No access to WiFi for map update (TND 740)


I have what is probably a dumb question but is it possible to download the updated map file for my tnd 740 to my phone and then transfer it to my computer and then to the unit in the corresponding folder? I'm sure several of you know that truck stops do not have the fastest Wi-Fi and I don't have 9 hours to sit around and wait for it to download the updated maps..

A lot of phones have the

A lot of phones have the ability to become a hot spot but may not be available without an extra fee to your carrier. That would allow your TND to download through the phone, If you don't want to do this, try parking outside a library after hours and downloading through their WiFi. Starbucks and McDonalds are also possibilities.

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KFC (at least around Cincinnati)

Box Car wrote:

A lot of phones have the ability to become a hot spot but may not be available without an extra fee to your carrier. That would allow your TND to download through the phone, If you don't want to do this, try parking outside a library after hours and downloading through their WiFi. Starbucks and McDonalds are also possibilities.

Seems to have the fastest WiFi. All of the ones that I have been to seems to be clocking in at around 50 megs. That’s pretty good for public WiFi.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Appreciate it yall

Appreciate it yall