I'm wondering if there's some place on this forum or another site to share icons. I've made some TOMTOM icons for several different POI categories and would like to share them. I've noticed that some POI posts have images included, but I don't have POI files for all of the icons (I downloaded some). Can I just send icons to and have them posted?


Yes that will work, send it to me and I will attach it to the file. I would eventually like to have a page on the site that is a library of images that you can download and rename so that it works with the poi file that you would like to attach it to.

Miss Poi

Hi MissPoi, Love the site!

Hi MissPoi,

Love the site! Any update on the "icon" page for TomTom users?



TomToms + Icons

The icons posted on this site are compatible with all current TomTom units. Remember, you must name the icon exactly the same as the POI it will identify or it won't show up on the screen.

On the other hand, ALL POI's listed here must be converted from .csv to ov2 format before they'll work on a TomTom!


Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!

is there any icon i can get

is there any icon i can get for a Mio C320?? thnx guys..


TomTom icons

The format for the TT icons are 22x22 in BMP format. You can edit them down pretty quickly with any standard picture editor. I have found most of the icons here were without much editing.

not all icons here work for Tom Tom.

Mike L. wrote:

The icons posted on this site are compatible with all current TomTom units.

I haven't found this to be true. I've had to take a 24x24 bit icon from this site, and "save as" 256-color in MsPaint to avoid the Red Square issue. does work in the end for my TT!

Is the secret to getting

Is the secret to getting TomTom to recognize an icon to save it as a 256-color BMP?

John H Boyd


johnhboyd wrote:

Is the secret to getting TomTom to recognize an icon to save it as a 256-color BMP?

Yes, and name it exactly the same as the POI.

I had this same problem and

I had this same problem and changing the name of the file fixed it, thanks!