What class MicroSD card?
Sat, 02/23/2013 - 10:42pm
12 years
Greetings fellow GPSers!
I want to get a MicroSD card for my Nuvi 40, so that I can try out OpenStreetMap and some of the POI files on this site. I'd rather only have the official Garmin stuff on the internal memory, and any 3rd party stuff on a separate expansion memory card.
However, I don't really know much about SD cards. What speed "class" should I get for a GPS? I'd like it to perform as well as the internal.
Also, what size would you recommend? The internal is 4GB.
Thanks for any advice you might be able to give.
Funny you shold ask...
Check here:
Striving to make the NYC Metro area project the best.
BUY Sandisk
All my good experiences have been with Sandisk.
All my not as good experiences have been with other brands.
2gb its fine
2gb its fine
2gb its fine
2gb its fine
2gb its fine
2gb its fine
Cards I've tested
I do not believe that the GPS writes to the card. Since write only happens once when you copy a mapset to the card, read speed is what you really care about.
Over the years I've acquired a number of cards from various manufacturers for different purposes and tested the cards. (Read & Write are in mb/sec) Below are the results:
The chart is difficult to read because I haven't been able to attach it in table form. Of the last two numbers, the first is write speed and the second is read.
4 gb Sandisk Class 6 15.60 18.40
32 gb Transcend Class 10 15.90 18.40
4 gb Sandisk Class 2 5.24 18.30
32 gb Sandisk Class 4 4.21 18.30
4 gb Kingston Class 4 10.20 18.30
16 gb Sandisk Class 4 4.43 18.30
8 gb Transcend Class 6 9.88 18.30
4 gb Sandisk Class 2 5.50 18.00
4 gb Sandisk Class 6 11.60 15.10
4 gb Transcend Class 4 10.70 14.90
4 gb Sandisk Class 2 4.54 10.10
4 gb Sandisk Class 4 4.95 10.00
Interpret the results as you wish. The two lower performing cards may be very old or counterfeits.
It's interesting that some of the Class 4 cards outperform some of the Class 6 cards, even the same brand. Did you try running any of those tests more than once to see if the results were repeatable?
I always did like the Kingston cards, I've had very good luck with them. I tried some off brand SD card once (I think it was a Viking, actually) and it actually screwed up the card-reader I had.
- Phil
Info from another source
It's interesting that some of the Class 4 cards outperform some of the Class 6 cards, even the same brand. Did you try running any of those tests more than once to see if the results were repeatable?
I always did like the Kingston cards, I've had very good luck with them. I tried some off brand SD card once (I think it was a Viking, actually) and it actually screwed up the card-reader I had.
- Phil
The nook color ereader sold by Barnes and Noble can be converted to run the full-fledged Android operating system and the Android OS can be installed to the internal nook color or can be run from a SD card which leaves the original B&N OS inside the device.
Most of the gurus who created and users who use this CM7 and now CM10 OS on nook color devices being run from the SD card strongly recommend using only Sandisk Class 4 SD cards since some other brands and even faster Class Sandisk SD cards may not work as well as the Class 4 Sandisk.
Running an alternate OS from a SD card will involve both writing to and reading from the SD card which should challenge the card more than using one to store maps on a nuvi where the card is only read and not written to.
Just my 2 cents and I'll stop now since I doubt I'll be able to offer more than the above. Since my supply of SD cards tends to be Sandisk Class 4, that's what I use in my nuvis (for the current and past City Navigator on my 750 and for the large JCV file on my 855) and they work well. I'm not sure that paying more for a faster SD card will offer much to nuvi users.