{Resolved} : Need help with 1490T
14 years
Could someone backup their help, text and keyboard folders to a zip folder and post a link or send through a private message? I thought I could re-download the contents of these folders via webupdater but that's not the case.
{Solution found}:
Files needed were D162200.zip H005400.zip D143400.zip D166000.zip D165900.zip and D235100.zip. These are seen in the garmindevice.xml file. Just change a number in the major or minor tag to fool webupdater into thinking you have an older version of the file.
This gave me the option to reinstall the Localization Data xml file, the help files for the nuvi 12xx-14xx, the language text files, the keyboard files, the text translations, and the traffic text.
Couldn't believe how simple it was!
Hopefully this is helpful information for others in the same situation.
what happened to yours?
just wondering why you are asking?
Go to My Garmin page
Go to My Garmin page https://my.garmin.com/mygarmin/customers/myGarminHome.faces and click on mydashboard.Connect unit and follow instuctions.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Mygarmin just tells me
Mygarmin just tells me everything's up to date. My reason behind my request is that I deleted my files. They aren't really needed but I'd like to have them back in case I ever sell the unit.
Not sure what is going
Not sure what is going on.Dashboard always shows you need a update in the past.I ran it one time and one time only because it put back all the text,help and voice files I deleted.Most of the users here use Webupdater because of that reason.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Yeah...the dashboard is crap>>>
Not sure what is going on.Dashboard always shows you need a update in the past.I ran it one time and one time only because it put back all the text,help and voice files I deleted.Most of the users here use Webupdater because of that reason.
use the webupdater...never had a problem with the webupdater...always a problem with the dashboard.
"You can't get there from here"
Webupdater only recommends voice files
I see no help, keyboard, or text files when using webupdater. If someone with a 1490T could please backup your Text, Help, and Keyboard folders and upload them, I'd gladly appreciate it.
Thank-you very much,
You need to scroll down with the updater to see any new (highlighted) additions.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Nothing else but voice files
All webupdater will show me are voice files (even when I use the scroll bar). Does this method really work for everyone else?
Mygarmin just tells me everything's up to date. My reason behind my request is that I deleted my files. They aren't really needed but I'd like to have them back in case I ever sell the unit.
Just put a check mark in what items you want, and click 'Next'. That should re-download them to the unit.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
I'll clarify. I deleted the
I'll clarify. I deleted the Help, Text, and Keyboard folders from my nuvi gps. I have used mygarmin and webupdater to no avail. Webupdater does not list any help files, text files, or keyboard files for me to download (only voice files that I got rid of).
Mygarmin.com tells me my unit is up to date. I don't believe that I will get these files back from either of these update services.
If needed I can show you screen captures to verify this.
OK, I get it now. Sorry if I seemed a tad obtuse. That presents a real quandary. Have you contacted Garmin about this?
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
BACKUP (did we mention one ought to backup)
Hopefully one good result from this problem is that more people will see the wisdom of making a full backup of their unit.
I only backed up the .system
I only backed up the .system folder. Thought everything else could be replaced by the webupdater software. Wouldn't be in this predicament otherwise. The unit works just fine. I just don't have any help files or the ability to change the text language displayed.
Please can some 1490t owner send me these 3 folders? You can upload them onto sendspace.com.
It really is a simple thing to do.
Just bumping the topic to the top
Read my first post. I hope the information is helpful to others.
Good to see you got 'er done, and fixed!
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Problem solved
Could someone backup their help, text and keyboard folders to a zip folder and post a link or send through a private message? I thought I could re-download the contents of these folders via webupdater but that's not the case.
{Solution found}:
Files needed were D162200.zip H005400.zip D143400.zip D166000.zip D165900.zip and D235100.zip. These are seen in the garmindevice.xml file. Just change a number in the major or minor tag to fool webupdater into thinking you have an older version of the file.
This gave me the option to reinstall the Localization Data xml file, the help files for the nuvi 12xx-14xx, the language text files, the keyboard files, the text translations, and the traffic text.
Couldn't believe how simple it was!
Hopefully this is helpful information for others in the same situation.
May want to sent your solution to the site and have it posted on the FAQ.After a while it will hard to find it if needed by someone else with same problem.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.