Tim Hortons POI Gone... I NEED MY COFFEE!!!


Okay, so most probably know poifriend.com shut down on June 30th and it's who Tim Hortons had partnered with to supply the POI file for all the Tim Hortons locations in Canada and the U.S. All downloadable from the Tim Hortons website and it was awesome! Well, now that poifriend shut down, Tim Hortons has changed their marketing to work with Apple and BlackBerry with an app to work with the maps from each of these smartphone providers.

The problem is that I want the POI file for my GPS in my truck and don't want to constantly be... pulling over wink to find the Timmies locations on my phone.

So, is there anyone out there who knows how to still make a POI file for Garmin with any data from Tim Hortons smartphone app, or anyone with a link to the most recent Timmies POI file before the system went defunct? Or any other options left to get the Timmies POI? Help, I'm getting the gitters... I need my Timmies! grin

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try this


It's not perfect, but it's still pretty good.

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush

Here's a start

It hasn't been updated since 2010 but it's a start


You can contact the maintainer from his contact tab with any updates that you may find.

@d-moo70, your too fast for me!

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

Tim's Coffee

bear007 wrote:

It hasn't been updated since 2010 but it's a start


You can contact the maintainer from his contact tab with any updates that you may find.

@d-moo70, your too fast for me!

Must be something in the coffee. cool cool cool

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush

email me

I have the June 22 Tim's file from POIfriend. I'll be happy to send it to you. 1.86 megs of Timmies goodness!

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

@Juggernaut,hanks for the

Thanks for the POI file.


Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

My pleasure

Gimme my Timmie's! mrgreen

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

It is now a TourGuide on my

It is now a TourGuide on my zumo. I shouldn't really worry about it being a TourGuide though. If I get close enough to one I should be able to smell my way the rest of the way.
laugh out loud

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue


Why does any one need a Tim Horton's POI file? There is one on very corner, sometimes 2. mrgreen

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Not so close

t923347 wrote:

Why does any one need a Tim Horton's POI file? There is one on very corner, sometimes 2. mrgreen

Just loaded the file and found the closest one was 51 minutes away in Ohio. The closest in PA is over an hour away. sad

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue

Corporate Files

I had suggested that POI Factory set up a Corporate section, and specifically target all of the corporate sponsors of POI Friends.

They thought it was a good idea but I don't know how far it got.

I would think it would be a potential source of income, and at the least, most corporations should love feeding to a group that's 250,000 strong.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)

Advantage of Being a Canuck

bear007 wrote:
t923347 wrote:

Why does any one need a Tim Horton's POI file? There is one on very corner, sometimes 2. mrgreen

Just loaded the file and found the closest one was 51 minutes away in Ohio. The closest in PA is over an hour away. sad

Sorry fellas. This is one of the areas that us Canucks gain an advantage. We usually just have to drive down any major street and we'll find one within a few blocks.

Mind you, there are still some Mom & Pop places that serve superior coffee and donuts. Anyone heading to Port Dover, Ontario for the Friday 13th motorcycle rallies, has probably been to the Daily Grind in Simcoe. The donuts there are huge and tasty.

Thank God I retired. Those donuts added 10 pounds to me, thanks to my frequent calls down in Nanticoke.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)


t923347 wrote:

Why does any one need a Tim Horton's POI file? There is one on very corner, sometimes 2. mrgreen

For when you're traveling, bud! I know my local ones, but not in Vancouver, right?

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

to bad

bear007 wrote:
t923347 wrote:

Why does any one need a Tim Horton's POI file? There is one on very corner, sometimes 2. mrgreen

Just loaded the file and found the closest one was 51 minutes away in Ohio. The closest in PA is over an hour away. sad

To bad they are so far away but it could be much worse. At least it makes for a nice afternoon ride/drive. There are six withing a one mile radius of my home but two are in large companies and only for employees. I'm surprised there are none in Florida since its a Canadian company and there are so many Canadians down there in the winter.

Interesting thread. Why did

Interesting thread. Why did poifriend shut down?

http://www.poi-factory.com/node/21626 - red light cameras do not work


Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Thank You!

Juggernaut wrote:

I have the June 22 Tim's file from POIfriend. I'll be happy to send it to you. 1.86 megs of Timmies goodness!

Thanks, Juggernaut! The last one I grabbed was in April so a couple months to June, there's probably another three thousand locations in the mix LOL

Yes, Corporate Files

davidkbrown wrote:

I had suggested that POI Factory set up a Corporate section, and specifically target all of the corporate sponsors of POI Friends.

They thought it was a good idea but I don't know how far it got.

I would think it would be a potential source of income, and at the least, most corporations should love feeding to a group that's 250,000 strong.

I think that would be a great idea. There are tonnes of retail stores that I'm sure would jump at the oportunity...

June 22 Tim's File From POIfriend...

Juggernaut wrote:

I have the June 22 Tim's file from POIfriend. I'll be happy to send it to you. 1.86 megs of Timmies goodness!

Hi Juggernaut;

I would really appreciate it if you could email me the June 22nd Timmies file from POIfriend, with all its goodness!

Please and thank-you!



Download it from here: http://members.shaw.ca/anon_y_mous/files/Tim%20Hortons.gpx

Just right-click, and Save.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

Hit the spot!

Juggernaut wrote:

Download it from here: http://members.shaw.ca/anon_y_mous/files/Tim%20Hortons.gpx

Just right-click, and Save.

Thanks Juggernaut

Wanted -Woman with GPS -send picture of GPS

Tim Tim XL

Thanks Juggernaut!

Nüvi 2595LMT

June 22 Tim's File From POIfriend...

Juggernaut wrote:

Download it from here: http://members.shaw.ca/anon_y_mous/files/Tim%20Hortons.gpx

Just right-click, and Save.

Thanks Juggernaut!

Now, pressing my luck again...

I had previously obtained a .xls file of Timmies POI's that included the Tim Hortons store or unit number i.e. Store # 0001 was opened in Hamilton by Tim himself.

The .xls file I have now stops at Canadian store # 3178 and there are now over 4000 Timmies in Canada.

So now I am looking for a more recent version of that .xls file. There are a number of versions out there, some with the store # removed from the first column, but none that I can find that are more up to date with the newest Canadian locations AND having the store # in the file.

Would there have been a Timmies .xls file with the June 22 files?

Thanks again!



No, there was not an .xls file. The one I uploaded was from the POIfriends website.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

xls Timmie Ho's File

Double_Double wrote:

Would there have been a Timmies .xls file with the June 22 files?

I have an xls Tim Horton's file from POI Friend that I downloaded June 19th. It has 3795 stores, but does not have the store numbers. It looks like the same data as Juggernaut's gpx file except for the file format. For some reason when I downloaded .gpx files from POI Friend it was taking forever to open them in Extra POI Editor so I used the excel version.

I can email the xls if you want it.

I hope this does not open a can of worms but I do like the Android Tim Horton's finder (and LCBO / Beer store finder and TD Canada Trust branch locator) since I never have to worry about updating them. Maybe that's why POI Friend chose to shut down. The POI Friend site did mention they were bought by another company (I think it was Simply Good Technologies).


Tim Hortons File

I extracted store info from the Tim Hortons website. I found 3803 stores and put the info into a csv file that includes store#, address, gps, phone, and store features.

I don't have the interest of maintaining the file, but I'll send it to anyone willing to verify and maintain it.


AJ500 wrote:

I extracted store info from the Tim Hortons website. I found 3803 stores and put the info into a csv file that includes store#, address, gps, phone, and store features.

I don't have the interest of maintaining the file, but I'll send it to anyone willing to verify and maintain it.

Since there is already a Timmies csv (Canada/USA) file on the site, last updated Sept 17, 2010 and we don't need a duplicate, maybe Miss POI can contact the Maintainer and see if they are still taking care of the file, if not maybe someone could take it over and clean it up.

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush

Tim Hortons?

Never heard of them. Are the really that good? Also where will I find them?


it's more canadian

tazz49 wrote:

Never heard of them. Are the really that good? Also where will I find them?

It's more of a Canadian thing than US even though there are some US locations. You can Google Tim Horton and get the background on the person behind the name and more about the chain.

As to their coffee, it is best described as a medium blend, smooth with a good finish. Compared to the normal coffee served in restaurants and fast food places, it is considered a premium blend. Many of the blends you find at places like Starbucks have a bitter aftertaste which is only partially masked with creams or other add-ins. This is not to say all their blends are this way, just their more popular as they need the kick to get through all the add-ins we Americans add.

Probably one of the closest you would find, but not in Texas would be a Dunkin Donuts. The nearest Timmies to Copperas Cove would be in Kentucky. Americans are beginning to appreciate better blends and roasts in their coffees, but in this the Canadians have a huge start. The Tim Hortons chain is owned by Wendy's.

Needless to say, I like my coffee - preferably a GOOD medium to medium-dark roast with a good finish - and without all the add-ins that only mask the flavor of the beans.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Ownership of Tim Hortons

Box Car wrote:

The Tim Hortons chain is owned by Wendy's.

Not any more. From


>Tim Hortons is no longer owned by Wendy's and is a stand-
>alone public company trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange
>and the New York Stock Exchange. Tim Hortons corporate head
>office is in Oakville, Ontario, Canada.

Tim Hortons File

AJ500 wrote:

I extracted store info from the Tim Hortons website. I found 3803 stores and put the info into a csv file that includes store#, address, gps, phone, and store features

Hi AJ500;

Would you mind emailing me a copy of your csv?

I'd like to see if they have their Canadian locations higher than store #3178 listed...

Double_Double grin

NB: Anything in the 5000 range and above are Timmies south of the border.


Thanks Juggernaut.


Fresh POIs for Timmy's

I contacted TH's Hq yesterday and they provided me
their most current list of USA locations ... which I
have geo-coded and inserted into my Free WiFi

If there is interest, I can breakout just the TH locs.
Please advise ...


I spend 80% of my money on airplanes & beer. The rest is wasted.

Contact the maintainer

Contact the maintainer and see if there is interest.

rainsux wrote:

I contacted TH's Hq yesterday and they provided me
their most current list of USA locations ... which I
have geo-coded and inserted into my Free WiFi

If there is interest, I can breakout just the TH locs.
Please advise ...


Nuvi 2460LMT.

Last One

Double_Double wrote:

Hi AJ500;

Would you mind emailing me a copy of your csv?

I have the last one that was on poifriend before it shut down if you want it. Located at http://www.n2jtx.com/Tim%20Hortons%20-%20Canada%20and%20USA....

I support the right to keep and arm bears.

I have taken that file

and started to rework it to a csv file that pulls out the info into proper locations in EPE. That file is only 3795 locations and previous posts are stating over 4000 and another over 5000, so I do not know what the true number is.

We can't put the file up on the site because we do not want duplicates.

I have sent an email to the maintainer (tjwil4u) to see if he is still maintaining it.

Lets see what happens.

Aardvark wrote:
Double_Double wrote:

Hi AJ500;

Would you mind emailing me a copy of your csv?

I have the last one that was on poifriend before it shut down if you want it. Located at http://www.n2jtx.com/Tim%20Hortons%20-%20Canada%20and%20USA....

Nuvi 2460LMT.

Thanks for posting this

On a few trips into Canada, the entire family became fond of Tim Hortons. Finally, after 15 years, there is one within our area (15 miles or so).

I will post an updated TH

I will post an updated TH file in the next few days. TH Hq
is providing a list of all their stores (USA & Canada).

I spend 80% of my money on airplanes & beer. The rest is wasted.

Thank you RAINSUX. We really

Thank you RAINSUX. We really appreciate your efforts.

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush


So you have the file now. That is great. It explains why I never got a response from twilj4u.

As a FYI: The file from poifriend had 3795 lines and after removing duplicates I was down to 3709 so that was not a good file even to begin with.

rainsux wrote:

I will post an updated TH file in the next few days. TH Hq
is providing a list of all their stores (USA & Canada).

Nuvi 2460LMT.

...but it was "Official"...

pwohlrab wrote:

As a FYI: The file from poifriend had 3795 lines and after removing duplicates I was down to 3709 so that was not a good file even to begin with.

...which is ironic because it was an "Official" POIfriend group, meaning that it was approved and maintained by Tim Hortons themselves. That POI group started out as unofficial, and when TH took it over they clobbered all of the user-submitted corrections (including dozens of mine) and reverted back to their batch-geocoded coordinates. That's pretty much when I lost interest in contributing to that group.

I would have thought it would be good also

But when I looked at it in EPE the duplicates were all there. The names, addresses, phone numbers and coordinates matched. I looked at every one including phones so I was sure what I took out.

I will wait for this one because the other is hosed.

VersatileGuy wrote:
pwohlrab wrote:

As a FYI: The file from poifriend had 3795 lines and after removing duplicates I was down to 3709 so that was not a good file even to begin with.

...which is ironic because it was an "Official" POIfriend group, meaning that it was approved and maintained by Tim Hortons themselves. That POI group started out as unofficial, and when TH took it over they clobbered all of the user-submitted corrections (including dozens of mine) and reverted back to their batch-geocoded coordinates. That's pretty much when I lost interest in contributing to that group.

Nuvi 2460LMT.

The Tim Hortons file gets worse.

I am not meaning to tread on anyone here. I loaded the file that "Rainsux" got from Timmies corporate. That file is really hosed. I needed it for Canada last week and only looked at it the other day. Here is what I found.

First off "sorry Rainsux", we all mean well. My attempt here is to get the info out so a decision can be made as to which file to start with and maintain. If their corporate can't maintain a proper file then we can't use it.

File direct from Tim Horton Corporate that Rainsux received.
3791 locations
only has coordinates and column 3 name
3682 locations after removing duplicates
This becomes a very difficult file to maintain.

File received from Poi Friend that was posted above. I adjusted the file to get it in a better format. I believe this was referenced as a June file from poi friend. Based on comments here, I believe it is a file after Tim Hortons took it over and removed all user submitted entries.
3795 locations
Has coordinates, name, column 4 with address and phone.
3709 locations after removing duplicates.

I will use the poi friend file because it is more user friendly.

If anyone wants to look at it they can send me an email via my contact.

@rainsux. You may look at the file and decide from there whether you want to use that one instead.


Nuvi 2460LMT.


java007 wrote:

On a few trips into Canada, the entire family became fond of Tim Hortons. Finally, after 15 years, there is one within our area (15 miles or so).

We finally got a Timmie's two blocks from my house (it's a small town) and the traffic is unreal! I head to work at 6:30 AM and the drive-through is backed up onto the street.

I find it strange that people are so fond of Timmie's coffee. It's good coffee, but it's not THAT good confused


DanielT wrote:
java007 wrote:

On a few trips into Canada, the entire family became fond of Tim Hortons. Finally, after 15 years, there is one within our area (15 miles or so).

We finally got a Timmie's two blocks from my house (it's a small town) and the traffic is unreal! I head to work at 6:30 AM and the drive-through is backed up onto the street.

I find it strange that people are so fond of Timmie's coffee. It's good coffee, but it's not THAT good confused

I've been saying for years that they must be puting something in it to get you addicted. smile

Coffee Vendor vs. Cultural Icon

DanielT wrote:
java007 wrote:

On a few trips into Canada, the entire family became fond of Tim Hortons. Finally, after 15 years, there is one within our area (15 miles or so).

We finally got a Timmie's two blocks from my house (it's a small town) and the traffic is unreal! I head to work at 6:30 AM and the drive-through is backed up onto the street.

I find it strange that people are so fond of Timmie's coffee. It's good coffee, but it's not THAT good confused

Tim's coffee used to be one of the better, and certainly more consistent, choices from a fairly bad lot when it came to road-ready joe. They made a big point of their policy to throw out coffee that had been brewed more than 20 minutes before. This goes back to a time when the "Bunn-o-Matic" glass-jug coffee machine was ubiquitous, and if you got a cup from a pot that had been on the burner for >20 minutes it could be pretty grim.

In the last few years many of Tim's competitors have switched to the insulated ("Thermos"-type) jug, and that has increased the overall quality and consistency of road coffee. Also, several chains - most notably McDonalds - have really stepped up their game. (McDonalds coffee used to be universally and unwaveringly dreadful, but now it is really quite good.) Tim's has lost a considerable chunk of their competitive advantage in coffee quality (in fact, I don't think it's all that great) but it still holds iconic status for many Canadians.

It's like coke/pepsi. I like

It's like coke/pepsi.

I like Tim's.

I detest Starbucks.

Dead thread Resurrection

For those with Android, BB, and iPhone devices, Tim Hortons now has an app for all you addicts!


Now, if we could just convert this to a POI... wink

edit - for Canada, and the US.

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

got to get driving

The closest to me is 1152.9km away in Fort Knox KY, 40121

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

Ah, the Ft. Knox Timmies

flaco wrote:

The closest to me is 1152.9km away in Fort Knox KY, 40121

I'm...rather closer to that particular Timmie's, but haven't hit there yet because I'm not 100% sure it's not on a restricted part of the base! (It LOOKS like it may be near a PX, it is on base, just not sure if it's on that part of the base that Mere Civilian Mortals can visit...and no, joining the military isn't an option, as last I checked asthma and a bum eye are pretty much an automatic 4F unless you're the future Captain America. grin)

And I REALLY wish I knew, because the next closest ones are up in Ohio...and there happens to be one near where relations of mine live (pretty much smack dab between Dayton and Columbus, in one of the few non-military-base, non-border regions where Tim Hortons is rather plentiful) and they've gotten me addicted to the coffee AND strawberry jelly filled Timbits.

(For those unfamiliar--a Timbit is to Tim Hortons as a Munchkin is to Dunkin' Donuts, but the Timmies' do have a strawberry jelly filled Timbit; think a jelly donut in miniature, much as Dunkin' Donuts has creme filled Munchkins.)

I think the Tim Hortons at Ft. Knox IS open to civilians, will have to ask the friend who got the can of coffee for a friend of mine who likewise got addicted (working up in Kitchener, ON for some months)...otherwise, I'll have to sweet-talk the SO into making a trip up to the aviation museums up in Dayton and at Wright-Patterson AFB...historic aviation, warbirds, Timbits and a double-double, nice weekend trip... grin

(Oh yes. Let's just say there's a small "Timmie's Addict Rehab" going here; call it a legacy of lots of 'em being relatively close when Wendy's owned Tim Hortons. I am personally convinced they put something in their coffee and the Timbits in particular that would be considered a Schedule II addicting substance in the States grin)

Secret is in the cream

Tim's coffee is good because they use 18% cream.

Are we there yet?
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