Possible new project in the works


Ok...I'm curious how many rogue/brave photographers are on here. I'm working on a POI file that's a bit different. Some of locations that are included in the file will take you dangerously close to some highly restricted areas (even Area 51). I've also tracked down some highly secured CST-Scientology sites (storage bunkers, etc).

Thanks to G-maps and a few other sources, I've been able to find some really interesting stuff. If there is any interest in something like that, let me know. I won't be posting it until I know it will be useful for more than just a few people.

A Possibility

I'm also interested in offbeat photography and could participate. Unfortunately, POI Factory does not have photo posting capabilities so your POI file would have to show locations only with possible links to a 3rd party site like Photobucket.

I'm soure would be of

I'm soure would be of intrest to some of the folks on this site. Good luck.

Garmin Drive Smart 61 NA LMT-S

Dangerously close?

I would highly recommend that people rethink the idea of getting dangerously close to highly restricted areas. In my former life, I was a military police officer providing security for military intelligence agencies that dealt with highly sensitive and classified information. I can't tell you how many times that I have actually seized and destroyed property belonging to individuals that disregarded the signs posted around these areas. If you take a photograph of a restricted area, you can have your camera confiscated and you can be detained by the authorities. Kind of a high price to pay for a photograph, in my opinion.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Dangerously Close

maddog67 wrote:

I would highly recommend that people rethink the idea of getting dangerously close to highly restricted areas. In my former life, I was a military police officer providing security for military intelligence agencies that dealt with highly sensitive and classified information. I can't tell you how many times that I have actually seized and destroyed property belonging to individuals that disregarded the signs posted around these areas. If you take a photograph of a restricted area, you can have your camera confiscated and you can be detained by the authorities. Kind of a high price to pay for a photograph, in my opinion.

I'm pretty sure when most people see a "Warning" sign, they will stop where they are, and turn around....not before getting photos. I've managed to get photos of several restricted areas, without any problems. I didn't go past any "No Trespassing" signs, either.

A possibility

bdhsfz6 wrote:

I'm also interested in offbeat photography and could participate. Unfortunately, POI Factory does not have photo posting capabilities so your POI file would have to show locations only with possible links to a 3rd party site like Photobucket.

I'm not posting any photos on here. This is a POI file I'm working on, with LAT and LON. to for different locations.

md67 is correct

While I think it would be absolutely fascinating to know where some of these places are (especially since the worldwide Scientology HQ is in nearby Clearwater,) I, for one, have no interest in venturing too closely to any of them.


gatorj wrote:

While I think it would be absolutely fascinating to know where some of these places are (especially since the worldwide Scientology HQ is in nearby Clearwater,) I, for one, have no interest in venturing too closely to any of them.

I just did some research the other day on the so-called Church of Scientology, found out their world headquarters is actually in California. I remember when I was growing up in Bradenton, hearing about it all the time on the local news. Anyway, when I was digging around online the other day, I had discovered their headquarters is in California... One of the sites out there is where they put everything together, as far as media goes... Books, videos, other materials...including all of those strange gadgets...are all manufactured out there.

Downloaded your POI

Converted to GPX and opened it up in MapSource.

Very nice, but unfortunately I cannot use it since I have no intention to go west of a straight line going north of Laredo, Tx.

But good job.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

Photojournalist on Board

Semi-retired former newspaper/magazine photojournalist here. I would be most interested is such a file. Thanks and carry on.

Re: Downloaded

Melaqueman wrote:

Converted to GPX and opened it up in MapSource.

Very nice, but unfortunately I cannot use it since I have no intention to go west of a straight line going north of Laredo, Tx.

But good job.

Thanks. Funny you mention Laredo... I was just there last night, now sitting near McAllen.