Invalid file (Extra_POI_Editor)
Wed, 06/16/2010 - 3:21pm
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![]() 16 years
I have created a GPX file using Extra_POI_Editor. For some reason I get an "invaild file" error when using the Garmin POI Loader. The file loads properly in MapSource.
Any Suggestions? Thanks
More info
I have created a GPX file using Extra_POI_Editor. For some reason I get an "invaild file" error when using the Garmin POI Loader. The file loads properly in MapSource.
Any Suggestions? Thanks
What is the full name on the folder/file/extension?
Did you use some file as input to EPE or did you enter totally new data points?
What was the full error message from POI loade
it's something like empty data fields. You may also want to just recreate the GPX as sometimes it will write a bad file.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
invaild file
When I first created the file months ago the POI Loader worked just fine. I have recently corrected/deleted some of the entries and then resorted the POIs in EPE. That is when the trouble began.
I "Browse" to select the input file so I'll have to try and load again to see the exact directory path; it's many layers deep.
The error message shows the directory path with file name and say...invalid file.
The GPS is out of the huse right now I'll try to get the exact path and message later.
When I use a CSV file to recreate a new GPX file, there is no problem...except...I have information in the original GPX file that cannot be included in the CSV file. I hate the thought of reentering all that additional information.
Other things to check
When I first created the file months ago the POI Loader worked just fine. I have recently corrected/deleted some of the entries and then resorted the POIs in EPE. That is when the trouble began.
I "Browse" to select the input file so I'll have to try and load again to see the exact directory path; it's many layers deep.
The error message shows the directory path with file name and say...invalid file.
The GPS is out of the huse right now I'll try to get the exact path and message later.
If you did a browse in POI Loader to get to the file, then that is probably not the issue. I asked the question becase I have been caught by POI loader remembering a file name that I thought was correct EXCEPT that I had moved it to another directory.
You do need to make sure the file extension is .gpx, not something else.
In "correcting" some entries, you may have pit in a blank field as has already been suggested.
The Solution
The answer seems to lie in the web link field. I had included a link that began http://. Once I removed the link, the file loaded properly. Maybe I should just used www at the begining.
Thanks to turboccc for some suggestions on debugging the GPX file with a multi-column CSV file.
What was the link for?
The answer seems to lie in the web link field. I had included a link that began http://. Once I removed the link, the file loaded properly. Maybe I should just used www at the begining.
Thanks to turboccc for some suggestions on debugging the GPX file with a multi-column CSV file.
What would the link have done had it been acceptable?
The link'
The only value of the link field is to save the web address of the campground. It's of no value in navigation but it could make it easier to find information about rates and features of the campground.
I'll have to check and see if the link shows up in MapSource.
The link'
The only value of the link field is to save the web address of the campground. It's of no value in navigation but it could make it easier to find information about rates and features of the campground.
I'll have to check and see if the link shows up in MapSource.
Double quotes
Isn't there something about enclosing certain fields in double quotes?
Please post the file
Please post the file somewhere so we can all have a look at it. Alternatively, you can email it to me and I will check it. Most of the time, there is an illegal character somewhere. I have seen everything, so no special hint I can give you.
email: turboccc at
To Turboccc
Actually, I did send the file to you through email. Your suggestion in a reply email is what helped me debug the file. Thanks for your help.
Same thing
This same thing happened to me. My problem was I left the . out of one of the Latitdes in my file.
Each time this happens I now look for a missing . and that is what it is. Guess my fingers don't slways want to put the . where it goes!!
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
Congratulations on your EUREKA! moment. Those little things can drive you carzy.
Yes, I have seen someone replacing a 0 by a O in the lon/lat coordinates. Hard to see...
Issues with GE and POI Loader by Lino
Yesterday I read the thread trying to solve the problem I will describe below. It gave some ideas on how dealing my case, and I want sharing my solution with you and others. I hope you can append all of the text below to the thread (I don’t want yet another registration process in yet another website). I sent this message to you as you shared your e-mail address in the thread. Best regards.
On 2011-02-02 I found that my custom POI creation process for my Garmin units (which is Google Earth-->redlight.KMZ-->GPSVisualizer-->redlight.GPX-->POILoader-->GPS) suddenly wasn’t working at all. Just for clarifying, I use the file name redlight for having proximity alerts to my POIs from my GPS.
The POILoader stage reported an invalid file error message without any other clues, wild thing. I have Windows 7, Google Earth (beta), and POILoader 2.6.0.
I copied the GPSVisualizer plain text output results of the gpx file for checking them out in Excel, ordered the rows for easy reading, and in my 1,300+ rows file I found a few of them with a Google Earth field for “elevation” with strange values, e.g. <ele>-7.073241732324931e-010</ele>.
My solution: I manually deleted those <ele>something</ele> rows in the plain text contents and saved these contents as redlight.GPX from NotePad, and then, when I executed again the POILoader-->GPS stage, the whole process worked like a charm.
How this bug appeared in my process?: I’m pretty confident that those <ele> fields appeared when I created some waypoints in Google Earth while playing with “Tools/Options/Show terrain” selected.
Hope this solution helps any others.
Invalid File - GPX for 21,075 NORTH AMERICA CAMPGROUNDS (GPX)"
I downloaded this file, as usual, and received an "Invalid GPX" notification when using the Garmin POI Loader.
too many entries
I have run into a "size" limit with POI Loader before.
As a test, I deleted 103 entries from the front of the file. POI Loader took that.
There is some limit to the size of a file POI Loader will accept. I have fooled around with trying to isolate the limit but have been unsuccessful.
Maybe I'll work some more on it.
Note that EPE is happy to read the 21075 entry file.
If reduce to 20986
If you reduce the file to 20986 entries, then POI Loader will accept the file.
I kept reducing the file by 10 until I got a file that worked and then I went up by 5 until it didn't then went up by 1 until it did.
02/04/2016 01:16 PM 10,214,107 20985 North America Campgrounds by rivopom.gpxx
02/04/2016 01:18 PM 10,214,604 20986 North America Campgrounds by rivopom.gpx
02/03/2016 09:03 PM 10,257,445 21075 North America Campgrounds by rivopom.gpxx
02/04/2016 01:32 PM 0 contents.txt
I was not sure what this meant. So I got the .csv file of campgrounds and converted it to a .gpx file using EPE. POI Loader has no problem with that .gpx file.
Campgrounds by rivopom.gpxx
02/04/2016 01:37 PM 2,230,427 21050 North America Campgrounds by rivopom.csvx
02/04/2016 01:38 PM 5,735,759 21050 North America 02/04/2016 01:39 PM 0 contents.txt
I then looked at the differences in the .gpx files for the 21075 GPX file and the 21050 CSV file.
A similar entry looks like what is listed below with the CSV converted to GPX file first
<wpt lat="40.457238" lon="-115.653227">CRLF
<name>Zunino/Jiggs Reservoir Recreation Area BLM</name>CRLF
<cmt>Rt 228,LF
(775) 753-0200</cmt>CRLF
<wpt lat="40.457238" lon="-115.653227">CRLF
<name>Zunino/Jiggs Reservoir Recreation Area BLM</name>CRLF
<cmt> </cmt>CRLF
<gpxx:PhoneNumber>(775) 753-0200</gpxx:PhoneNumber>CRLF
It looks like the fact that "Address" "StreetAddress" "City" and "PhoneNumber" are extra characters in every entry has of the GPX file has created a situation where POI Loader has run out of space in its work area.
Anyone have any ideas.
Its what is used to create the file.
Before we had EPE, I had used other methods to create the GPX file and found that different Utils and programs will write the file out different. Some will add a space or 2 to keep a place holder while EPE does not, in fact, if EPE has a blank field, it sometimes skips even the header unless it is def. needed.
Some GPX files will have Every field in it even if it is not needed, that makes it harder to read/write back.
Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"