Credit Reporting and Camera Tickets


One more

Yeah! That what we needed. Another thing reported to a quasi secret industry that make money by selling the info to others and making the life of many people more difficult!!

Incorrect info on credit reports easily removed

I never have had any problem getting anything that was incorrect removed from my credit reports. I check them every month on the Credit Karma site to keep tabs on everything and make sure that there is nothing adversely effecting my FICO score.

It is well worth keeping a FICO score high in extra special perks on my credit cards and low insurance premiums.

When I look at who has checked my score recently it makes it very clear that my banks, credit card companies and insurance carriers monitor it quite often. The insurance companies know there is a direct correlation between people with low FICO scores and insurance fraud.

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Credit Score Can't be lowered due to unpaid camera tickets

For those who haven't read the article, in 31 states, your credit score will not be lowered due to unpaid camera tickets.


Credit is easy to come by, imho that's what makes us an advanced society/1st world country. People were buying homes with 3% down. There is no way mathematically that such a loan is good for the lender or the borrower, but this country did it.

Be realistic. Now, when you pass through a rlc, are you a) unable to make a decision whether to go or stop, thereby triggering the rlc to take pics and video of you running the light, when you really didn't do it b)now adding your credit report to your go/stop decision?

It's getting more and more far fetched.

In the last 4 weeks, on at least 5 occasions, the traffic signal turned yellow while I was turning left. I have gotten 0 tickets. I have gotten 0 tickets in the last 5.5 years of commuting daily through a myriad of rlcs. Because the rlcs are accurate--either you ran the light, or you didn't. Running the light is proceeding on red, after the grace has expired.