upgrading the Nuvi 200 for Canada
Fri, 02/22/2008 - 5:24pm
17 years
Does anyone know the least expensive way to update the Garmin nuvi 200 to work in Canada?
17 years
Does anyone know the least expensive way to update the Garmin nuvi 200 to work in Canada?
The only way I know of is to
The only way I know of is to buy the 2008 NT Map update DVD and load the Canada maps onto an SD card.
><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598
You can alway get the City
You can alway get the City Navigator Canada NT SD card. That would be the easiest way to go. (010-10966-00)
Does anyone know the least expensive way to update the Garmin nuvi 200 to work in Canada?
If you want to know wether it will work in Canada, your Nuvi has maps for Canada already.
******************Garmin Nüvi 1300T****************Member 6523*******************
Canadian maps on Nuvi 200
If you want to know wether it will work in Canada, your Nuvi has maps for Canada already.
The Nuvi 200 doesn't come pre-installed with Canadian maps. (Unless, of course, you bought it in Canada.) Like the poster above said, you can load it from the 2008 DVD to an SD card and have access to the US and Canadian maps.
ok I have the Update DVD and a 2 Gig SD card
Attempt to do the setup on DVD and it tells me I don't have the GPS to upgrade.
What specific files do I need to copy to the SD Card?
My email address is todhunter5@att.net
It appears that I need an Unlock Code in order to do this, does anyone have an unlock code that will work for the City Navigator North America NT?
Unlock codes are locked to a single unit. If you purchase a Garmin map product, it will come with an unlock code that can be used with a single GPS unit.
Can this be changed in any way
can this be changed of the unit upgraded in any way
I'm not sure I understand your question.
Unlock codes are consumable items. They can be used for a single unit. But they will always be good for THAT unit.
You cannot transfer the unlock code to another unit.
what I got was the DVD Map UPdate for North America NT
ask for unlock code and the product does not seem to have one, only has A Product Key Code
I have sent an email to Garmin on this.