[Solved] Magenta backgrounds to POI .bmp's?
Fri, 02/05/2010 - 11:01pm
16 years
What is it with the magenta backgrounds for the .bmp files? I hate it!
I've used the 255,0,255 background colors, but get the standard green backgrounds like Garmin's stuff. It makes it very hard to see.
There has to be a way to get a truly transparent .bmp. What's the solution?
It works for me.
It took a while for me to get it to work for my H-D Dealers POIs. Check out this icon, renaming it to a Custom POI file you have and see if the logo shows up. If so, just open it in paint and change the pixels to be those of your POIs.
Zumo 550 & Zumo 665 My alarm clock is sunshine on chrome.
It's still magenta in the background... This was the bitmap that actually spurred this post, from the new HD thread.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Transparent backgrounds
This link has good info:
Thanks, that did it!
The problem was, the bitmap needs to be indexed, not RGB.
I thank you for the link!
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK