Chit Chat Thread for the week of May 9th, 2011


This is the place to talk about things that are not gps related.

Have fun...

This thread will be closed on Monday and a new one will be opened.

MaryAnn Melby AKA Miss POI

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Am I First?

Did I make it?

Nuvi 2597 / Nuvi 2595 / Nuvi 680 / Nuvi 650 "Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment."

Am I first?

Am I first?


yes it is monday.

Good Morning

New week and it is raining smile

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Good Morning All

Another new week. Everyone have a safe one.

Good Morning to ALL

Hope everyone here at POI Factory has a SUNsational week !

7 days before we head out on our driving trip of 25 days !

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

Have a good trip MrKenFL .we

Have a good trip MrKenFL .we will be hitting the road Friday.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Where you heading to ???

U also have a great trip Charles.
Where are you heading to ????

Of course mine is kinda a business trip - checking out all the Rest Areas for accuracy ! (sic)


MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

Back to VA.Hopefully after

Back to VA.Hopefully after that to plan a trip back west to some areas we have not seen yet.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Only 2 states left

I only have 2 states in the US that I have not actually driven in and both start with the letter A.

Arkansas and Alaska

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

Hey at least I remembered

to check into the forum this week. Past few weeks have been a blur of activity. No commute from Vegas to Phoenix this weekend, but planning vacation on the beach somewhere in the next month or so.

Drive safely and have a great week everyone.

Have a great week

Have a great week and stay safe.


A Dry Day

Monday and the weather is at last dry. Time to spread the mulch...


We also have 2.ND and WI.Alaska and HI was cruise ship.Have seen a lot of beautiful country in the USA.Hard to say which one was the best because they all have something different to offer but have to put Alaska at top of the list.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.



always a good morning!

always a good morning!

“It’s their world. We’re just living in it.”

Have a terrific week!

And drive safely out there.

Time spent fishing is NEVER wasted!

Warm Start

Starting out warm and dry here in New York.
Have a Safe and Great Week All.

New Week

Happy Monday.

Good One !

Have a good week everyone !


I wished I was 21 again. Everybody have a great week!


Garmin Nuvi 650, Garmin eTrexLegend, Magellan 360

It's Monday!

So lets get started smile

Expect nothing!, appreciate benignity!

Starting Off

. . . just fine.


thats my lucky number.

Thanasi---Magellan RoadMate 1700LM , & Magellan RoadMate 5045LM "Speed is just a question of money. How fast do you want to go!!!!" Movie: Mad Max - 1979


I think, have a good week

#26 Great Dat!

I woke up today!!!

Have a good week and anyone on the road have a nice trip. grin

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

another week on the books

Hope everyone has a great week..

It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ

Finally got warm; getting

Finally got warm; getting the Harley out everyday! But this pollen is killing me!

USN Recon Heavy Attack Squadron 1, Smoking Tigers. --- Zumo 550 mounted on Harley handlebars.

Happy Monday!

Happy Monday!

A worthy goal

MrKenFL wrote:

I only have 2 states in the US that I have not actually driven in and both start with the letter A.

Arkansas and Alaska

A worthy goal. I've got a lot of states under my belt (perhaps 30) and with my Nuvi, I now can use the POIs to find reasons to drive through the remaining states.

Vince Nuvi 350



You are first!!!

TnPapa wrote:

Am I first?

Been trying to get that coveted spot. Never made it yet. Oh well, I guess I will keep on trying.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Good Morning everyone

Another chance at a great week. The pollen is killing me too though.

My Zyrtec and my Neti-pot, they comfort me...

- Phil

Almost time to go

Heading for Florida in 17 days. Hope the weather is going to be nice. Will be there about one month.

Anybody from Florida? What is the weather like in June?

Wanted -Woman with GPS -send picture of GPS


hope warm weather is here to stay for a while,have a great week everyone. wink

garmin nuvi,750 ***3ʇǝʞɔɐɾpǝɹ*** garmin nuvi,855 garmin nuvi,1490t

Just Another Average Monday....

.... however, if it were'd be awesome!

The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe(')

Florida in June

The real start of the HOT season - humidity starting to get quite high but usually not yet oppressive.

And of course it depends where you are going in Flor-i-duh.

I live on the East Central coast and we typically get a delightful sea breeze in the afternoon which cools it off 5-8 deg.
Inland can be d--- HOT.

MrKenFL- "Money can't buy you happiness .. But it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." NUVI 260, Nuvi 1490LMT & Nuvi 2595LMT all with 2014.4 maps !

Good morning to all.....

Have a great week and drive safe and sane if you're going to be out and about.

Great weather here in SF Bay Area. Time for a small trip soon.

bob TomTom 730T App:9.465 Map: North_America_2GB v900.4602 Win XP Pro(SP3) TT Home


No lawn mowing this morning.

1490LMT 1450LMT 295w

Outdoor Chores Rained out for now

Drat. smile

*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*

The Sun is out today

The Sun is out today

Cooling in the South West

Cooling in the South West at least for a couple of days.
We are heading north soon.

Absolutely at the top of mine

charlesd45 wrote:

...Have seen a lot of beautiful country in the USA...they all have something different to offer but have to put Alaska at top of the list.

It was #50 out of 50 for me way back in '97. Totally Majestic. Denali N.P and a five hour mail/parts delivery sea plane flight capped it for me.

"It's not where you start, but where you end up." Where am I and what am I doing in this hand basket?

I am in!

Looks like sunshine all day today.

Have a Great Week!

Off to mow the grass...

nice week ahead

Seems like nice sunny weather this week.

nuvi 2460LMT

Hope to get last two.

golfnm8 wrote:
charlesd45 wrote:

...Have seen a lot of beautiful country in the USA...they all have something different to offer but have to put Alaska at top of the list.

It was #50 out of 50 for me way back in '97. Totally Majestic. Denali N.P and a five hour mail/parts delivery sea plane flight capped it for me.

Right about Denali N.P.It was great.We flew in early to take the land tour and worked our way to the cruise ship.Seen lots of wildlife in Denali N.P .Plan to go back one day.If anyone plans to do the land tour.Do it first then the cruise.Gives you time to rest up .So much to see on the land tour you don't want to miss a minute.So you may over do it and will need the break.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Hello from Atlanta.

Hello from Atlanta.


#49 confused

Count Down to 60 Begins

Today is the first day of my countdown to the 60's.....364 days to go!! Got to really make the best of this year!!

Have a Great Week all!

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