POI Factory updates


Have a question, when you download the latest update for cameras and speed alerts do you keep the older updates along withe the new?


I just overwrite the old file

Val - Nuvi 785t and Streetpilot C340


No. Delete the old after downloading the new. Otherwise you will end up with duplicates.


Overwrite them generally, but may keep the previous week's file on occasion.

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Should not..

Me being a person that does poi files, I would not6 keep older ones of any kind since the update reflects a change - normaly a place or such that is no longer there.

Please note however some poi files you may one to keep.. one being mine - the odd places to visit. but now, I am taking alot of peoples advice and leaving it in the file but marking it as ***Gone*** I may take those entries at a later date and move them to a new file for all missing attractins since many times the building or other place still maybe there. not sure yet.

So in my opinion in most poi files you will just want to replace bu with one or 2 (just for history value) you will want to keep it.

What does other think?

Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"

I overwrite

them, but keep the previous week's file as a back up. Belt and suspenders smile

Only the new

jd1093 wrote:

Have a question, when you download the latest update for cameras and speed alerts do you keep the older updates along withe the new?

When the file is downloaded, it goes into the download folder on my computer. I then move the new file to the folder I use as input to POI Loader overwriting the old file.

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I always overwrite mine

I download and save mine to the location I upload mine from on the computer and just use "save as" and click on the existing file to auto write the name into the select bar then select "yes" to overwrite.

JRoz -- DriveSmart 55 & Traffic

You download a complete file

jd1093 wrote:

Have a question, when you download the latest update for cameras and speed alerts do you keep the older updates along withe the new?

If you are thinking that you are only downloading "updates" to the camera and speed alert file, you are mistaken. What you download is always a complete file of all the cameras known to POI-factory. There may have been cameras removed because they were no longer allowed in that municipality. There surely will be new cameras that have recently been reported. There may be cameras whose coordinates have been tweaked to be more accurate.


I generally overwrite them. I don't have a valid reason to keep older versions unless they were ones that I submitted, just in case I made a major mistake. Have a good week everyone.

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Delete after a week.

I keep the old one for a week or so then i delete them. I don't want to load an old by mistake!

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