Safe Mode?
Tue, 12/26/2006 - 11:54pm
18 years
What exactly is "Safe Mode"? All the manual say is it disables functions that require significant user operation. So what functions does it disable in safe mode?
18 years
What exactly is "Safe Mode"? All the manual say is it disables functions that require significant user operation. So what functions does it disable in safe mode?
Features can vary by model, but safe mode generally disables things that require a lot of attention (like typing addresses). When you're driving, this distraction could cause an accident.
This is correct, In my c320
This is correct, In my c320 I took this off. This way my wife can enter anything while we are driving. I think safe mode lets you do anything you want at the beguining but once you start to drive it wont allow you to enter new addreses and things along those lines.
Safe Mode
It works just like the Factory installed GPS's Or Onstar the vehicle must be stopped to use so if you want to use it going down the highway your wife can use it all you have to do is go into settings and find it and uncheck safe mode PS not a good idea for driver trying to type in addresses while driving passenger should learn how to put in addresses Hope this helps you with the safe mode
Auggie SP2720 , SP C330, Nuvi 650, Nuvi 785T,Dezl 770lmt America Moves By Truck