Over a quarter million strong and growing...


Over a quarter million strong and growing...

When I joined this family, I was the 14,984th member (that was 3 years and 43 weeks ago). This family has now grown, to over a quarter of a million strong.

I take my hat off to MaryAnn and Jonathan for all their efforts in running "the best" POI site on the internet.

Keep up the good work!!!

Best regards,


Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!
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How long do you think it will take to reach half a million?

From one of the newbies,

From one of the newbies, thanks indeed for this wonderful site. Well done, but don't stop!!, please


Wow,Wow lets keep it going.


I love it when we hit these big milestones. It makes me happy to know that you guys value them as much as I do.

Miss POI

Quarter million is Kool

Thanks to MaryAnn, Jonathan and all those who contribute. I have been really enjoying this site since I found it.

tailspin, how did you find out your member #? I'm sure mine is way bigger than yours.

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

Congratulations! Miss POI!

And thanks!


miss poi wrote:

I love it when we hit these big milestones. It makes me happy to know that you guys value them as much as I do.

Miss POI

Sure we do!! We're a family and are excited about any member of the family and their successes.

I do believe, however, you and John deserve a lot of the credit for the success of the site. You're the ones who had the dream and worked to get it up and running. I personally would like to express my appreciation for all your hard work. You both should be made COD (Contributor of the Decade).

Click on the name you want to check

bear007 wrote:

how did you find out your member

and look in browser at the top. When I click your name this appears http://www.poi-factory.com/user/246010 and you then see the member number


Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

Yep, it's great here

Haven't been to another GPS/POI site in over 6 months. Some may say that I'm missing out on something, but I don't think so.

Great site layout.
Great members.
Great place to vent, brag and ask questions.
Great owners - MaryAnn and Jonathan

Thanks to everyone.

Edit: Oh yeah, didn't know I was member 129124.

Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA

Thanks to MaryAnn, Jonathan

Thanks to MaryAnn, Jonathan and all those who contribute. grin razz

What, another site?

metricman wrote:

Haven't been to another GPS/POI site in over 6 months. Some may say that I'm missing out on something, but I don't think so.

Great site layout.
Great members.
Great place to vent, brag and ask questions.
Great owners - MaryAnn and Jonathan

Thanks to everyone.

Edit: Oh yeah, didn't know I was member 129124.

When I first went looking this past December, after getting my new toy, this is the first site I found. I guess I'll go looking for other sites after I finish reading all I can here. I'm not sure I can read as fast as some of you out there can type though so I may be a while.

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

Good things catch on........

I was member #77842 @ 2 years 43 weeks. Even more of a show how fast people have joined.


Thanks MaryAnn and Jonathan for all your hard work!

Vince Nuvi 350

Yay -this is the GREATEST community EVER !

Miss POI and the Team are the very best buddies one can hope for, and this page is one of the very first I check every morning. There's great info, great fun too - And we don't limit our group to just one brand or other, this Community has a real open mind!

Let's keep up the good work, and thanks once again to our beloved Admins !

Say - should we try and make stickers, or badges we could wear, or sumthin ? Or maybe locate us all on a map ? Or just add a small flag of our area next to our Avatars ?

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)



http://www.poi-factory.com/node/21626 - red light cameras do not work

WoW! I'm over three years


I'm over three years involved with this wonderful site now, and wondering where the time has gone!

MaryAnn and Jonathan have not only taken on the enormous task of building and maintaining such a massive work, but have done it extremely well! Their level of devotion has touched the lives and hearts of the many. How they keep track of this many moving parts all the time is a big mystery to me, and yet they continually improve it to make it bigger & better. They even keep it technically user-friendly, as well as a clean, friendly, and welcoming place. No wonder Poi Factory is such a BIG success!!!

My biggest thanks to MaryAnn and Jonathan for actively being such wonderful & giving people! I also think that over a quarter of a million people will totally agree with me that Mrs. Poi being so photogenic and incredibly beautiful has certainly not hurt anything either!

This site is an AWESOME place for beginner and old-hand alike!

-It's not just a site... it's truly an adventure-

~Jim~ Nuvi-660, & Nuvi-680

One question, though

miss poi wrote:

I love it when we hit these big milestones. It makes me happy to know that you guys value them as much as I do.

Miss POI

Of course you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, Miss, POI, but what material gain do get from the Factory? What's in it for you and Jon? Since you don't advertise, how do you even pay for this site? Do you and Jon have "regular" jobs?

"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."

#312 thanks you as well>>>

tailspin wrote:

Over a quarter million strong and growing...

When I joined this family, I was the 14,984th member (that was 3 years and 43 weeks ago). This family has now grown, to over a quarter of a million strong.

I take my hat off to MaryAnn and Jonathan for all their efforts in running "the best" POI site on the internet.

Keep up the good work!!!

Best regards,


You have really created quite a special place!


"You can't get there from here"

Why I joined 19 months ago

My old Magellan Explorist had very few Mcdonalds in the outdated database, especially in northern Iowa. A google search led me here.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w


miss poi wrote:

I love it when we hit these big milestones. It makes me happy to know that you guys value them as much as I do.

Miss POI

Of course we value these. And it definitely show that this site is well thought out and the spirit is running high, all the credit to you and Jonathan.

A quarter of a millions; that would be quite a get together BBQ...


3 years now

Been here for 3 years and 28 weeks. I was Member 29075 when i joined. I guess 3 years from now we will be at 500k. Thanks to a great poi site.


I feel so old!

Nuvi 660. Nuvi 40 Check out. www.houserentalsorlando.com Irish Saying. A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.

Interesting statistics there

I'm member 215448, and I joined 44 weeks and 5 days ago.

If I find the time later today, I'll try and compute the average newbies per day since that time grin

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)

You can also place...

bear007 wrote:

Thanks to MaryAnn, Jonathan and all those who contribute. I have been really enjoying this site since I found it.

tailspin, how did you find out your member #? I'm sure mine is way bigger than yours.

...your cursor over the person's log in name and it will display their number at the bottom of the screen. (For example, I am 177309 and you are 246010.)

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022


68455, enjoying the POI-Factory for all the information it provides! Really cool! Thanks Maryann & Jonathon! grin grin

Garmin Nuvi 650, Garmin eTrexLegend, Magellan 360

4 years and 11 weeks...WOW!

Yep. That's how long I've been with POI Factory!
Oh, and my member number. 1771

Guess that makes me a plank owner, eh? smile

Thank you Maryanne and Jonathan and to all those contributors who have made this the premier POI website.


Miss Poi

Miss POI is number 4 so who is number 1? Maybe John?

Nuvi 2460LMT.

Keep Growing

This is Great News...keep up the work and enjoy the Great value...Thank You....


DId a little "tricking"...

pwohlrab wrote:

Miss POI is number 4 so who is number 1? Maybe John?

User 1 is named Zadmin, User 2 is POI Factory, and User 3 is JM - would that be Jon ?

Ah, we can't be told who User 0 is... But the next longest-lasting member would be Weinstock.

Now I ain't tell ya how I figgerd that out, let's keep it a secret, shall we ?

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)

Such a great site! Thanks!!

Such a
great site!


~Jim~ Nuvi-660, & Nuvi-680

Yes! Many thanks to the


Many thanks to the ALL-

Especially Miss Poi and Jon!

nightrider --Nuvi's 660 & 680--

Great Place

Great place, helpful people, useful information.

How can you tell what your membership number is?


How to tell

FZbar wrote:

Great place, helpful people, useful information.

How can you tell what your membership number is?


...your cursor over the person's log in name and it will display their number at the bottom of the screen.

Fred...you are number 36120

Nuvi 2460LMT.

I have to find out what

I have to find out what number I am. Is it in your profile?

Wealth of information

Great Site with a wealth of information

Tazmaz You Are

tazmnaz wrote:

I have to find out what number I am. Is it in your profile?

As the say on the Amazing Race Tazmnaz your are number 255656
Just run the mouse over your name and it will tell you what your number is. smile

johnm405 660 & MSS&T


Just move your mouse pointer over your screen name and then look at the status line of your browser window. With IE8, it's at the very bottom of the window.

tazmnaz, you are member #255656.

EDIT: oops, John beat me to it.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

It makes me...

miss poi wrote:

I love it when we hit these big milestones. It makes me happy to know that you guys value them as much as I do.

Miss POI

happy when you are happy..thanks again for all you do, and have done to assist all of us!

"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."

Hey, I'm getting there !!!!

Just noticed I was starting my 50th week of membership. Oh wow, time sure flies when you're having fun / in good company...

Thanks again, Miss POI and Jon. And the other members while we're at it...

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)

Ancient Windmills

spera wrote:
pwohlrab wrote:

Miss POI is number 4 so who is number 1? Maybe John?

... But the next longest-lasting member would be Weinstock.

Ah, but I believe you'll find ROBERT F. BREUNING is the member with the next oldest Windmill.

"It's not where you start, but where you end up." Where am I and what am I doing in this hand basket?

Well I don't care, I'll keep applauding old windmills

A few more, and we won't ned any other source of power, right ?

K, rant's over - and so is my day. See you all tomorrow, bright and early !

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)

Yay - Tomorrow is the Big Day !!!!!

Just checked my Status, I'm at 51 weeks and 6 days ! Tomorrow, I'm opening the Champagne - and buying a boat, there's a big Fair in Mandelieu over the weekend smile

Miss POI, where are our new badges on membership length ? I'm sure you've been busy, just wanted to bring this up once again...

Oh - I just loved the Sleeping Aid joke on the dedicated topic. That would be here:


What a great way to start my day - two awesome news smile

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)

It's awesome, and a thing of

It's awesome, and a thing of beauty!!!

~Jim~ Nuvi-660, & Nuvi-680

I second that

tailspin wrote:

Over a quarter million strong and growing...

When I joined this family, I was the 14,984th member (that was 3 years and 43 weeks ago). This family has now grown, to over a quarter of a million strong.

I take my hat off to MaryAnn and Jonathan for all their efforts in running "the best" POI site on the internet.

Keep up the good work!!!

Best regards,


2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

I third it!

I third it!

nightrider --Nuvi's 660 & 680--

Motion passed !

By Golly, but I missed reading those posts last week.

What was I doing ? Well, using my Nüvi 205T on the road..... If that don't beat it all grin

Ain't nuthin' never just right to do the things you wanna do when you wanna do them, so you best just go ahead and do them anyway ! (Rancid Crabtree, from Pat F McManus fame)

And more to come!

The more people who find out about this site the more will join.
When friends ask where I get the POIs on thr GPS, I tell them here. The next time I see them they tell me they signed up and then they tell me all the POPIs they downloaded. They tell me that they in turn telll others about it.
Keep up the good work!

Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things!

3 years 31 weeks.Getting

3 years 31 weeks.Getting close to my 4 year pin.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

3 years 31 weeks.Getting

charlesd45 wrote:

3 years 31 weeks.Getting close to my 4 year pin.

Don't stop to smell the roses as I am not far behind you 3yr 23 weeks. Moving up to the east side. laugh out loud

johnm405 660 & MSS&T


johnm405 wrote:
charlesd45 wrote:

3 years 31 weeks.Getting close to my 4 year pin.

Don't stop to smell the roses as I am not far behind you 3yr 23 weeks. Moving up to the east side. laugh out loud

...and I bringing up the rear at 3 years 11 weeks.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
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