Freedom (spotted a bald eagle)


Wifey, Zeke (my dog) and I made our usual trip to a place Zeke can stretch his legs early this morning. As more and more places are "closed" it's getting tougher to find a spot away from everyone else. At least not many folks are out early in the AM.

Anyway ... we were reminded that despite the current lack of freedom we currently have, we are still in America. Our new spot had a visit from a bald eagle, who was being harassed by a red tail hawk, kind of like we are by this COVID-19.

This is one of those times I wish I had real camera with me, but thankful the phone had one. The video, a little blurry at times, shows the eagle sitting on a branch. I managed to catch the hawk do a fly by as well. In the end the eagle flew off, free as a bird, hopefully we can join him soon and enjoy our freedom once again. It will be nice to be able to go out and not feel like I'm doing something wrong.

(for reference, I live about a mile or two outside of Philadelphia, PA and while we have some wildlife here seeing a bald eagle here is rare)


. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .

Very nice


Striving to make the NYC Metro area project the best.

Nice Thanks for Sharing

Good to wee something nice instead of so much violence

johnm405 660 & MSS&T



Eagles & Ospreys

We have 2 Bald Eagle nests and an Osprey nest in the neighborhood.

Before I had a smartphone, I witnessed 2 eagles soaring above the house and above them (abt. 50 ft.) were 2 more eagles that were also soaring. What a sight to not have a camera for.

One time I was walking down the driveway and saw some neighbors walking in the street. The kids were hollering and pointing. When I looked to see what had them excited, I saw an Osprey flying with a large mouth bass in its talons. The really weird thing about this was that it was below the tree level and when it got to the end of the street (T intersection), it stayed low and made a left. That made the kids really get excited and ask me if I saw that as well.

Soberbyker: I know the feeling you had. In the summer it's not unusual to see a Bald Eagle here, but I always feel proud to see our national bird.

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA

Watch live here...

We have multiple sites in Pennsylvania that have very high resolution cameras so that people can watch nesting pairs and development of eaglets. The cameras are provided through the courtesy of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. The best to watch at the moment is at Please note that the camera has infrared capability so if you check at night the stream looks similar to black & white, otherwise the live stream is in color. This nesting pair is raising two eaglets, I think around two weeks old. There is often an adult sitting on the eaglets, keeping them warm, but during the day one adult is constantly bringing food. On a warm day (yet to come!) the adult may be off the nest for a considerable amount of time, but is never too far away. If you show this to children, be aware it is mother nature at its best, and sometimes it worst. You may see the occasional rabbit, squirrel, fish, etc. brought to the nest and then ripped apart an fed to the eaglets.

The 2nd site in Pennsylvania has been around for many years but this year has run into bad luck in that two eggs were laid, but neither hatched. For now it is an empty nest, but if interested the link is

John from PA


John from PA wrote:


The best to watch at the moment is at ~snip~

Thanks. I have been a 'member' of for a few years, they have cameras focused on interesting stuff all over the world. One year I checked in on some Owls hatch and raise their young.

Very cool website.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .

had a nesting site near our house

Last year, county park posted picture of bald eagle at park where daughter and I go to play archery. This year, local newspaper published location of nest and mentioned that they young ones were about to leave. While running errands, we noticed a bunch of folks with large camera lenses and binoculars. Sure enough, you could see the young ones and parents.