mac user.
2.5.2 does not support .wav on my computer
I install POILoader_2401Beta.exe and then create .wav files to be the same name as the .csv.
As noted earlier in this thread, the latest version of POILoader (2.5.2) also supports .WAV files.
When I used 2.5.2 to load .wav files, it complained about missing sox.exe. Do you have this problem?
AT&T tool creates great .wav file
I know this whole topic has been about installing wav files on the nuvi 200, but has anyone tried this on a nuvi 6XX? The reason I'm asking is possibly using this method as a work-around for the 6XX problem with the mp3 player skipping ahead to the next song when its stops to play an mp3 audio alert. See this topic:
This AT&T tool creates great .wav file. Give it a try.
Phil Addressed This
When I used 2.5.2 to load .wav files, it complained about missing sox.exe. Do you have this problem?
A search for "sox" immiediately pulled up Phil's post:
WAV support is something they've put BACK into POILoader V2.5.2 !!!
They've not done a complete job - they forgot to ship SOX.EXE (POILoader V2.5.2 will tell you it's missing, if it encounters a .WAV file). I used a version (of SOX) that shipped with an earlier POILoader version (V12.17.7). The current version of SOX is available here:
Just to add...
Dispatched wrote:
I converted the audio in a program called "Sound Studio" and loaded POI in Express mode. The wav file had to be 16bit mono, It would not work when the wav had 2 channels (or stereo).
When POILoader V2.5.2 calls SOX.EXE, it uses a command like:
input.wav -w -r 44100 -c 1 output.wav
In other words, it's using it to ensure that the file is mono.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Sox Download
When I used 2.5.2 to load .wav files, it complained about missing sox.exe. Do you have this problem?
I downloaded SOX first so I did not get the error. Get the file here:
This info came from Phil in this topic (link below, posted about 1/4 down the first page) which covers the subject very well. It told me everything I needed to know about converting the mp3 files to wave and how to get and install the sox.exe file. It worked for me, no problem.
EDIT: Bentbiker beat me to it...
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
Another satisfied reader!
Thanks to all that have contributed to this thread!
Took me a bit getting all the pieces together but my nuvi 250w now TALKS for my alerts!
Even tour guide functionality is working, except that I don't get an icon to play/stop the sound (no big deal!)
Installed POI Loader 2.5.2;
Installed sox needed for POI Loader;
Installed Audacity needed to convert MP3 to WAV
Installed LAME for Audacity to write MP3s
(for MP3 editing, see
Converted MP3s to WAVs (44.100 kHz, 16 bit, mono)
(took a bit figuring how to do the mono part)
POI Loaded and everything works just perfect!
Thanks again to all
GARMIN nuvi 760
POI alerts on Nokia N82?
Hi Phil,
I was wondering if you can find any info that would get ANY alerts at all (default or created Mp3/wav)on a Nokia N82 using Garmin XT.
I have tried every single tip on here, and can't get any audio/visual alerts at all.
The map of this country is otherwise very detailed and flawless.
The BMP I created is displayed in the correct place, but proximity alerts do not give any sounds.
The Nokia has a Mp3 player built in, so I assume that it should recognise Mp3's.
But in any case, I converted a couple to .wav format (mono), and got the error messages on POI Loader.
After downloading Sox program, I don't (and never have) understand how to extract zip files (ok, I'm dumb!).
After extracting the zip file, there is NO .exe file to get the thing working!
Any suggestions at all on how to get audio proximity alerts would be very much appreciated.
I know I've asked many times on here, but as yet have had only one reply.
I appreciate most people are not familiar with Garmin XT (I should have hung on to my StreetPilot III), but maybe someone has experience getting the thing to work properly.
Thanks to all who make this site one of the most informative on the net.
Paul in Phnom Penh
Hi Phil,
I was wondering if you can find any info that would get ANY alerts at all (default or created Mp3/wav)on a Nokia N82 using Garmin XT.
No, sorry I don't. A quick search around the web seems to conclude that Custom Audio doesn't work on Garmin XT.
Also, I noticed in the manual, that you can turn Custom POI Alerts OFF altogether. Maybe that's the default setting?
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
custom poi mp3s
you mentioned that once the mp3 plays, it finishes. i take it there's no way to have the next poi's mp3 supersede the last, and play, essentially cutting off, or interrupting, to play the next mp3.
if that's the case, have you experimented with how close, or smoothly, one poi's mp3 can run into the next?
many thanks for your expertise,
I take it there's no way to have the next poi's mp3 supersede the last, and play, essentially cutting off, or interrupting, to play the next mp3.
I've never noticed that happen.
(The overall priority order is something like:-
Telephone calls > Navigation commands > Custom POIs > MP3 player.)
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Garmin calls this "Marketing"?
All they're doing is confusing the general public, raising their own production costs (which get passed onto us) and driving retailers crazy on which units to stock or not.
If this is their way of responding to the new competition, it's not exactly the best course.
I don't know where I'm going or remember where I've been...without Garmin.
Retail shelf space
Having more products makes it easier to get available shelf space in the retail stores. This is extremely valuable real estate and hard to come by.
Canon uses the same marketing methods with it's consumer camera line. It's hard to keep up with the often slight differences from one to the next.
Converting from mp3 to wav
What program did you use to convert to a wav file?
I Use Goldwave
I use Goldwave for all of my audio file editing.
><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598
Converting files
What program did you use to convert to a wav file?
As mentioned in some previous posts, Audacity also works well and is free.
I used the Creative software that came with my SoundBlaster audio card in my desktop PC. It makes it very easy to convert mp3 to wav files.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
Sox version
Just wanted to add that I tried SOX v14.0.1 and that works with the .wav conversion. However, when I tried to use SOX v14.1.0-rc.1, then it does not work so be careful which version of SOX you grab.
I forgot about that
I used the Creative software that came with my SoundBlaster audio card in my desktop PC. It makes it very easy to convert mp3 to wav files.
I forgot I also have that Creative MediaSource software on my desktop. I'll have to try it next time I need to convert some files. I think my computer may be getting overloaded with software when I can't remember what I have installed. Either that or I'm just getting old.
In the suite of Creative programs, I use WaveStudio to open the mp3 file, then I normalize it to get the greatest volume without distortion (low volume alerts seem to be a common complaint) and then do a "Save As" to a wav format. Simple.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
Nero wave editor, widows media player, real player
All work and the list goes on....
It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ
how do you get the WAV file associated with a POI
how do you get the WAV file associated with a POI, copied over via POI Loader ?
I just finally got it to work....
1. Created a test POI file with 2 local entries - "test.csv" - saved into my POI sub-dir
2. Converted the Windows "tada.wav" file to 16bit mono 44khz using Windows Sound Recorder, and Save As "test.wav" - saved into my POI sub-dir
3. downloaded the SOX file and extracted EXE to POI Loader sub-dir in \Program Files\Garmin
4. Used POI Loader to manually copy the POI files. Ignored all the files except "test.csv".
Thought I would see something about "wav" file, but nothing... so neve thought it was working ?
Only got the XP security prompt about wanting to run SOX.EXE.... nothing else indicated from POI Loader.
OK - lastly - if the WAV file is associated with the entire POI file entries, how do you get a WAV file associated with just a single POI within that file ?? ie - create POI file of local "playgrounds", and want audio to say attributes of each park as we near it ?
does the POI audio file have to be 44khz
does the POI audio file have to be converted into only the 44khz format, or can it be any of the 16bit mono formats with the slower/smaller sampling rate ?
Our list with Windows Sound Recorder goes all the way down to 8khz... 16bit, mono
BTW - we now have it working on our Nuvi 260 !
After the POI Loader does it's thing, where is the WAV file stored ?
Is it "stored" in the \Garmin\POI\POI.GPI file, as I didn't see any other possibilities ?
OK - lastly - if the WAV file is associated with the entire POI file entries, how do you get a WAV file associated with just a single POI within that file ?? ie - create POI file of local "playgrounds", and want audio to say attributes of each park as we near it ?
An audio file must be named identically to the POI file, so if you want it only associated with one location, that location must be in its own separate file.
does the POI audio file have to be converted into only the 44khz format, or can it be any of the 16bit mono formats with the slower/smaller sampling rate ?
Our list with Windows Sound Recorder goes all the way down to 8khz... 16bit, mono
BTW - we now have it working on our Nuvi 260 !
After the POI Loader does it's thing, where is the WAV file stored ?
Is it "stored" in the \Garmin\POI\POI.GPI file, as I didn't see any other possibilities ?
I wondered the same thing about the sampling rate and I think I went with 8bit, but I can't swear. Yes, the WAV file (as with an mp3) is stored within the gpi file.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Since an audio file is named identically to the POI file, so if you want it only associated with one location, that location must be in its own separate file.
That's one way of doing it...but you've forgotten about the wonderfully flexible solution, that is a ..... gpx file
Each POI has a <link> field, that can be used to link to an audio file. Each POI can have a different setting, if desired.
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Wimbledon is over -- Phil is back
That's one way of doing it...but you've forgotten about the wonderfully flexible solution, that is a ..... gpx file
I should claim that I was restricting the options to his particular situation using the csv file he mentioned, but in reality, you are correct in your assumption -- I forgot.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Wimbledon is over ...
It's not over yet. The battle continues ....
Wimbledon? - I don't think so
Today I've been watching the British Formula 1 Grand Prix (the pinnacle of Motor Sport!) - being won by a Brit. - 68 seconds ahead of the second placed car. In the rain
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Thank you MM
It's not over yet. The battle continues ....
I'm watching on DVR, halfway through the 3rd set and my extended recording had ceased 55 minutes ago. With your warning, I was able to save the last 55 minutes and extend the recording. I must have a rain delay to look forward to.
Sorry to hijack the thread, but this is IMPORTANT.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
still no sox
I downloaded/extracted the sox stuff.
How come I can not find the file called SOX.EXE?
After extraction it is no where to be found......
YankeeRedneck - nüvi® 260 | nüvi® 2577
Did you go to this site that was linked in one of the linked posts and download the SOX.EXE?
Did you go to this site that was linked in one of the linked posts and download the SOX.EXE?
You download the zipped files.
I then unzipped them. No exe file.
So I guess, technically no, I did not download the SOX.EXE file.
YankeeRedneck - nüvi® 260 | nüvi® 2577
Try this one:
This zip file definitely contains sox.exe
This is an older version (12.17.7). It was the one shipped with POI Loader V2.4.2
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Best Info On Sox \ POI \ WAV \ MP3
The following link contains very helpful & up to date informatation about latest versions of POI Loader and correct sox files to download. It even explains mp3 to wav conversion. This is exactly what I needed.
Thank you Gary!
YankeeRedneck - nüvi® 260 | nüvi® 2577
Associating WAV file with a single POI entry
OK - lastly - if the WAV file is associated with the entire POI file entries, how do you get a WAV file associated with just a single POI within that file ?? ie - create POI file of local "playgrounds", and want audio to say attributes of each park as we near it ?
Check this FAQ
Basically it is about maintaining POI files in "csv" type format with two extra optional parameters, but having quick and easy conversion to "gpx" to take advantage of the TourGuide functionality that allows you to associate specific entries with their own "wav" files.
I find it very convenient doing it that way.
GARMIN nuvi 760
Simply incredible.
No Alerts after converting to WAV files
I have a 680 with
POI Loader 2.5.2;
Installed sox needed for POI Loader;
Installed Audacity needed to convert MP3 to WA
Converted MP3s to WAVs (44.100 kHz, 16 bit, mono)
erased the POIs and reinstalled manually with alerts, but I no longer get the alerts. It worked with the MP3s although the player would skip to the next song. Any ideas on what I did wrong?
What GPS unit?
Are the files named properly?
Did you DOUBLE (AND TRIPLE) check that you don't have double file extensions?
Are you traveling on the road on which the POI is located?
Are you traveling in the direction of the POI?
Are you within the alert distance?
Is the POI located within 50 feet of the road?
wav files on nuvi 255
Thanks for your recommendation for using Sound Studio. I had tried Audacity, Sound Converter and Switch and these did not seem to work. However, when I tried them I was not using the beta POI Loader. Can anyone confirm or deny that using the beta version on a Mac is essential?
Sound Studio
Hello PaulyWally, Welcome to the site.
I'm using the Garmin POI Loader version Beta
and Sound Studio version 3.5.5
You can set alerts in the Mac Beta version of POI Loader in "Manual mode", although I use it in "Express" mode most of the time.
I use Mac Garmin Tools to create a GPX file so I don't have to set specific alerts each time I use the Beta POI Loader.
Mac Garmin Tools can be found here.
Hope that helps.
Nüvi 200,750 & Mac OS X
Can anyone confirm or deny that using the beta version on a Mac is essential?
It is essential if, as Dispatched points out, you want to run in manual mode.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
POI alerts via POILoader beta version on a Mac
Can anyone confirm or deny that using the beta version on a Mac is essential?
Found some time to answer my own question. The beta POILoader is essential.
As well, I also discovered that iTunes can be used to convert an audio file to
the correct format (PCM Windows wav, mono, 16 bit, 44.100 kHz.
Thanks all for your input.
Nuvi problem
My nuvi 200 uses the phrase walmart store ahead for all of my alert files. I have walmarts as a poi but not as an alert. I removed all of them and tried reinstalling but nuvi will not loose the walmart store ahead and start using the wav file assoc with each poi. Each poi and assoc files have same name. I am using the latest poi loader with sox.exe. Even tried reseting nuvi.
More of the same..
Ok So Here I am
I have a Nuvi 250W with Firmware 3.60
Audio Ver 2.2
Gps 3.00s
I have Poi Loader (From Garmin)
I installed Sox.exe into my C:\Program Files\Garmin
I built a dir on my Desktop..
C:\Documents and Settings\dlibby\Desktop\MultiMediaPoi\Test
In it I have a file called Test.gpx
There is a Data Sub Dir...
C:\Documents and Settings\dlibby\Desktop\MultiMediaPoi\Test\data
with 2 waypoint Dirs
C:\Documents and Settings\dlibby\Desktop\MultiMediaPoi\Test\data\Waypoint1
C:\Documents and Settings\dlibby\Desktop\MultiMediaPoi\Test\data\Waypoint2
in these dir's are a simple Jpeg Picture
and a wave file called..
TourGuide_Also Sprach Zarathustra.wav
I followed this ( ) how to to the T and still can't seem to get my GPS to do a travel guide.
This line I could not make heads or tails of..
2. Check "POI Loader" properties, the "Start in" should be blank, this is important to make sure it finds the "Data" folder when loading POIs.
Is this the Garmin Poi Loader?
I see no potion for this..
Do I have to set it im manual mode?
Can I simulate these Routes?
Here is a link to a zip file containing my troubled POI Stuff..
I have been banging my head for the last week....
User "LSchwabe" was kind enough to send along a sample zip file he made and I got no result there ..
The best I have seen is the unit sending an "Alert" with the Name of the POI Not any Visual or audio feedback.
I can select a POI and see it's description and image but Still do not experience a travel guide.
Thanks if you can help.