how long do you keep your garmin?
Thu, 07/02/2015 - 10:26am
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 16 years
The 680 broke in 3 yrs, but this 2350 is past 4....only one annoyance is the odd maps that lack 20 y.o. roads (nuvi says to navigate off road), and that it routes one way to a location, a different way back sometimes. But overall it still works....
It's been taking longer to recalculate, not sure why. Still refuse to replace just yet...
I still have my Garmin
I still have my Garmin Streetpilot C320. The plastic back broke off and I taped it up. The voice stopped working. It was cheaper to buy a new Garmin Nuvi 1370T with US and Europe lifetime update maps then it was to buy an updated US Map and a Europe Map for the Steetpilot. I use the Streetpilot as a backup but the maps are years old.
Garmin DriveSmart 5LMT Garmin Nuvi 1359LMT
Until it dies....
I'm on my second Garmin now. (Nuvi 40LM that I've had for two years now.) I also had a 250 but it was stolen.
Boosted Blueberry
20 years
I still use my old GPS12, and it must be getting close to 20 years old. It does not have the high resolution display like the newer models, and it uses twice the number of batteries, but it still works fine.
I still occasionally use my
I still occasionally use my 1690, but probably use my mobile phone more often. The 1690 is the only one I have and have to pay $60 a year subscription to get traffic. That also gives you local weather, gas prices and a few other things. I bought the lifetime map updates after the unit was about a year old (another $80 if I recall). It is still sometimes useful, but will probably not upgrade until the internals change particularly the enhancing the GPS (tracking) portion of the device.
Until it stops working.
Need to update the maps.
><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598
660 still going
Update it each quarter and still going.
NUVI 660, Late 2012 iMac, Macbook 2.1 Fall 2008, iPhone6 , Nuvi 3790, iPad2
As Long As...
It is productive and reliable. By productive, that could mean modern, up to date mapping, feature set, etc.
When you are dead, you don’t know that you are dead. It is only difficult for the others. It is the same when you are stupid.
How long do you keep your garmin?
I will keep my GPS as long as I will keep my wife. Until they die.
6 years
My StreetPilot 2720 touch screen won't respond anymore.
Steve - 2 Nuvi 3597
I have four devices
I have four devices functional. my older 765 still works but there is some issue with the traffic update. It stopped showing traffic. Now days I used my two newer models 3597 and nuvicam. Bother units are stae of the art and I love them. My 3597 stays in my wife's car and I keep Nuvicam. Both connect with Smartphone Link app and it is amazing. The other two units 765 and 1490 are for backup only now.
Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597
I still have my original yellow eTrex
Must be nearly 15 years old.
><> Glenn <>< Garmin nüvi 2598
How long do you keep your garmin
I have 3 older models that are still ticking. As long as they run I will use them. I don't need all the bells and whistles.
How Long
Forever, until it doesn't work anymore. If I just can't stand it and want a new one that does so much more, I give the old one to my daughter.
Larry - Nuvi 680, Nuvi 1690, Nuvi 2797LMT
As Long As Possible
Until they come up with a new Garmin that does what my old 760 does I will keep the 760. I use it to listen to audio books through the stereo while also getting directions, alerts for RLC and Rest Areas, and for backup info for geocaching.
Being able to listen to books from - which allow bookmarks - and also in the .mp3 format is great. The unit will pause the book, give me the directions, then resume the book a second or so prior to where it was paused. It's a wonderful function and it plays everything through the car stereo. With lifetime maps I don't see any reason to "upgrade" to a unit that won't do those things.
GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S
about 4 years on the current
about 4 years on the current one.
Garmin DriveLuxe 51 LTM-S
Nuvi 265
I replaced my Nuvi 265 last year when it seemed like the connections were getting loose.
3 Years
About 3 years then give to someone.
Bob: My toys: Nüvi 1390T, Droid X2, Nook Color (rooted), Motorola Xoom, Kindle 2, a Yo-Yo and a Slinky. Gotta have toys.
Still have my 1690- I don't
Still have my 1690- I don't think I'll upgrade unless it dies or there is a major change to the hardware.
20 years and still going....
My circa 1995 GPS45 still works but I only power it up out of curiosity; I usually leave it in the boat as a backup just in case.
My Garmin Streetpilot lost
My Garmin Streetpilot lost its voice, and the entire back fell off. I taped it up with cardboard and velcro. It was going to be $200 to update it once with USA and Europe Maps. I bought a new Nuvi 1370T with lifetime maps of Europe and USA for the same price. I still use the StreetPilot as a backup. I will keep my units for as long as they work.
Garmin DriveSmart 5LMT Garmin Nuvi 1359LMT
As long as possible
Still have my 255w (with maps from 2009) - still works and when I come across an uncharted road - one can still read roadsigns
8 plus years...
It's been over 8yrs and I don't plan on getting rid of it as I have free map updates as long as the unit runs well. I use my phone to quick find things while traveling when cell phone signals are possible.
Free Maps
I currently have a 2450 I have had for several years.... Both cars have built ins and I have my galaxy s6 phone. I keep the Garmin as a backup and will keep it as long as the battery lasts and Garmin continues to update the maps for free...
Bobby....Garmin 2450LM
Fairly Much
I get a unit with free lifetime updates and figure I am good to go until it isn't good to go anymore.
My thoughts on GPS.
I've still got my Zumo 550 though no new updates are available and can't ride any longer due to health.
Two newer Garmins with lifetime maps and traffic and will probably keep them until they choke.
Curiosity is the acquisition of knowledge. And the death of cats.
This is my second nuvi50
The first one broke in one year and I got a free replacement. The second one still works so far (~ 2 years).
I upgrade every 3-4 years.
I upgrade every 3-4 years. Only once did one stop working correctly.
Until it no longer works or is stolen like my previous GPS.
Still have 2006 model...
... so going on almost 10 years, however usage is limited to out-of-town travel.
Still have it.
We keep ours until it dies.
We keep ours until it dies. We have one in each of our 4 cars. Don't see the need to have the latest and greatest until one of the gps stops working.
I've had mine for about 8
I've had mine for about 8 years now
We keep ours until it dies. We have one in each of our 4 cars. Don't see the need to have the latest and greatest until one of the gps stops working.
Bury it and buy a new one.
GPS life ?
I had my first Garmin, a 350 for about 5-6 years and then sold it. My next is/was a 855 with LMT option which I still have.
I had the next, a 3790LMT for about 3-4 years and then passed it on to my daughter to show her what she was missing with her old TomTom. Then my current is a 2797LMT with a 7" screen which I really like, being an old fart.
So far I have not had a Garmin die on me.
Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.
Until it stops working
With lifetime maps it's not like content is any more up to date in new ones.
Until 3597 fails
My 3597 still works fine and I'm not seeing anything I like more.
Nuvi 250W and 1490LMT going strong, 2599LMTHD is a "Brick"
My have two older units that work like new. The 2599LMTHD is a real disappointment as it :Bricked: after a few short years of service. Won't consider sending in fo repair or changing out battery to see if thats the sense throwing good money at bad unit.
As long as possible
I have a tray set up in my Frontier that requires a Nuvi 7XX 0r 8XX so if Batteries go will replace and fix if possible
Till they no longer work. Or
Till they no longer work. Or is the question, "How often you replace your Garmin?" If so, whenever a new unit has enough bells and whistle to really attract me.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
As ...
... phranc says
Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20
I still have all the devices listed in my signature below, they all still work but that doesn't mean I still use them. 3597 and DriveLuxe 50 are my daily users now.
Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.
Keep them all but they become superceded by in-car systems and google maps on iphones.
non-native nutmegger
What phranc said
Till they no longer work. Or is the question, "How often you replace your Garmin?" If so, whenever a new unit has enough bells and whistle to really attract me.
That ^^^^^
When you are dead, you don’t know that you are dead. It is only difficult for the others. It is the same when you are stupid.
Garmin 350
I had a 350 for about 5yrs (It came over on the ARK) till it got lost.
It was time for a new one anyway.
I don't believe in getting another as long as it works, just to say I have the latest one.
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things!
My Garmin 765T still keeps
My Garmin 765T still keeps going strong with lifetime updates.
If I get a fifth wheel and a new truck I may upgrade.
John B - Garmin 765T
Phranc summed it up
Till they no longer work. Or is the question, "How often you replace your Garmin?" If so, whenever a new unit has enough bells and whistle to really attract me.
Garmin Nuvi 2699 with 2017.30 Maps
I have bought 5 devices in
I have bought 5 devices in the last 11 years. I buy every 4 years or so when I see some good enhancements in features. The last purchase was NuviCam 2.5 years ago.
Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597
Usually until I'm bored with
Usually until I'm bored with or a nice new feature comes out. In my most recent case until it's stolen! Sad but true.
Garmin Drive Smart 61 NA LMT-S
how long do you keep your garmin?
Until it stops working or until my son breaks his. I give him mine and I get a new one. ;o)
How long do I keep my Garmin
I've only ever had one for auto nav, although I had a 75, 12, and still have a Rino. MY 1490T I bought back in 2010. Have replaced the battery 3 times. Still works fine. It is sufficient for my purposes.