

is there a way to make a custom poi for school zones where it will alert at 200 meters and if i go over 30 km an hour but in gpx format

nuvi 755t


kle262 wrote:

is there a way to make a custom poi for school zones where it will alert at 200 meters and if i go over 30 km an hour but in gpx format

Very tempting, just to leave the answer as "Yes" smile


Each POI entry would have "@30" added to the name and <proximity>200</proximity> as the proximity statement (with POI Loader set to "Meters and KPH"). This would give an alert only if you exceed 30kph and are less than 200m from the POI (by road).

If you already have the POI file in csv format, there is some useful software here:
which will convert to gpx format and add the proximity statements for you. It also has a neat trick, whereby it can double up all your alerts, if required. That way, you can arrange to ALWAYS receive an alert at 200m and further alerts only if you exceed 30kph.

There's not much in the way of documentation for it, but there's a discussion here:

It was written to convert UK speed camera files, so you might have to rename your Schools file as "Redlight.csv", or similar, to get it into a recognised category.
Have a play!

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------               http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      


Hi Phil,
I've been tinkering with VB wondering how you managed to write GeePeeEx and I can see it must have been quite an ordeal! What version of VB did you use to code it? I can appreciate what it took to create that program.. Did you teach yourself VB or study it in school?


Garmin Streetpilot i3, Streetpilot C580 and Nuvi 265WT


School? -- must be my youthful personality showing through smile ... no, VB hadn't been invented when I was at school. (Bill Gates & I both dropped out of college at about the same time!)
GeePeeEx Editor is written in VB6, which may not be the most modern language around - but hey, Fortran 66 put a man on the moon!
My programming background is mainly 'Assembler' of one flavour or another and various scripting languages. Any other Vax/VMS gurus in here?

The hard part about writing GeePeeEx hasn't been the programming - but figuring out how all these different Garmins respond. Garmin could do with holding a "Team Building Day" - where they introduce all the employees to one another wink

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------               http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      

programming etc.

Phil would it be possible to write your program with Microsoft's free program Visual Basic Express 2008? Sounds like your roots in programming go pretty deep if you worked in Assembler language. Do you program for a living?


Garmin Streetpilot i3, Streetpilot C580 and Nuvi 265WT


raybonz wrote:

Phil would it be possible to write your program with Microsoft's free program Visual Basic Express 2008?

I wasn't aware of that 'product' - but just skimming through it, I'd say "yes" (though I'd prefer it, if you didn't!). While looking at that, I just spotted the Kid's corner on the Microsoft website, which got me interested...I wonder if I can get my 10yr old daughter started on programming smile

He also wrote:

Sounds like your roots in programming go pretty deep if you worked in Assembler language. Do you program for a living?

Assembler programming is very,very easy - it's just that you're building with very small bricks - you have to learn to stand back once in a while and see what is taking shape smile

I'm officially on 'Household duties' at the moment - so the gpsr stuff is just to stop my brain going to mush!

Apologies for boring everyone who's first love isn't computers -- maybe I should admit to my second passion: which is plumbing! Now that's a really creative hobby smile

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------               http://GeePeeEx.com - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »      

Great info

That's a wonderful site for those that would like to learn programming. I have a few projects I would like to try some of it out with. Thanks for the link.

Garmin c530, Garmin eTrex, Garmin Nuvi 1390