Older models still good


I currently have a 760 that has been out of commission for a few months (too cheap to buy the windshield mount and cable which was broken by a folding seat).

I can get a 760 and a 205w (with cables and mounts) from craigslist really cheap which would allow me to get 2 gps without breaking my bank. (I was thinking of just buying a cable and mount for my current gps, but if i can get 2 gps for $20-$30 more, why not)

Is getting the updated map for a older 760 and a 205w worth it?

Thoughts in the community?

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Unless you have a need for two 760s and a 205 check eBay. You can pick up a power cable for about $13 and a windshield suction cup mount for $10.


Nuvi 760 & 660, Streetpilot, GPS III, GPS 10X

760 is good

I am well satisfied with my 760. It has a combination of features that you can't get in the newer models and it also lacks some features.


Old Units

I still use my 660 and never have a problem. After reading all the problems everyone is having with the newer units I will stay with my trusty 660,until it dies. smile

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

older model

I have a c340 and wouldn't trade it in for any model currently out there. It has just the features that I need/want, nothing more. Works great, and the most up-to-date maps. If you like the one you have, there is no need to "upgrade" to a newer model. I'd say get an updated map and be happy with it smile

Streetpilot C340 Nuvi 2595 LMT

I'm very happy with my Nuvi

I'm very happy with my Nuvi 660...
Between the Lifetime Maps, Lifetime Traffic, POI's and TTS Edits we've done, we see NO Major reasons for change....

Battery is still solid, and we moved un-necessary files out of unit to make room for more POI's and Map Updates that grow in size...

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

thanks all for the

thanks all for the comments:

old unit and older model; for your models I'm assuming you are plugging your units to the computer and obtaining the updates each year? no problems from that standpoint?

I just figured for $80 I can get another 760 and the older 205W which I was going to use in my wife's car (my main concern was the suction and cable - and I do remember seeing those items on ebay) .

that's why I was wondering if a 205W with updates PLUS a 760 with mount and cable would be worth the $80...

It seem like a good deal

If you are ok with it, then it doesn't matter what we think. I would go for it as it makes for extra part's if nothing else.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T


still gets me from point a to point b .its kind of like that 2005 truck sitting in my driveway point a to point b and paid for .


Love my 765T can't find anything newer that does all that this one does.
My 2 cents

Garmin Nuvi 765T, Garmin Drive 60LM

I use a 760 in my SUV and a

I use a 760 in my SUV and a 885t in my convertible. The 885t has my speed on the screen even when I am navigating and has the next turn on the upper left portion of the screen. My 760 has neither of these. Both play MP3s which I use a lot. Newer nuvis do not play MP3s. I would prefer to have a 765t to my 760 so it's screens would be more similar but I have no plans to get rid of my 760. It works fine. I bought the 885t this year so it's maps are relatively current but I will probably pay for lifetime maps for it next year. I already got lifetime traffic for the 760 and that antenna works fine on the 885t. If one of mine broke, I would look for a 765t or 885t replacement. I think they are better for me than the latest models.


I still have a 200W and

I still have a 200W and refuse to part with it. In fact, I want a 260W to go with it, since they currently are inexpensive enough to have the one feature that I feel is a must have: upcoming cross streets in the nav bar when NOT navigating. I like to drive and see my location even if not going somewhere important, thus cross streets are a plus.

I do wish the 200W had a QWERTY keyboard, but both here and GPSPassion have tutorials on creating a near QWERTY setup. So I haven't lost any sleep over it.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams

Older Models

My 760 which is now 3 yrs old, has been nothing but excellent throughout! Basically no issues smile There will be mounting challenges in some vehicles though....

nuvi' 2450


johnm405 wrote:

I still use my 660 and never have a problem. After reading all the problems everyone is having with the newer units I will stay with my trusty 660,until it dies. smile

I feel the same about my 660. grin

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

My 250 is still plugging

My 250 is still plugging away. Lots of free memory left. Does what I need.

All the worlds indeed a stage and we are merely players. Rush


I recently gave my C550 to my sister and brother-in-law as their first GPS. I have a Nuvi 765T now and I could not bare to sell the C550 but I wanted it to get some use. Hopefully if they ever decide to upgrade, I will get it back.

I support the right to keep and arm bears.

I much prefer the Nuvi 7X0 series over the newer stuff . . .

JimD1 wrote:

I use a 760 in my SUV and a 885t in my convertible. The 885t has my speed on the screen even when I am navigating and has the next turn on the upper left portion of the screen. My 760 has neither of these. Both play MP3s which I use a lot. Newer nuvis do not play MP3s. I would prefer to have a 765t to my 760 so it's screens would be more similar but I have no plans to get rid of my 760. It works fine. I bought the 885t this year so it's maps are relatively current but I will probably pay for lifetime maps for it next year. I already got lifetime traffic for the 760 and that antenna works fine on the 885t. If one of mine broke, I would look for a 765t or 885t replacement. I think they are better for me than the latest models.


I have to admit that having the current speed onscreen while navigating is nice (I have a Zumo 660 for the bike), but I DO have a speedometer on my dash whose accuracy I know, so that isn't a hardship.

One thing the 760 does (and other Nuvi XX0 units do) MUCH better than anything newer is that street detail can be displayed when zoomed much farther out.

In a city that may not be a big deal. You get to see a thatch of gray which is useless. But when in the country, not being able to see all the smaller roads when zoomed out farther than you can see down the road is a real deal breaker.

Also, newer units do not display the names of upcoming cross-streets in the banner box; If you want to know what's ahead you have to zoom way in. Even then sometimes street names aren't shown and often you can't tell if the street you passed is the one indicated because of the way the icons are presented. And because they overlay the street names in parallel to the street image, often the name covers a connecting street, so you can't tell whether making a turn will let you get to the next street ahead - never an issue if the name is in the banner box and doesn't require you to search the screen looking for it. For me; If I am looking for a cross street and am not actively navigating it is an essential feature.

If you've never had those features you simply can't appreciate just how useful they are.


There just isn't anything in newer units that the 760 is missing that I find to be compelling in any way, shape or form - and because I have both a new generation unit and a previous generation one (and a GPSMAP 276 and a Streetpilot III) I am in a position to compare them side by side. There are lots of things that I really prefer on the old SP3 over anything since, but my all time favourite is the 276c - best display . . . . ever.

On my 760 I have Lifetime Traffic (I got hold of a lifetime traffic receiver from someone whose unit was stolen) and virtually everything else I want or need.

However one thing the 760 has which the newer units don't is decent bluetooth - the old Parrot chipset is infinitely more compatible with almost every phone than the Motorola piece of dung they are using these days;

It would be REAL nice if the 760 would support SMS messaging, the way the manual says it does. Alas, Garmin never quite delivers what it promises.

I'd say that the Sirf GPS chipset is also much better than the MTC thing they use today - I've seen my Zumo 660 'wander off' at times and have yet to see the 760 do that.

As to mapping . . . they all work with all Nuvis and they pretty much route the same from map to map, so that's a wash. Updating maps is IMHO an overblown benefit; Once every 4 or 5 years should be way more than adequate.

To the OP: Having said that you broke your mount, why not buy another 760 for the wife's car and a new mount for you so they are both the same, making them (and their accessories) interchangeable – or buy the craigslist deal (verify the serial numbers beforehand to see if the unit qualifies for support) and another mount as well? You can always use the 205 as a loaner.

Currently have: SP3, GPSMAP 276c, Nuvi 760T, Nuvi 3790LMT, Zumo 660T

I'm still using my Nuvi 360

I'm still using my Nuvi 360 and won't replace it unless it no longer works smile


My NUVI 350

777ER wrote:

I'm still using my Nuvi 360 and won't replace it unless it no longer works smile

It works fine for me, however I use my Android phone much more than the NUVI

"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”


Gary A wrote:
johnm405 wrote:

I still use my 660 and never have a problem. After reading all the problems everyone is having with the newer units I will stay with my trusty 660,until it dies. smile

I feel the same about my 660. grin

Ditto..and ditto.. grin

Both my 660...and 350 are alive and kicking.

Nuvi 350 Born Oct 07 - Nuvi 660 Unit #2 (re)Born Sept 08 - Nuvi 360(Gift to 'the chick' yet maintained by myself) Born July 08

Ditto for my 680!

Ditto for my 680!

“It’s their world. We’re just living in it.”

765T, too

I agree wholeheartedly -- I love the MP3 player function --> I record audiobooks as MP3s to keep awake on long road trips. I noticed that many of the newer nuvis lack the MP3 player...


When my trusty 760 was lost/stolen I replaced it with another 760. The new models don't make it for me. I listen to audible books when traveling for work. They help me to keep my sanity and I get PAID for listening to books while driving! The new models don't have the ability to play books from audible. The 760 gives me rock solid performance and lets me listen to my books. I also listen to some books in mp3 format. Again, this isn't available on the new models. I even use the FM transmitter. It doesn't work perfectly but I've found the best stations to use it with in the various places I have to drive for work. My new car has audio inputs but I use the old car for log work trips (why put all those miles on my good car?). The old car has no audio inputs and the tape player doesn't work so the FM transmitter is the way to go when using that vehicle.

The new models don't tempt me at all since they lack functionality that I consider important.

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

780 for me too

I would not give up my 780 for any new model. Like bramfrank stated above the upcoming street name is essential...if a unit cannot offer that I don't want it.

It seems to me that the 760/780 was the peak of Garmin offering...everything since is a much lesser package.

I am happy to have a newer unit

shrifty wrote:

I have a c340 and wouldn't trade it in for any model currently out there. It has just the features that I need/want, nothing more. Works great, and the most up-to-date maps. If you like the one you have, there is no need to "upgrade" to a newer model. I'd say get an updated map and be happy with it smile

I have a c340, but since I got my 1490T with lifetime maps, I will only keep the c340 as a backup on long trips.

The new (to me) 1490 is far superior for my needs!

Ted in Ohio, c340, 1490T with lifetime maps

I have a nuvi 760 as well

and made the decision last year to invest in the lifetime updates for maps. Mine continues to perform extremely well and as some others have said, I wouldn't "trade up" for a newer model. Of particular importance to me is the built in mp3 player.

Nuvi 3597 LMT

In Fact

In my family we have 3 660's Mine, my grandson and my son He also has one that came built-in with his sports car and still uses the 660 when he is traveling.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

I want a 765t

Or at least I think I do...
Hi everybody, i am new to this forum and have stumbled across it while I have been trying to figure out why modern day GPS devises lack important features.

I couldn`t agree more with your comments. I have been on every website and every shop in my area to try and find a GPS that has the features that I want. I have even sold a new TomTom XL2 IQ which was a birthday gift off my dad. I felt awful for doing it but it wasn`t up to the task and I think I have worked out why.

First let me tell you all what it is I would like a GPS to do.
1) Navigate around UK and Europe
2) Have a 3.5mm headphone jack (So is can use it on my motorobike and hear it in my car as my car is load)
3) FM transmitter so I can listen to MP3`s through my sterio in my car or via a tiny radio reciever and headphones while I am riding my bike.
4) Lane assistance is a feature which came in with the 765T I think which is an improvment on the 760 and might prove useful.
5)Price tag £120 approx (So Zuno is a no no)

You simp;ly can`t find a GPS today that has a Headphone jack unless you go for one from the nuvi 600 or 700 range (or Zummo)

I don`t own a GPS yet, which is why I here. Am i making the right decision with the Nuvi 765T? It looks good on paper and with a few minor modifications to make it water resistant i think it will work well on a motorbike.... thought anybody? I agree that the early models are the best but which one will suite my needs?

Thankyou if you have read this far and I welcome any advice.

750 & 760

I'm still using 750 and 760.

nüvi 750 & 760

Do you think this will do the job?

Are there any motorbikers out there who have gone the same route as me but can`t afford to get a ZUMO.


I am from the uk, so its a uk site... any thoughts anybody... is this a good unit?

It has an FM transmitter (Ive read in another thread on here that you can boost the signal)
Headphone jack (which you can`t get on new units)
SD card slot for expanding maps.
This one has lane guidence as well smile Plays MP3`s and looks the Bomb !!!!

Thought i would run it by the experts before i purchase

Buying Older Models Is A Crapshoot.

I got a nuvi 660 for Chritmas three years ago. It has features I do not use (traffic, MP3 player, etc.) and does not have routing. But I STILL think it is a great GPS, and it meets my needs.

I would be really disappointed if my 660 bricked on me. But if I HAD to replace my current GPS I would buy a new unit rather than another "used" 660. I know how I cared for MY 660 but cannot be sure if someone else isn't dumping a lemon. The low price for a used GPS that is three or four years old is no guarantee that it will work next week!

Of course, others will have a very different opinion. So the final choice is up to you.

It's a great unit

jibber101 wrote:

Are there any motorbikers out there who have gone the same route as me but can`t afford to get a ZUMO.


I am from the uk, so its a uk site... any thoughts anybody... is this a good unit?

The 765 is a great unit but it's not designed for cycles. It isn't water resistant so care has to be taken to protect it from rain/mist. The internal components and the screen aren't shock mounted, so vibration can be an issue. As this is mainly a site used by those on the other side of the pond, we will have limited exposure to what's included in the European maps, so probably not a lot of help on how some features such as Junction View (which shows a picture of an upcoming interchange) and Lane Guidance (the arrows at the top left of the screen) work in your part of the world.

Also, the 705 series is discontinued, so your chances of picking up a new unit are rather slim. I would look for a refurbished unit over a used one. With a factory refurb you get a new unit warranty and the opportunity for one single map update within the first 60 days.

jibber101 wrote:

It has an FM transmitter (Ive read in another thread on here that you can boost the signal)
Headphone jack (which you can`t get on new units)
SD card slot for expanding maps.
This one has lane guidence as well smile Plays MP3`s and looks the Bomb !!!!

Thought i would run it by the experts before i purchase

The rules for the internal FM transmitter are different between the US and Europe, but the unit will only work reliably on an open FM channel - that is no licensed FM broadcaster in range. The headphone jack (and FM XMTR) is missing from most of the "new" units so you have no means of getting instructions sent to a headset or receiver. The units also do not support transmitting through Bluetooth (Zumo excepted) so that's not an option.

Bottom line, the 765 is an excellent unit but probably not the best choice for use with a motorcycle - not that it won't work, it's just not specifically designed for that type of installation. If you take care to keep it protected from the weather, then go for it.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Nothing Out There Catches My Attention

I talked myself out of a new GPS. The models that I was interested in appear to have/ had?, some issues. My Nuvi 255W still works and looks like new. Maybe a map update...maybe.

There's nothing available that interests me. Most of the units have all of these bells and whistles that I would never use or need.

Offer a newer Nuvi 255W with a 5 inch screen and I might bite.

OK.....so where the heck am I?

Me too

johnm405 wrote:

I still use my 660 and never have a problem. After reading all the problems everyone is having with the newer units I will stay with my trusty 660,until it dies. smile

I like my 660. Maybe someday I'll upgrade but not for a while. Maybe when they give Social Security a raise.

NUVI 660, Late 2012 iMac, Macbook 2.1 Fall 2008, iPhone6 , Nuvi 3790, iPad2

Old GPS Winner

My son delivers pizza using my old Street Pilot c330 he loves it!

Flip Garmin Street P.330 Garmin 255WT Garmin LM50


Thanks for all your comments guys. A zumo is £500 and the 765 is £130. I`ll ring the company to see if its a recon and if there is warrenty etc. As for water proofing, i plan on zipping it inside a transparant shower bag/ girls make-up bag.

Vibrations could be a problem so i may need to investigate the mount properly before taking the plunge.

I`ll let you know how i get on smile

Thanks again everybody

760 is still good. Pickup

760 is still good. Pickup up new parts, and skip the new generation stuff. It took forever before Garmin made a unit that I thought was worthy of replacing my Street Pilot III.

660 nuvi

I have one as well good gps but was wondering ifyou can install poi alerts


POI alerts can be installed on the nuvi 660.

dobs108 smile

old and new--

Many of the "older" models offer capabilities that newer units lack.

As examples, my 660/680 have external antenna connectors, and a fold-out antenna that can be aimed.

I do RF stuff for a living -- I'd rather have an antenna I can point, and a connector for an external antenna.

Oh, but the 660 and 680 don't have some of the "features" of the newer units. Not ones I'm interested in, though.

Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows


k6rtm wrote:

As examples, my 660/680 have external antenna connectors...

Yes! I have a MCX connector for an external antenna as well on my 775. Very handy!

nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK

nuvi 350

I have my trusty nuvi 350 with the latest maps and it works great still. I will most likely not get a new GPS any time soon since most smart phones have that capability with traffic built in.

I like and use the 780

Great nuvi and works fine after three years of use.

No matter where you are "Life is Worth Living".

885T map update

JimD1 wrote:

I use a 760 in my SUV and a 885t in my convertible. The 885t has my speed on the screen even when I am navigating and has the next turn on the upper left portion of the screen. My 760 has neither of these. Both play MP3s which I use a lot. Newer nuvis do not play MP3s. I would prefer to have a 765t to my 760 so it's screens would be more similar but I have no plans to get rid of my 760. It works fine. I bought the 885t this year so it's maps are relatively current but I will probably pay for lifetime maps for it next year. I already got lifetime traffic for the 760 and that antenna works fine on the 885t. If one of mine broke, I would look for a 765t or 885t replacement. I think they are better for me than the latest models.


The 885t lifetime map update is available at Amazon for 59:99, plus this model is also obsolete.
I have one and would not trade it for another unless it broke and they placed an mp3player and aux jack on the new model.

Being ALL I can be for HIM! Jesus. Kenwood DNX9980HD Garmin 885t

I am still using the ...

I still have the StreetPoilot c530 and love it very much.. I do have a droid but the garmin still is my way to go.. i wouldnt go withhout it.. Oh yea, when I boought it, I never updateded the map and do not plan to,, stll works great for me!

Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"

I use a 760.....

a lot while traveling as tour bus driver. I have a 200 as back up. I like the sleek design of the 3790 but I won't pay that kind of money for it now.



Box Car wrote:
jibber101 wrote:

The 765 is a great unit but it's not designed for cycles.
The rules for the internal FM transmitter are different between the US and Europe, but the unit will only work reliably on an open FM channel - that is no licensed FM broadcaster in range. The headphone jack (and FM XMTR) is missing from most of the "new" units so you have no means of getting instructions sent to a headset or receiver. The units also do not support transmitting through Bluetooth (Zumo excepted) so that's not an option.

The 765 is the only Nuvi that CAN connect to an external Bluetooth device in the same manner as the Zumos. It supports A2DP connections, so the MP3 player ought to work through your Bluetooth connection in Stereo, though I have not tried it.

Currently have: SP3, GPSMAP 276c, Nuvi 760T, Nuvi 3790LMT, Zumo 660T

good info

bramfrank wrote:
Box Car wrote:

The 765 is a great unit but it's not designed for cycles.
The rules for the internal FM transmitter are different between the US and Europe, but the unit will only work reliably on an open FM channel - that is no licensed FM broadcaster in range. The headphone jack (and FM XMTR) is missing from most of the "new" units so you have no means of getting instructions sent to a headset or receiver. The units also do not support transmitting through Bluetooth (Zumo excepted) so that's not an option.

The 765 is the only Nuvi that CAN connect to an external Bluetooth device in the same manner as the Zumos. It supports A2DP connections, so the MP3 player ought to work through your Bluetooth connection in Stereo, though I have not tried it.

That's good to know. I wasn't aware the 765 had the A2DP profile.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

Oldies but Goodies

I still take my Nuvi260 out for a spin along with the 265W. The 260 seems to be built a little more robustly compared to the 265. My granddaughter (aged 6) uses the 260 when we take her on road trips and she has dropped the 260 a few times (getting better now) but it has "taken a licking and kept on ticking"

Nuvi2797LMT (2) Nuvi260,Ford Sync3 Navigation. Captain Cook was a Yorkshire man too.

In Total Agreement!

I couldn't agree more!!

Gary A wrote:
johnm405 wrote:

I still use my 660 and never have a problem. After reading all the problems everyone is having with the newer units I will stay with my trusty 660,until it dies. smile

I feel the same about my 660. grin

Ditto..and ditto.. grin

Both my 660...and 350 are alive and kicking.

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Older Models .....

I have an old 200W and it does everything I need. I bought a cheapo 2Gig SD card (around $5)and loaded all the pictures, POIs, and sounds I thought I needed and still have loads of memory left over. The unit gets me there and back without fail. Until someone comes out with something I can't live without, or this one bites the gib one, this unit will be my only GPS unit. Kind of like the perfect wife, stick with what works for you.

Gary Thompson
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