65LMT missing traffic file
Sat, 08/01/2015 - 12:43pm
9 years
Anyone help please? My original 65LMT bought 10/14 went totally dead. Support sent me a refurbished one and after updating, when I put it in my vehicle it came on and said "Missing traffic file, contact Garmin support", which I did. They sent me another refurbished and I am getting the same message. Any ideas suggestions? Support tried numerous things with the first one they sent me which didn't work and is the reason they replaced it again. I'll call them again Monday but don't expect they can fix this one either.
You should download Garmin
You should download Garmin Express and install it. Then connect the GPS to it and see if the software is up to date.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
You should download Garmin Express and install it. Then connect the GPS to it and see if the software is up to date.
Sounds like a good suggestion to me:
Tearuup, welcome to The Factory. Let us know how things work out.
That was the first thing I
That was the first thing I did with both units. Every thing is up to date, even Garmin Express.
That was the first thing I did with both units. Every thing is up to date, even Garmin Express.
Well, that's a bust.
I had never heard of your issue so I did a Google search for your symptoms and found nothing. It's therefore odd that you experienced the extremely rare issue on two consecutive nuvi replacements. This makes me wonder if there's something not in the nuvi itself that's causing the issue.
When you received your two replacements, did Garmin send just the nuvi or did they replace the nuvi and cigarette light power cord? It's not clear to me from the specs and owners manual if the 67LMT uses a TrafficReceiver/Power cord or a TrafficAntenna/Power cord:
but my guess is that you must use the Garmin-supplied cord to receive traffic (although receiving or not receiving traffic should be unrelated to an error message stating that there are missing files). What is the model number of your power cable?
You state that you did update your nuvi's software. Was this done with Garmin Express or WebUpdater? Did you try using the nuvi 67 before updating it to see if the error message occurs on the device as received? Can we assume you didn't use your computer to inspect/modify/delete any files from the nuvi using your computer? Did you alter any of the nuvi settings after receiving it from Garmin? Do you Safely Remove the nuvi from the computer to make sure that it's not being disconnected while files are still be written to the nuvi?
This is probably an issue that can only be resolved by Garmin unless any of the above discussion brings an aha moment that fixes everything.
CraigW,In both cases they
In both cases they only sent me the unit. I am still using the orginal power cord. This is a 65LMT not a 67. I have used Garmin Express on this last unit. The previous I used WebUpdater per the technicians instructions. I have not inspect/modify/delete any files from the nuvi using my computer or anything else.
A thought did hit me that maybe I should turn off my virus protection and try another install. Thats the only thing I can think that may have interferred in some way, however I did not receive any notification from my virus protection (Microsoft Essentials).
Two units, one power cord?
Two units, one power cord? Could be the problem.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
Yes indeed
Two units, one power cord? Could be the problem.
If my problem, I'd call Garmin giving them all that's been said here and have Garmin solve it, possibly asking for a higher level support than from the first CS agent who you speak to. I would make sure, given the dual failures already, to ask Garmin NOT to just send a 3rd nuvi 65 without also sending a replacement power cord.
Once I have the 3rd replacement, I'd test the GPS and traffic as received and before I use WebUpdater or Garmin Express to offer updates. If the traffic files error arises only after a GPS update, then I'd worry more about computers, cables, disconnects while files are still being written, etc.
PS: I'm still curious about the power cable model number. Is it a TA-something, a GTM-something, or something else?
Garmin Nuvi 65LMT
Anyone help please? My original 65LMT bought 10/14 went totally dead. Support sent me a refurbished one and after updating, when I put it in my vehicle it came on and said "Missing traffic file, contact Garmin support", which I did. They sent me another refurbished and I am getting the same message. Any ideas suggestions? Support tried numerous things with the first one they sent me which didn't work and is the reason they replaced it again. I'll call them again Monday but don't expect they can fix this one either.
I have the same issue - Garmin Nuvi 65LMT purchased in 2014 died; Garmin provided replacement and it keeps telling me it's missing the traffic file. Support can't help. It is not the cable, it is a missing file. Garmin Express continues to tell me the device is up to date. Apparently not.
I have the same issue - Garmin Nuvi 65LMT purchased in 2014 died; Garmin provided replacement and it keeps telling me it's missing the traffic file. Support can't help. It is not the cable, it is a missing file. Garmin Express continues to tell me the device is up to date. Apparently not.
What exactly does the 65 say?
Odd Indeed
Two people with the same issue of a message indicating missing traffic file. Please connect your Nuvi to the PC and if using Windows, open up Windows Explorer and see if you have a file named TrafficProvider.xml in your .System folder. On my Nuvi 2460 it's size is 294kb, your size may differ.
You made need to unhide files if you don't see the .System folder.
Here are instructions:
Can you advise if it's just the message appearing and the traffic is functioning, or the Traffic is also not working.
I say this because on my Nuvi 2460LMT when I attempt to update software it indicates the Traffic file has an update. I let it update and the next ime I check I get the same message. I know I have the latest file so it's a firmware flaw and now I just ignore it. It's been like that for years.
It's either the file is missing, a bad 12V power cable, or software issues on the 65LMT as others have suggested. The first thing to check is if the file exists.
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units
Same Problem with a new Garmin 2589LMT
Just bought a Garmin 2589LMT. Get message:
"a file required for traffic services is missing." "Contact Garmin Product Support ...."
after powering the unit on in the car.
My GPS is only 1 day old. Did not try using the GPS before doing a system update. I thought, I had backed up the GPS, but did not know about going into the GPS menu through the Diagnostic Page, so the .System folder would be available for doing backups.
Garmin support said they would swap out the unit but since it is new I can get it replaced with the retailer.
Traffic cable was a Garmin TA10.
I tried updating the unit with Garmin Express and during the process I got caught in a update loop. I rebooted my Windows 7 x64 PC and got the updates installed.
Firmware 8.20 and Maps 2016.20.
When I get the new device should I use Webupdater (for the software) and MapUpdater to do my updates? Both programs are about 3 years old.
Why ...
... Use outdated programs? You certainly could use them if you wish but you may find MapUpdater stalls as it's a new device. I've had that issue on my 2508 although it works fine with my 1490.
Express is now very stable, although it may not appear that way given the number of updates but they are mainly to do with fitness devices. I suggest you just use Express.
Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20
Just bought a Garmin 2589LMT. Get message:
"a file required for traffic services is missing." "Contact Garmin Product Support ...."
after powering the unit on in the car.
My GPS is only 1 day old. Did not try using the GPS before doing a system update. I thought, I had backed up the GPS, but did not know about going into the GPS menu through the Diagnostic Page, so the .System folder would be available for doing backups.
Garmin support said they would swap out the unit but since it is new I can get it replaced with the retailer.
Traffic cable was a Garmin TA10.
I tried updating the unit with Garmin Express and during the process I got caught in a update loop. I rebooted my Windows 7 x64 PC and got the updates installed.
Firmware 8.20 and Maps 2016.20.
When I get the new device should I use Webupdater (for the software) and MapUpdater to do my updates? Both programs are about 3 years old.
I usually start out by saying Welcome to The POI Factory, but I have the feeling you've been lurking here or elsewhere for quite some time.
I think this because your first post here less than 10 hours after becoming a Factory User shows you to know very much more than the typical first post from a new user. Yes?
These threads may be worth reading:
OK, to answer your question, yes, using GarminMapUpdater and WebUpdater will provide you with all updates, and will continue to do so unless Garmin changes things or if the new 2589 doesn't play well with either program. At least with older Garmin units, the two programs will replace all that Garmin Express offers with two exceptions:
1) to register your device, the easiest way to do so is with Garmin Express.
2) You may or may not receive navigational voice updates through WebUpdater but you definitely will not be offered the additional voices available with it. I will guess that your device only contains two English language voices: Samantha who speaks street names, and Michelle, who doesn't. Your device can use seven English language voices who speak street names and four who don't:
To get these additional voices, the easiest way is to use Garmin Express (after connecting and selecting your GPS, click on Tools/OptionalUpdates/VoiceUpdates, then check English and Install).
Although not a problem with your 2589, some Garmin nuvis, those which have a 3D Terrain map, will have map update problems with GarminMapUpdater:
From the rest of your post, I assume you're swapping your device for a new one. This also assumes that your finally-successful 8.20 and 2016.20 updates did not restore your traffic and that's why you're replacing it. Good luck.
FYI, with a TA power cord traffic antenna, it means your 2589 has the traffic receiver built into the nuvi itself, and not built into the power cord as present with GTM cords needed for other nuvi models.
[Later] Given that sussamb reports that the older Garmin software may not work well with your 2589, my suggestion is to try Garmin Express again. Your update loop and lost traffic files may have been a 1-time issue that won't happen again. Knock on wood...
glad i didn't spend another dollar on Garmin...
Same problem with "file missing..." after latest update. Called Garmin Customer service and did everything they suggested including reloading garmin express and so on. Nothing worked, but they had interesting solution: Since it's out of warrantee, I should get refurbished one for $89. It seems that would not have solved the problem either. So bottom line, they screw you with a update and want $89 to fix the problem? I wouldn't spend another penny on Garmin junk/service. I highly recommend Magellen... better product and service at lower cost.
Which file?
Which file is missing? If it's one that isn't updated you can just restore it from your full backup, assuming you did one at some point? Even if not if it's not a device specific file finding a copy shouldn't be an issue.
So more information please?
In years of using Garmin I've never had an issue with missing files, but occasionally folks 'play' without knowing what they're doing.
Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20
Welcome hyryong
Welcome to the site.
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There is a "Learn" button in the upper right of this page next to "red light cameras" that takes you to a Getting Started page. It is worthwhile visiting this page.
To make navigation easy, most browsers provide the following option. When you want to follow a link - but still keep your current page open - you can hold down the "Ctrl" key as you left-click on a link. That action will open a new "Tab" in your browser up on the "Tab" bar. When you then left-click on that new "Tab", you will follow the link - leaving the "Tab" you are now reading open and available to click on and return here.
So, using the "Learn" link, you might try the "Ctrl" - left-click sequence and then return here. You can return by either "X-ing" out of the "Getting Started" page (using the "X" on the "Tab" itself) or just left-clicking on the "Tab" for the page you are on right now.
Note that the Learn Button will give you access to two valuable reference pages -
the "Index" to all of the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and the Glossary of Terms and Links.
Since you are new here, I encourage you to go through a couple of the Tutorials.
The first link makes sure the settings on your computer are such that you can do more advanced POI loading.
The next link helps you make a backup of your GPS by attaching it to your computer. (NEVER do anything to your GPS until you have a backup). It also assures that you put your (newer) unit into a state where you can see all of the folders there.
Let us know how we can help you enjoy your GPS.
Fix file from Garmin
I have the exact same model (Garmin Nuvi 65) with the "A file required for traffic services is missing" error. After a second attempt with Garmin service, they sent me a file(s) for PC/Mac to fix the problem.
The file name is "UnitID_Traffic_Pay_Table_Fix.zip" I have not applied the fix yet, but it appears Garmin is aware if the issue...and they have a patch... Sorry I don't have a link for the file...if someone knows a good way to share it, let me know.
Keep us in the loop
I have the exact same model (Garmin Nuvi 65) with the "A file required for traffic services is missing" error. After a second attempt with Garmin service, they sent me a file(s) for PC/Mac to fix the problem.
The file name is "UnitID_Traffic_Pay_Table_Fix.zip" I have not applied the fix yet, but it appears Garmin is aware if the issue...and they have a patch... Sorry I don't have a link for the file...if someone knows a good way to share it, let me know.
Let us know how the fix went for you.
Not sure how your 65lmt works, so this might not be relevant.
I had this issue with my 3590lmt also. In my case it was never the file it was the Traffic Cable. Same message would come up though. This was my second cable. It sits right on the heat vent and gets hot. Guess its burns out the circuitry inside. I hated the unit anyway so i sold it and bought a 2598 which doesn't have a traffic cable. All built in.
2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.
NEVER do anything to your GPS until you have a backup).
Years ago when I bought my first GPS, a Nuvi 255 BTW, that was the first thing I did after buying it...
I have since forgotten the reason why.
Obviously keeping backups of personalized settings, saved addresses, POIs, and other data makes a lot of sense but on a new GPS with nothing on it but the factory map is there any real reason for backing it up?
Reason for asking is I just bought a used Nuvi 2597LMT and I just finished resetting and updating it and am curious if I need to back up the GPS...
On the Nuvi 255 I just copied the entire contents onto the hard drive, should I do the same thing with the 2597?
EDIT: I just realized this question is a bit off topic...
Should I have asked this question in a different area?
Although I have been a member for quite some time, this is my first time actually posting here...
Nüvi 2597LMT, Nüvi 255
Fix Worked
I applied the fix (see previous post), and it worked.
NEVER do anything to your GPS until you have a backup).
Years ago when I bought my first GPS, a Nuvi 255 BTW, that was the first thing I did after buying it...
I have since forgotten the reason why.
Obviously keeping backups of personalized settings, saved addresses, POIs, and other data makes a lot of sense but on a new GPS with nothing on it but the factory map is there any real reason for backing it up?
Reason for asking is I just bought a used Nuvi 2597LMT and I just finished resetting and updating it and am curious if I need to back up the GPS...
On the Nuvi 255 I just copied the entire contents onto the hard drive, should I do the same thing with the 2597?
EDIT: I just realized this question is a bit off topic...
Should I have asked this question in a different area?
Although I have been a member for quite some time, this is my first time actually posting here...
Back it up before you encounter a problem. If you never need to use the backup, count yourself lucky. However, if you do need it, you can thank us at that time for pushing you to do the backup.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
Same issue on 2457 LMT
I applied the fix (see previous post), and it worked.
I have that same issue on my 2457LMT. Could you send the fix file for me please?
Hello Do you still have this
Do you still have this files?
I have the same problem like you.
You can upload on zippyshare site and here post link.
Thank you.
Did you get the file to fix the issue? If so, could you please upload this file since I also want to try this method. Thanks.
Anyone have this zip file ?
I'm trying to fix my device and would like to test the pay table zip file.
Can anyone assist?
I've contacted Garmin support and they had me go through normal developer settings and reset traffic. But the problem persists.
Can you elaborate
I'm trying to fix my device and would like to test the pay table zip file.
Can anyone assist?
I've contacted Garmin support and they had me go through normal developer settings and reset traffic. But the problem persists.
Bob, you've pulled up a thread that was started back in 2007. Can you elaborate what it is that you need. I see by your 20 minute old profile that you have a nuvi 2598.
EDIT...I now see by the thread (also old) at http://www.poi-factory.com/node/48915 that you are after the file UnitID_Traffic_Pay_Table_Fix.zip. Just a suggestion, when you have a need start a new thread, don't add on to something relatively old.
John from PA
Thanks for your reply.
I've just bought a 2598LMTHD which after updates is Software Version: 5.5.
But, I've got a problem with the traffic receiver, because I'm getting the same error as earlier reported every time Traffic is enabled (check turns on).
When in Developer Info, Traffic Receiver Dashboard, by default I get either Mode: Error, or No Traffic Cable. Yet a known good TA20 cable is connected.
As proof the unit can function, under the Traffic Receiver Dashboard, hamburger menu option "Norm" the receiver enters RDS Scan and works temporarily. I get signals, momentary Providers under a different screen, and even a temporary "valid=1" under Traffic Receiver Subscriptions.
All I seem to be missing is the correct firmware or files to make it work. Therefore, I'm looking for the ZIP file.
Thank you.
Beyond the file, you may need new power cord
Thanks for your reply.
I've just bought a 2598LMTHD which after updates is Software Version: 5.5.
But, I've got a problem with the traffic receiver, because I'm getting the same error as earlier reported every time Traffic is enabled (check turns on).
When in Developer Info, Traffic Receiver Dashboard, by default I get either Mode: Error, or No Traffic Cable. Yet a known good TA20 cable is connected.
Beyond this file you may need, I'm not certain the TA20 cable will allow traffic, although it likely will power up the nuvi 2598 without any issues. Go to https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/122523/pn/010-01123-32#access... and you'll see that the GTM 60 or GTM 36 are the recommended cables.
[EDIT, after some further research the TA20 cable should work. It is no longer made and hence the reason Garmin at the link I provided recommended two other (and more expensive) cables.]
John from PA
TA 20
Thanks for your reply.
I've just bought a 2598LMTHD which after updates is Software Version: 5.5.
But, I've got a problem with the traffic receiver, because I'm getting the same error as earlier reported every time Traffic is enabled (check turns on).
When in Developer Info, Traffic Receiver Dashboard, by default I get either Mode: Error, or No Traffic Cable. Yet a known good TA20 cable is connected.
As proof the unit can function, under the Traffic Receiver Dashboard, hamburger menu option "Norm" the receiver enters RDS Scan and works temporarily. I get signals, momentary Providers under a different screen, and even a temporary "valid=1" under Traffic Receiver Subscriptions.
All I seem to be missing is the correct firmware or files to make it work. Therefore, I'm looking for the ZIP file.
Thank you.
My Nuvi 2597 has a built in traffic receiver built into the unit. The the TA 20 cable is required to be used to support traffic. My understanding some models came with embedded traffic and others did not. Did the 2598 come with built integrated traffic? If not I don't believe the TA 20 cable will work except to provide power.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Yes. The actual model is
Yes. The actual model is 2598 LMTHD so it comes with Traffic and HD.
I have a bunch of GPS and cables of various models: TA10, TA20, GTM 60 and some older models 24 or 25 (I don't remember).
I also have a couple 2598 and two distinct types. The biggest difference so far seems to be one type is current on Software Version 5.50 and the other on Software Version 8.80.
No such traffic file on a 2689
I just looked in depth at my nuvi 2689 and there doesn't seem to be any form of a "traffic file", certainly nothing with a name like what you seek.
Just as a suggestion, and since you likely haven't done too much customization yet on the 2598, why don't you do a reset back to factory defaults. That should take the device back to out of the box condition. Then go through the steps to update via GE.
The manual for your device can be found at https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?identifier=122523&tab=topi... and the procedure can be found in that manual.
John from PA
Try GTM 60 cable
Yes. The actual model is 2598 LMTHD so it comes with Traffic and HD.
I have a bunch of GPS and cables of various models: TA10, TA20, GTM 60 and some older models 24 or 25 (I don't remember).
I also have a couple 2598 and two distinct types. The biggest difference so far seems to be one type is current on Software Version 5.50 and the other on Software Version 8.80.
What results do you get when you use the GTM 60 cable? https://support.garmin.com/en-HK/?faq=Zzp7dXnu0b8O7LjAkjLwH7 . Some models have the traffic receiver embedded within the device itself. In this case, the device will come packaged with a "TA"-model vehicle power cable. The device must be connected to power with this cable in order for the traffic receiver to function.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Interesting. With my GTM 60
Interesting. With my GTM 60 cable connected the Traffic works 100%. I was shocked.
Yet with the TA20 connected I still get "A file required for traffic services is missing.Contact Garmin Product Support at www.garmin.com/support".
My device is one of the older models: PartNumber: 006-B1582-00
SoftwareVersion: 550
On the outside back m/n: A3AVGB01
I will get to the root cause soon. I'm getting another device with same specs to compare and possibly repair mine. I've been an Android developer for many years and I know how to poke around safely.
Many thanks for all the suggestions from everyone. Very helpful info.
I've tried reset many times.
I've tried reset many times. It usually helps a cluttered device, but not this one (at this point). I think the main problem is the wrong FM driver file: fm_sub.bin (?) for this specific model device and software version.
Unfortunately, I can't remember if the traffic was working when I started on this device - before Software Version updates. I'm *paying* for this mistake by getting another device for comparison.
I've also done many backup diffs of all files (including .System) using Beyond Compare. My strategy is to backup a second unit with the same specs and diff all the files again. I'm getting more familiar with folders and files every day.
I might look around in the SQLite db or explore some hex files to identify stuff which should be different between devices.
TA 20
My bet is that your unit does not have a built in traffic receiver and the TA 20 cable will supply only power for the unit. TA 20 design to work only with the GPS with a installed traffic receiver. That is why the GTM 60 cable works. The receiver built into the cable
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
My recollection
My bet is that your unit does not have a built in traffic receiver and the TA 20 cable will supply only power for the unit. TA 20 design to work only with the GPS with a installed traffic receiver. That is why the GTM 60 cable works. The receiver built into the cable
It seems that I remember reading that some Garmin series in the past with the same model number started with FM traffic from GTM power cords, and later in the series production, it was changed to built-in receivers and used the TA20. You needed to check your serial number for help (or I suppose check in the secret menus for info). If true, it could easily be that a later software update offered by Garmin Express or WebUpdater added an unnecessary file or missed sending a needed file to the GPS.
My unit has build in Traffic
My unit has build in Traffic receiver. I proved it with TA20 and developer settings for RDS testing. Under RDS I get valid Traffic signals - although temporarily and only for RDS.
I called Garmin support, too. They offered me a trade up but could not fix the file not found error.
Its good news the GTM 60 cable works 100%. I now have a workaround if the problems with TA20 persist.
Also, I'll be more careful in my testing to properly test the internal Traffic Receiver before assuming its working with a GTM 60 cable.