

this is my first time creating a custom POI. just submitted it. if there any thing wrong with it let me know. ahh i just checked again and saw that there already one but with other frozen yogurt. o well this can be the pinkberry only one and mine also has NY locations.

Congrats on your first POI

Congrats on your first POI File, you did a great job and earned yourself a POI Contributor badge.

Miss Poi


miss poi wrote:

Congrats on your first POI File, you did a great job and earned yourself a POI Contributor badge.

Miss Poi

thank you =]

Well, I guess some people DO

Well, I guess some people DO actually get credit for creating and uploading custom POI files after all...

Newest to oldest... Nüvi 660, Street Pilot 2720, Magellan SporTrak Pro, Lowrance Global Map 100


You really need to stop making negative comments like that regarding the site. They are not appreciated here.

Actually, MM, it was a

Actually, MM, it was a positive comment noting that someone got credit. Not that hard to understand, now...

Newest to oldest... Nüvi 660, Street Pilot 2720, Magellan SporTrak Pro, Lowrance Global Map 100

no idea

no idea whats going on, but if there are any suggestions of making it better. post in this thread. thanks.