

I am trying to download POI files for truck stops and I wont let me. What will help?

need more details

To truly address the problem you are having, we need more details on the steps you are taking.

As your GPS is one of the Rand-Mcnally units, the procedures to download and install are different than those found here in our FAQs and learn sections.

First off, I will assume you are not using an Apple computer.

To download the truck stops file, you will need to go to the file location ( and right click your mouse on the link stating CSV for Rand McNally. This should download the file to your Downloads file folder.

From there you will need to follow the instructions of the DOCK program supplied by RM to load the file to your unit.

Good luck! (and welcome to the factory!)

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Rand McNally

Mhorton wrote:

I am trying to download POI files for truck stops and I wont let me. What will help?

Welcome to POI Factory Mhorton. You can also find more information for your unit on site at .Using your Rand McNally with POI Factory

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.


Welcome to the site.

We usually recommend the following.

There is a "Learn" button in the upper right of this page next to "red light cameras" that takes you to a Getting Started page. It is worthwhile visiting this page.

To make navigation easy, most browsers provide the following option. When you want to follow a link - but still keep your current page open - you can hold down the "Ctrl" key as you left-click on a link. That action will open a new "Tab" in your browser up on the "Tab" bar. When you then left-click on that new "Tab", you will follow the link - leaving the "Tab" you are now reading open and available to click on and return here.

So, using the "Learn" link, you might try the "Ctrl" - left-click sequence and then return here. You can return by either "X-ing" out of the "Getting Started" page (using the "X" on the "Tab" itself) or just left-clicking on the "Tab" for the page you are on right now.

Note that the Learn Button will give you access to two valuable reference pages -
the "Index" to all of the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and the Glossary of Terms and Links.

Since you are new here, I encourage you to go through a couple of the Tutorials.

The first link makes sure the settings on your computer are such that you can do more advanced POI loading.

The next link helps you make a backup of your GPS by attaching it to your computer. (NEVER do anything to your GPS until you have a backup). It also assures that you put your (newer) unit into a state where you can see all of the folders there.

Let us know how we can help you enjoy your GPS.