Accents on characters for custom POIs using Garmin POI Loader



Newbie to the forum so apologies if posting in the wrong place! I used to use TomTom products but as TomTom's newer products no longer support custom POIs I've switched to Garmin.

I'm converting my TomTom custom POIs to use in my Garmin Camper 770LMT-D. I'm having problems getting characters with accents (e.g. Café, Samarès, Corbière, Plémont, L'Ouzière, Quérée). Ideally, I'd like to have the characters with accents in the POI name but be able to search for them using characters with accents i.e. each for "cafe" to find POIs with either "cafe" or "café" etc..

I have three questions:
1. Can you use accents with characters in Garmin custom POIs?
2. Does Garmin POI Loader (both Windows and Mac) support characters with accents?
3. I'm using Mac OS and Mac Excel to create the .csv files, will Mac POI Loader still do what I want?

What I've done/found so far:

I'm using Mac Excel to create the master list as a spreadsheet .xlsx.

I extrapolate the necessary data (i.e. Long, Lat, Name, Phone/comments) to a worksheet within the master list spreadsheet.

I save the individual worksheet as a separate .csv file (comma separated values NOT CSV UTF-8. This saves the .csv file as "Western (Mac OS Roman)" encoding with "Windows (CRLF)" line breaks. This .csv file can be processed by POI Loader but characters without accents replace those characters with accents.

I have used TextWranger to change the encoding to "Western (ISO Latin 1)" which is supposed to be the equivalent of ISO Latin 1 (8859-1) but Mac POI Loader converts character with accents into rubbish. I have tried other "Western" encodings and none appear to get processed correctly by Mac POI Loader.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



Don't have an answer for this question, but...

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Since you are new here, I encourage you to go through a couple of the Tutorials.

The first link makes sure the settings on your computer are such that you can do more advanced POI loading.

The next link helps you make a backup of your GPS by attaching it to your computer. (NEVER do anything to your GPS until you have a backup). It also assures that you put your (newer) unit into a state where you can see all of the folders there.