Making a USB Cable that will power a 660 (And probably other models) off USB Port

JanJ's picture

OK.. I used this adapter to determine pinouts....

Now... based upon that--- and this pinout information of USB and Mini pinouts.....

Cut 5 pin mini USB cable in half, and also cut USB cable in half (refer to pinout link above)

Connected pin 1 of mini USB cable to pin 1 of USB cable (RED WIRE +5V)

I DID NOT Connected pin 2 OR pin 3 of mini USB cable to pin 2 or pin 3 of USB cable (Neither wire are used.... We are just powering GPS, not sharing data)

connected wires for pin 4 and pin 5 of mini USB cable to Pin 4 of USB cable (4 is ID, 5 is Ground on mini---4 is Ground on USB)

With this cable, you can power a 660 off of the USB Port