nuvi 200 and mp3
Fri, 05/09/2008 - 6:13pm
16 years
can i use the alerts that talk on the nuvi 200 and if so how can i do this like if i want it to say red light camera ahead thanks for your tim
16 years
can i use the alerts that talk on the nuvi 200 and if so how can i do this like if i want it to say red light camera ahead thanks for your tim
Problems from using incorrect WAV format
The were two effects in a combined csv distance alert file and wav file:
no alert sounded nor icon showed if the file was named TourGuide
no red alarm bar (but double bong sounded & custom icon showed) if not named TourGuide.
The WAV file was 22Khz 16bit mono (combined BongBong WAV file from the nuvi English_American_.vpm file and a text-to-speech WAV file)
jellone problem tracked to wrong sox version
Ok So Here I am
I can select a POI and see it's description and image but Still do not experience a travel guide.
Thanks if you can help.
I got an e-mail from jellono confirming he had figured out what his problem was, and everything is working fine for him now.
Thanks for the help..
I figured out the problem..
I downloaded the Wrong Version of SOX and it was not converting the audio correctly..
I cleaned it Up tonight and got it all working.
Thanks again..
GARMIN nuvi 760
Thanks Motorcycle Mama! I
Thanks Motorcycle Mama! I had to reload the POI loader and the sox and redid the wav files. After that it worked perfectly. I guess the solution is try try again. Works great now.
jesterhtk wrote: can i use
can i use the alerts that talk on the nuvi 200 and if so how can i do this like if i want it to say red light camera ahead thanks for your tim
I get a bit frustrated here because I spent 1 week chasing my tail trying to get this to work. Everyone seems to always reference the same links and say yep worked for me.. I get it takes time to respond but it is very frustrating... I will attempt to make a sample file later this weekend and put it somewhere so people can see what a working Speed file and tour Guide Look Like.
Ok So really Simple...
Poi Loader (From Garmin) (windows)
Then get the Correct Version Of Sox
Win32 Binary (Win95/98/NT/XP/Vista):
I grabbed the wrong version and got really frustrated for about 1 week trying to get wav files converted..
Put the Sox.Exe into the Garmin Poi Folder (Default of C:\Program Files\Garmin)
All Sound files for Garmin Nuvi 2XX need to be formated PCM 16 bit The Sox EXE will re sample it to 44,000
Download a csv file and ass Speed to it's name
Copy the wave file to the same DIr and rename it to My_Speed.wav
so not you have 2 files in the Dir
Point the Poi Loader to the Dir and upload them
this should cut a POI file that will be slightly larger than a 44,000 Wav file on your machine. If sox failed for any reason the file size will be small
Feel free to message me with questions.
Use only sox-14.0.1
I ran into the alert/mp3 skipping problem on my 660. (They just installed a red light cam near me so I started getting hit with it..)
So I dutifully converted my mp3 alerts to the proper wavs.. Download SOX, and dumped sox.exe into the poi loader dir.
Loaded the POI's with no problems.
NO DICE. All I got was the double bong.
This occured on BOTH the 350 and 660.
I even renamed sox.exe as a check, and the POI loader errored out as expected.
I reviewed the file, used a couple tools (audacity, vegas) Still nothing.
Next step was that I loaded the older 14.0.1 version of sox as opposed to the lastest version I was using which is currently 14.1.0
That did the trick!!
Worked like a charm!
I dont know what the newer version did to goof it up. But it does.
So pull down 14.0.1 for it to work properly.
Nuvi 350 Born Oct 07 - Nuvi 660 Unit #2 (re)Born Sept 08 - Nuvi 360(Gift to 'the chick' yet maintained by myself) Born July 08
Sox Version That Works - See Here
Just a reminder since not everyone has been able to find this post:
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
Sox version
Thanks for the link for the correct version. Until now, I have been using an older version of POI loader to get the wav files to work.
nuvi 255
I have been reading quite a few threads on here.
Before I begin trying to put wavs on my nuvi 255, does anyone know if it does work on the 255. Almost everyone says it does for the 200 or 205 or 2xx. Does the 2xx include the 255?
Thank you much!!!
2x0 vs 2x5
I have been reading quite a few threads on here.
Before I begin trying to put wavs on my nuvi 255, does anyone know if it does work on the 255. Almost everyone says it does for the 200 or 205 or 2xx. Does the 2xx include the 255?
Thank you much!!!
The 2x0 and 2x5 GPSrs have different chipsets, but I think both series will play WAV files.
><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598
Does on the 260
does anyone know if it does work on the 255.
Thank you much!!!
The wav files work on the Nuvi 260 - 16 bit, mono
MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !
Works great on a 265wt with
Works great on a 265wt with 16 bit mono .wav
Nuvi 265WT
I don't know what I am doing wrong
I make .WAV files with the same name as the poi's and it did not work also I now get no icons from the BMP's.
TomTom VIA 1535 TM Retired GPS's TomTom XL 350 TM nüvi 200 nüvi 205
Alerts on the 200
I make .WAV files with the same name as the poi's and it did not work also I now get no icons from the BMP's.
So, in you POI folder you have something like:
Bob Evans-All.bmp
Bob Evans-All.csv
Bob Evans-All.wav
The names must match exactly - it is case sensitive so Bob Evans-all.wav will not match to the Bob Evans-ALL.csv file
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
it is case sensitive so Bob Evans-all.wav will not match to the Bob Evans-ALL.csv file
It's not you know...
...every time I see this, I go off and check again - in case something has changed; but, as before, I successfully built a working POI.GPI from the following files:-
FILe.csV contained speed-related entries, to ensure that the mp3 file was loaded. Inspection with Garmin's GPI_Viewer tool confirmed that the bmp and mp3 file were both present.
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
Yeah, the names used to be case sensitive, but with one of the POI Loader updates, that requirement was apparently removed.
I still think it's a good idea to recommend that new users keep everything case sensitive, however, because it eliminates at least one variable.
Case Sensitivity
Yeah, the names used to be case sensitive, but with one of the POI Loader updates, that requirement was apparently removed.
I still think it's a good idea to recommend that new users keep everything case sensitive, however, because it eliminates at least one variable.
Thank you MM and Phil,
I guess I remember the case-sensitive days and now automatically check the file names match IN ALL RESPECTS before loading them.
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
keeping it case-sensitive also makes it easier to check for mistakes.
******************Garmin Nüvi 1300T****************Member 6523*******************
poi loader beta
i just boght a garmin 205w and want to load wav files and it seems i need this loader but cant find it. anyone know where i can get it from?
PC or Mac ?
Latest version for PC is just from Garmin's website
(Mac needs one of the beta versions, I believe - whereabouts unknown (not being a Mac user!))
------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ---------------------- - Garmin POI Creation made easy »
i just boght a garmin 205w and want to load wav files and it seems i need this loader but cant find it. anyone know where i can get it from?
The Mac POI Loader beta version (which offers the manual mode) is still available via cnet's versiontracker site:
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
wav and poi files directory
i made a folder/directory called poi files and i have been saving them there but i have not loaded them in my gps yet. will this work or do i have to save sound n poi files some where else?
1.Make folder on your
1.Make folder on your computer and call it My Pois.
2.Put your csv files,bmp files and wave files inside that folder.
3.make sure all like files are named the same.Type only the name not the extensions.
4.To make wave files go to and type in what you want the alert sound to say.Then follow the instructions to download and save.You will need to download the sox file at and put into your Garmin folder for the wave files to work.If you go to my computer,local disk(c)and click on it you will see the Garmin folder.
>Main folder=My Pois
>>speed cameras.csv
>>speed cameras.bmp
>>redlight cameras.csv
>>redlight cameras.bmp
>>redlight cameras.wave
>>cracker Barrel.csv
>>cracker Barrel.bmp
>>cracker Barrel.wave
4.Run Poiloader and direct it to the main folder(My Pois).
5.Select the manual mode for Poiloader to set alerts.Note the redlight and speed cameras files have the alerts built in and will alert using the express mode for poiloader.If you decide you want override that.Use the manual mode and select distance and put in based on ft.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
File Extension
Shouldn't the filename extension for the sound files be .wav and not .wave?
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
My mistake should be wav not
My mistake should be wav not wave.Don't type in the extension just the name.Extension will take care of itself.Thanks Gary.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Here is a website to convert
Here is a website to convert mp3 to wav or other formats as well and it's free.
Is the 14.0.1 file still
Is the 14.0.1 file still available? I downloaded sox but it is the newer 14.2.0 and while I can read the earlier release notes, I can't seem to download it. I tried the 14.2.0 file in my folder but no joy.
Is the 14.0.1 file still available? I downloaded sox but it is the newer 14.2.0 and while I can read the earlier release notes, I can't seem to download it. I tried the 14.2.0 file in my folder but no joy.
Nuvi 660 -- and not upgrading it or maps until Garmin fixes long-standing bugs/problems, and get maps to where they are much more current, AND corrected on a more timely basis when advised of mistakes.
Thank you, I replaced the
Thank you, I replaced the new SOX file with the correct v 14.0.1 file. I then ran POI loader again and yet still don't have the mp3 being autoconverted to wav files. Do I need to completely erase the favorites from the unit first and then reload?
Or do I need to manually convert the mp3 to wav , then sox loads them during the next POI loading operation?
My impression from this and the other threads is that sox is a converter as well.
MP3 files are not automatically converted to WAV files. You would have to manually convert each one.
Favorites are a different thing from Custom POIs and don't have anything to do with alerts, so I'm not sure the nature of your question regarding erasing the Favorites from the unit.
And yes, after you convert the WAV files, you will need to reload your Custom POIs with POI Loader.
I meant erasing the custom
I meant erasing the custom POIs.
When you run poiloader again
When you run poiloader again it will overwrite the existing custom pois.I will email you some info to see if it helps.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
everything works now
Thanks all.
Once I used the att website to manually convert the mp3 files to wav and reloaded all, everything worked.
A voice yesterday annouced I was approaching starbucks instead of the average bong bong.
So powerusers / newbies in a nutshell.
Download sox file, place in garmin folder along with POI Loader.
Find files with bmp and mp3 proximity alerts on POI factory website.
Manually convert the mp3 to wav files being sure to select "mono" on the website
Create Alert sound by going to
Then with all gpx, bmp, and wav files in your garmin folder, launch POI loader and download all manually, with setting "this file has proximity alerts" checked and enter something like 1320 feet for how far away to warn you.
MP3 Sound enhancer
Try using this program I use for my MP3's. Great program...MP3Gain available from Cnet DOWNLOAD.COM
Always on the Road Knowing where I've Been
Great Pix
OK, so how did you do that with your picture icon????
Great shot!!
Always on the Road Knowing where I've Been